





select distinct * | 字段 from 表名
where 查询条件
group by 分组字段 having 分组条件
order by 排序字段 asc | desc


二. 单行子查询

  • 只返回一条记录

  • 单行操作符


  • 编写步骤,将一个需求拆分成多个子需求,依次完成每一个子需求,最后将组合子需求





select avg(ac.usenum) from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.month="01";


select * from t_account ac

where ac.year="2012" and



select * from t_account ac

where ac.year="2012" and

ac.month="01" and ac.usenum>=(

select avg(ac.usenum) from t_account ac where ac.year="2012" and






三. 多行子查询


  • 返回了多条记录
  • 多行操作符



--1查询地址编号为1 、3、4 的业主记录

select * from t_owners ow where ow.addressid in(1,3,4);



select ad.id from t_address ad where ad.name like "%花园%";


select * from t_owners ow where ow.addressid

in(select ad.id from t_address ad where ad.name like "%花园%");


select * from t_owners ow ,t_address ad

where ow.addressid=ad.id and ad.name like "%花园%";


select * from t_owners ow where ow.addressid

not in(select ad.id from t_address ad where ad.name like "%花园%");




select max(ac.usenum) from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.month="03";


select * from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.usenum>13808;


select * from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.usenum>(select max(ac.usenum) from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.month="03");



select ac.usenum from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.month="03";


select * from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.usenum >all(13808,13390);


select * from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.usenum >all(select ac.usenum from t_account ac where ac.year="2012"

and ac.month="03");



四. 嵌套子查询

  • 嵌套子查询:在子查询中再次嵌入子查询





select a.id from t_area a where a.name="海淀";

--2 查询地址,条件,名称含"花园"和区域id

select ad.id from t_address ad

where ad.name like "%花园%" and

ad.areaid=(select a.id from t_area a where a.name="海淀");

--3 查询业主,条件;一组地址id

select * from t_owners ow where

ow.addressid=(select ad.id from t_address ad

where ad.name like "%花园%" and



select * from t_owners ow where

ow.addressid=(select ad.id from t_address ad

where ad.name like "%花园%" and

ad.areaid=(select a.id from t_area a where a.name="海淀"));





--查询台账表中的用户年用水量的总和 以及 年平均用水量


select sum(ac.usenum) from t_account ac;


select avg(ac.usenum) from t_account ac;



(select sum(ac.usenum)from t_account ac) as 年用水量的总和,

(select avg(ac.usenum) from t_account ac)as 年平均用水量

from dual;





  • 相关子查询:子查询依赖外面的主查询的结果


select ow.id,ow.name,ad.name,ot.name

from t_owners ow ,t_address ad,t_ownertype ot

where ow.addressid=ad.id

and ow.ownertypeid=ot.id;


select ow.id as 业主编号,ow.name as 业主名称,

(select ad.name from t_address ad where ad.id=ow.addressid) as 地址,

(select ot.name from t_ownertype ot where ot.id=ow.ownertypeid) as 业主类型

from t_owners ow;



select ow.id,ow.name,ad.name,ar.name,ot.name from

t_owners ow ,t_address ad, t_area ar,t_ownertype ot

where ow.addressid=ad.id and ad.areaid=ar.id

and ow.ownertypeid=ot.id;


select ow.id as 业主编号,ow.name as 业主名称,

(select ad.name from t_address ad where ad.id=ow.addressid) as 地址,

(select ar.name from t_area ar, t_address ad where ar.id=ad.id and ad.id=ow.addressid)as 所属区域,

(select ot.name from t_ownertype ot where ot.id=ow.ownertypeid) as 业主类型

from t_owners ow ;







~感谢志同道合的你阅读,  你的支持是我学习的最大动力 ! 加油 ,陌生人一起努力,共勉!!


以上是 关于Oracle子查询各大用法详解 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/533909.html
