
众所周知, OpenCV是一个广泛使用的图像处理库。它提供了广泛的图像处理意识。让我们看看如何使用OpenCV使用多张图片创建视频。

安装以下库:PIL cv2

另外, 在运行代码之前检查路径, 否则你将充满错误。

这个怎么运作 ?




# importing libraries

import os

import cv2

from PIL import Image

# Checking the current directory path

print (os.getcwd())

# Folder which contains all the images

# from which video is to be generated

os.chdir( "C:\\Python\\Geekfolder2" )

path = "C:\\Python\\Geekfolder2"

mean_height = 0

mean_width = 0

num_of_images = len (os.listdir( '.' ))

# print(num_of_images)

for file in os.listdir( '.' ):

im = Image. open (os.path.join(path, file ))

width, height = im.size

mean_width + = width

mean_height + = height

# # uncomment this for displaying the image

# Finding the mean height and width of all images.

# This is required because the video frame needs

# to be set with same width and height. Otherwise

# images not equal to that width height will not get

# embedded into the video

mean_width = int (mean_width /num_of_images)

mean_height = int (mean_height /num_of_images)

# print(mean_height)

# print(mean_width)

# Resizing of the images to give

# them same width and height

for file in os.listdir( '.' ):

if file .endswith( ".jpg" ) or file .endswith( ".jpeg" ) or file .endswith( "png" ):

# opening image using PIL Image

im = Image. open (os.path.join(path, file ))

# im.size includes the height and width of image

width, height = im.size

print (width, height)

# resizing

imResize = im.resize((mean_width, mean_height), Image.ANTIALIAS) file , 'JPEG' , quality = 95 ) # setting quality

# printing each resized image name

print (im.filename.split( '\\' )[ - 1 ], " is resized" )

# Video Generating function

def generate_video():

image_folder = '.' # make sure to use your folder

video_name = 'mygeneratedvideo.avi'

os.chdir( "C:\\Python\\Geekfolder2" )

images = [img for img in os.listdir(image_folder)

if img.endswith( ".jpg" ) or

img.endswith( ".jpeg" ) or

img.endswith( "png" )]

# Array images should only consider

# the image files ignoring others if any

print (images)

frame = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder, images[ 0 ]))

# setting the frame width, height width

# the width, height of first image

height, width, layers = frame.shape

video = cv2.VideoWriter(video_name, 0 , 1 , (width, height))

# Appending the images to the video one by one

for image in images:

video.write(cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder, image)))

# Deallocating memories taken for window creation


video.release() # releasing the video generated

# Calling the generate_video function






如果我们想要更多的效果,声音和视频,那么最好使用ffmpeg python库,它提供了这种功能。

首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。

以上是 Python使用OpenCV使用多个图像创建视频 的全部内容, 来源链接:
