


<!-- <button bindtap='close'>关闭</button><button bindtap='open'>打开</button> -->

<view wx:if='{{login}}' class='login_zz'></view>

<button wx:if='{{login}}' class='login' bindgetuserinfo='userinfo' open-type="getUserInfo">登录</button>

<view class='page_bg' wx:if='{{block}}' bindtap='hide_bg' />

<view class='btn_bg' wx:if='{{block}}'>

<view wx:for="{{link_list}}" wx:key='index'>

<button class="sp_tit" id='{{index}}' bindtap='list_item'>查看详情 {{item}} </button>



<scroll-view class="history" scroll-y="true" scroll-with-animation scroll-top="{{scrollTop}}">

<block wx:key="{{index}}" wx:for="{{allContentList}}">

<block wx:if="{{item.is_my}}">

<view class='my_right new_txt'>

<view class='time' wx:if='{{item.messageTime&&item.messageTime!=0}}'> {{item.messageTime}} </view>

<view class='p_r page_r' style='margin-right: 25rpx;' wx:if='{{item.text}}'>

<view class='new_txt'>

<view class='new_txt_my'>

<view class='arrow'>




<text decode="true">{{item.text}}</text> </view>


<image class='new_img' src='{{item.avatarUrl}}'></image>


<view class='p_r page_r' style='margin-right: 25rpx;' wx:if='{{item.audio}}' bindtap='my_audio_click' data-id='{{index}}'>

<view class='new_txt_my_2' style=' width:{{item.length}}px'>

<image class='my_audio' src='/images/yuyin_icon.png'></image>


<span class='_span'></span>

<open-data class='new_img' type="userAvatarUrl"></open-data>




<!-- <view class='you_left' id='id_{{allContentList.length}}'> -->

<block wx:if="{{item.is_ai&&item.is_ai!=''}}">

<view class='you_left' style='width:100%;' id='id_{{allContentList.length}}' wx:key="{{index}}">

<view class='time' wx:if='{{item.messageTime}}'> {{item.messageTime}} </view>

<view class='p_r' style='margin-left: 20rpx;'>

<image class='new_img' src='{{item.avatarUrl}}'></image>

<view class='new_txt'>

<view class='new_txt_ai'>

<view class='arrow'>




<view class='ai_content'>

<!-- <text wx:if='{{item.type=="1"}}' decode="true">{{item.text}}</text> -->

<text decode="true">{{item.text}}</text>

<!-- <image wx:if='{{item.type=="2"}}' style='width:160rpx;height:160rpx;' src='{{item.src}}'></image> -->


<view class='yes_problem_log' wx:if="{{item.yse_problem&&item.solve_show}}" style=''>感谢您的反馈,我们会再接再厉!</view>

<view class='yes_problem_log' style='color:#32CF3C' wx:if="{{item.no_problem&&item.solve_show}}" bindtap='phone_click'>拨打人工客服</view>








<!-- 遮罩 -->

<view class='zezhao' wx:if='{{cross}}' bindtap='add_icon_click' id='2'></view>

<!-- 输入框 -->

<view class='{{cross?"in_voice_icon":""}}'>

<view class="sendmessage" style='bottom:{{input_bottom}}px'>

<input type="text" style='{{focus?"border-bottom: 1px solid #88DD4B;":""}}' adjust-position='{{false}}' cursor-spacing='5' bindinput="bindKeyInput" value='{{inputValue}}' focus='{{focus}}' bindblur='no_focus' bindfocus="focus" confirm-type="done" placeholder="请输入您要咨询的问题"


<button wx:if='{{if_send&&inputValue!=""}}' bindtap="submitTo" class='user_input_text'>发送</button>

<image class='add_icon' bindtap='add_icon_click' id='1' wx:if='{{add&&!if_send&&inputValue==""}}' src='/images/jia_img.png'></image>

<image class='add_icon' bindtap='add_icon_click' id='2' wx:if='{{cross}}' src='/images/audio/cross37.png'></image>


<view wx:if='{{cross}}' class='item' bindtap='phone_click'>

<image class='img' src='/images/yuyin_icon.png'></image>

<view class='text'>人工客服</view>



<!-- <view class='zezhao' wx:if='{{add_icon_click}}' bindtap='add_icon_click'></view> -->

<!-- <view class='in_voice_icon'>

<view class="sendmessage_2">

<input type="text" bindinput="bindKeyInput" adjust-position='{{false}}' value='{{inputValue}}' focus='{{focus}}' bindfocus="focus" confirm-type="done" placeholder="" />

<image class='add_icon' bindtap='add_icon_click' src='/images/audio/cross37.png'></image>


<view class='item' bindtap='phone_click'>

<image class='img' src='/images/yuyin_icon.png'></image>

<view class='text'>人工客服</view>


</view> -->

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/* 聊天 */

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width: 60rpx;

height: 60rpx;

margin: 0 auto;

padding: 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx;


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width: 70rpx;

height: 70rpx;

margin: 0 auto;

padding: 20rpx 10rpx 10rpx 15rpx;


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height: 75rpx;

line-height: 85rpx;

text-align: center;

border-radius: 15rpx;

border: 1px solid #d0d0d0;


.zezhao {

height: 100%;

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;

z-index: 2;

width: 100%;

background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


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z-index: 3;

left: 0;

bottom: 0;

width: 100%;

position: absolute;

height: 500rpx;

background: #f8f8f8;


.in_voice_icon .item {

position: relative;

margin-top: 50rpx;

margin-left: 50rpx;

text-align: center;

width: 140rpx;


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width: 80rpx;

height: 80rpx;

border-radius: 15rpx;


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font-size: 32rpx;

margin-top: 20rpx;


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width: 100%;

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bottom: 0px;

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height: 100rpx;


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margin-left: 20rpx;

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padding-left: 20rpx;


.sendmessage button {

border: 1px solid white;

width: 18%;

height: 80rpx;

background: #0c0;

color: white;

line-height: 80rpx;

margin-top: 10rpx;

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.hei {

height: 20rpx;


.history {

height: 88%;

display: flex;

font-size: 14px;

line-height: 50rpx;

position: relative;

top: 20rpx;


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bottom: 160rpx;

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text-align: center;

left: 50%;

margin-left: -40rpx;

width: 100rpx;

height: 100rpx;

border-radius: 50%;


// pages/index/to_news/to_news.js

var app = getApp();

var util = require("../../utils/util.js");

var socketOpen = false;

var uuid = '',

time_ = "1";

var recorder = wx.getRecorderManager();

const innerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext() //获取播放对象var

frameBuffer_Data, session, SocketTask, string_base64;


data: {

login: false,

listCustmerServiceBanner: [],

indicatorDots: false,

autoplay: false,

interval: 5000,

duration: 1000,

user_input_text: '', //用户输入文字

inputValue: '',

time: '',

returnValue: '',

if_send: false,

add: true,

cross: false, // is_my: true, text: '12432'

allContentList: [{}, {

is_ai: []


num: 0

}, // 页面加载

onLoad: function(e) {

var that = this;

if (wx, wx.getStorageSync('openid')) {


login: false


} else {


login: true



let url = app.url + '/show.php'

util.request(url, 'post', {}, '正在加载···', function(res) {

for (var i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) {

console.log(i, res.data[i].iv, wx.getStorageSync('openid'))

if (res.data[i].iv == wx.getStorageSync('openid')) {

res.data[i].is_my = true

} else {

res.data[i].is_ai = true




allContentList: res.data,

inputValue: ''




}, // 获取用户信息并且登录,获取openid

userinfo: function(e) {

var that = this;

var nickName = JSON.parse(e.detail.rawData).nickName;

var avatarUrl = JSON.parse(e.detail.rawData).avatarUrl;

console.log('nickName:', nickName, 'avatarUrl:', avatarUrl)

wx.setStorageSync('nickName', nickName)

wx.setStorageSync('avatarUrl', avatarUrl)


success: function(res) {

let url = app.url + '/login.php'

if (res.code) {

util.request(url, 'post', {

code: res.code

}, '正在登录···', function(res) {


if (res.data.openid) {

var openid = res.data.openid;

wx.setStorageSync('openid', openid);

if (avatarUrl && openid) {


title: '登录成功!',



login: false








}, // 页面加载完成

onReady: function() {

var that = this;



}, // 提交文字

submitTo: function(e) {


let that = this;

if (that.data.inputValue == "") {



var url = app.url + '/up_text.php'

var data = {

avatarUrl: wx.getStorageSync('avatarUrl'),

iv: wx.getStorageSync('openid'),

inputValue: that.data.inputValue,

time: (new Date()).getTime()


console.log('提交文字data:', data)

util.request(url, 'post', data, '', function(res) { // res.data = res.data.reverse();

for (var i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) {

console.log(i, res.data[i].iv, wx.getStorageSync('openid'))

if (res.data[i].iv == wx.getStorageSync('openid')) {

res.data[i].is_my = true

} else {

res.data[i].is_ai = true




allContentList: res.data,

inputValue: ''



}, function(res) {})

}, // 点击加号

add_icon_click: function(e) {

console.log(e.target.id) // e.target.id == 1 点击加号 ==2 点击 X

if (e.target.id == 2) {


add: true,

cross: false,

input_bottom: 0


} else if (e.target.id == 1) {


add: false,

cross: true,

input_bottom: 240



}, // 输入框

bindKeyInput: function(e) {


if (e.detail.value == "") {


if_send: false,

inputValue: e.detail.value


} else {


if_send: true,

inputValue: e.detail.value



}, // 获取到焦点

focus: function(e) {

var that = this;



focus: true,

add: true,

cross: false,

input_bottom: e.detail.height


}, // 失去焦点

no_focus: function(e) {

if (this.data.cross) {


focus: false,

input_bottom: 240,


} else {


focus: false,

input_bottom: 0




onHide: function() {}, // 获取hei的id节点然后屏幕焦点调转到这个节点

bottom: function() {

var that = this;


scrollTop: 100000



hide_bg: function() {


block: false


}, // 点击录音事件

my_audio_click: function(e) {

console.log('my_audio_click执行了', e)

var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;

console.log('url地址', this.data.allContentList[index].audio);

innerAudioContext.src = this.data.allContentList[index].audio



}, // 手指点击录音

voice_ing_start: function() {

var that = this;


voice_ing_start_date: new Date().getTime(), //记录开始点击的时间


const options = {

duration: 10000, //指定录音的时长,单位 ms

sampleRate: 16000, //采样率

numberOfChannels: 1, //录音通道数

encodeBitRate: 24000, //编码码率

format: 'mp3', //音频格式,有效值 aac/mp3

frameSize: 12, //指定帧大小,单位 KB


recorder.start(options) //开始录音

this.animation = wx.createAnimation({

duration: 1200,

}) //播放按钮动画

that.animation.scale(0.8, 0.8); //还原


spreakingAnimation: that.animation.export()


}, // 录音监听事件

on_recorder: function() {

recorder.onStart((res) => {



recorder.onStop((res) => {

console.log('停止录音,临时路径', res.tempFilePath); // _tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath;

var x = new Date().getTime() - this.data.voice_ing_start_date

if (x > 1000) {


is_my: true,

audio: res.tempFilePath,

length: x / 1000 * 30



allContentList: that.data.allContentList




recorder.onFrameRecorded((res) => {

var x = new Date().getTime() - this.data.voice_ing_start_date

if (x > 1000) {

console.log('onFrameRecorded res.frameBuffer', res.frameBuffer);

string_base64 = wx.arrayBufferToBase64(res.frameBuffer) // console.log('string_base64--', wx.arrayBufferToBase64(string_base64))

if (res.isLastFrame) {

var data = {

audioType: 3,

cmd: 1,

type: 2,

signType: 'BASE64',

session: session,

body: string_base64,


console.log('that.data.allContentList', that.data.allContentList) // 进行下一步操作

} else {

var data = {

cmd: 1,

audioType: 2,

type: 2,

signType: 'BASE64',

session: session,

body: string_base64


console.log('录音上传的data:', data)




}, // 手指松开录音

voice_ing_end: function() {

var that = this;


voice_icon_click: false,

animationData: {}


this.animation = "";

var x = new Date().getTime() - this.data.voice_ing_start_date

if (x < 1000) {



title: '提示',

content: '说话要大于1秒!',



} else { // 录音停止,开始上传



}, // 点击语音图片

voice_icon_click: function() {


voice_icon_click: !this.data.voice_icon_click





以上是 微信小程序实现聊天室 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/p/217586.html
