1 <template>2 <div class="home-wrapper">
3 <div class="home-top">this is from Home.vue</div>
4 <!--num>10,背景颜色红色,否则橙色-->
5 <div class="test" :class="num>10? bgColor1: bgColor2">this is a test,num is : {{num}}</div>
6 <button @click="changeNum">click to change num</button>
7 <div class="test2" :style="{fontSize: fontSize+ 'px'}">this is test2</div>
8 <button @click="changeTest2FontSize">click to change fontSize</button>
9 </div>
10 </template>
12 <script>
13 export default {
14 name: 'Home',
15 data () {
16 return {
17 num: '',
18 bgColor1: 'bgColor1',
19 bgColor2: 'bgColor2',
20 fontSize: 10
21 }
22 },
23 methods: {
24 changeNum () {
25 this.num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20)
26 console.log(this.num)
27 },
28 changeTest2FontSize () {
29 if (this.fontSize < 30) {
30 this.fontSize = 30
31 } else {
32 this.fontSize = 15
33 }
34 }
35 }
36 }
37 </script>
39 <style lang="scss" scoped>
40 .home-wrapper{
41 width: 80%;
42 display: flex;
43 align-items: center;
44 flex-direction: column;
45 .home-top{
46 width: 300px;
47 height: 100px;
48 }
49 .bgColor1{
50 background-color: red;
51 }
52 .bgColor2{
53 background-color: orange;
54 }
55 .test{
56 width: 300px;
57 height: 200px;
58 }
59 }
61 </style>
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以上是 vue中样式的典型操作(:class,:style) 的全部内容, 来源链接: