Swift(UI)中的“ some”关键字是什么?


struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {

Text("Hello World")








some View是SE-0244引入的不透明结果类型,在带有Xcode 11的Swift



protocol P {}

struct S1 : P {}

struct S2 : P {}

func foo<T : P>(_ x: T) {}

foo(S1()) // Caller chooses T == S1.

foo(S2()) // Caller chooses T == S2.

不透明的结果类型是 实现 满足的隐式通用占位符,因此您可以考虑一下:

func bar() -> some P {

return S1() // Implementation chooses S1 for the opaque result.



func bar() -> <Output : P> Output {

return S1() // Implementation chooses Output == S1.


实际上,此功能的最终目标是允许以更明确的形式使用反向泛型,这也将使您添加约束,例如-> <T : Collection> T where

T.Element == Int。有关更多信息,请参见此帖子。

要摆脱的主要问题是,函数返回some P是一个函数,该函数返回符合的特定 单个 具体类型的值P。尝试在函数中返回不同的符合类型会产生编译器错误:

// error: Function declares an opaque return type, but the return

// statements in its body do not have matching underlying types.

func bar(_ x: Int) -> some P {

if x > 10 {

return S1()

} else {

return S2()




这与returning函数相反P,后者可以用于表示 两者S1S2因为它表示任意P符合的值:

func baz(_ x: Int) -> P {

if x > 10 {

return S1()

} else {

return S2()



好的,不透明结果类型-> some P比协议返回类型有什么好处-> P




func giveMeACollection() -> some Collection {

return [1, 2, 3]


let collection = giveMeACollection()

print(collection.count) // 3




//   foo() -> <Output : Equatable> Output {

func foo() -> some Equatable {

return 5 // The opaque result type is inferred to be Int.


let x = foo()

let y = foo()

print(x == y) // Legal both x and y have the return type of foo.


protocol Equatable {

static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool



func foo(_ x: Int) -> Equatable { // Assume this is legal.

if x > 10 {

return 0

} else {

return "hello world"



let x = foo(20)

let y = foo(5)

print(x == y) // Illegal.


In a similar manner, if we introduced another opaque type returning function:

//   foo() -> <Output1 : Equatable> Output1 {

func foo() -> some Equatable {

return 5 // The opaque result type is inferred to be Int.


// bar() -> <Output2 : Equatable> Output2 {

func bar() -> some Equatable {

return "" // The opaque result type is inferred to be String.


let x = foo()

let y = bar()

print(x == y) // Illegal, the return type of foo != return type of bar.

The example becomes illegal because although both foo and bar return some

Equatable, their “reverse” generic placeholders Output1 and Output2 could

be satisfied by different types.

3. Opaque result types compose with generic placeholders

Unlike regular protocol-typed values, opaque result types compose well with

regular generic placeholders, for example:

protocol P {

var i: Int { get }


struct S : P {

var i: Int


func makeP() -> some P { // Opaque result type inferred to be S.

return S(i: .random(in: 0 ..< 10))


func bar<T : P>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> T {

return x.i < y.i ? x : y


let p1 = makeP()

let p2 = makeP()

print(bar(p1, p2)) // Legal, T is inferred to be the return type of makeP.

This wouldn’t have worked if makeP had just returned P, as two P values

may have different underlying concrete types, for example:

struct T : P {

var i: Int


func makeP() -> P {

if .random() { // 50:50 chance of picking each branch.

return S(i: 0)

} else {

return T(i: 1)



let p1 = makeP()

let p2 = makeP()

print(bar(p1, p2)) // Illegal.

Why use an opaque result type over the concrete type?

At this point you may be thinking to yourself, why not just write the code as:

func makeP() -> S {

return S(i: 0)


Well, the use of an opaque result type allows you to make the type S an

implementation detail by exposing only the interface provided by P, giving

you flexibility of changing the concrete type later down the line without

breaking any code that depends on the function.

For example, you could replace:

func makeP() -> some P {

return S(i: 0)



func makeP() -> some P { 

return T(i: 1)


without breaking any code that calls makeP().

See the Opaque Types section of the language guide and the Swift

evolution proposal for further

information on this feature.

以上是 Swift(UI)中的“ some”关键字是什么? 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/426841.html
