react router v4 default page(not found page)
This is common purpose, directing unmatch request to notfound page.making this with react-router v4 looks like previous versions and I expect thissample works below. Links work fine but I expect NotFound component called only unknown url requested; but its...
2024-01-10[送福利系列] 分享一个可用于生产的 React 国际化工程模版
背景做过项目的同学都知道,从 0 搭建一个可以发布上线的项目, 十分的不容易, 太多细节需要注意, 尤其是国际化项目。我前前后后做了三个完整的国际化项目, 从 0 到 1,今天就把一些通用的配置做了个工程,包含了全套的解决方案。 需要的朋友可以下载来玩一下。代码仓库地址: 戳这里。...
最近在写一个chrome插件有一个简单的功能分2步是这样:从站点提取链接遍历所有详情页面(目前2000+ 每天几十个递增),提取关键数据生成数组对象。从生成数组对象判断是否有other_href字段,如果有的话,请求这个other_href解析返回的html获得需要的数据,保存在对象上。上面2步的请求都是用axios.get...
2024-01-10二叉排序树建立时 VS引发异常:读取访问权限冲突 问题
数据的结构:typedef struct Node {ElemType data;struct Node *lchild;struct Node *rchild;} NODE, *BSTree;****二叉排序树的建立参数:(BSTree *pTree, ElemType key) 二叉树的指针与查找关键字返回值: voidvoid InsertNode(BSTree *pTree, ElemType key){//当结点为空时;if (*pTree == NULL){*pTree = malloc(siz...
云打包配置云打包时配置manifest.json将targetSdkVersion改为26或更高 最高建议28。5+应用: uniapp: HBuilderX 2.6.3+开始默认不再添加安装权限android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES、android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PA...
2024-01-10Go 包管理机制深入分析
前言随着 Go 语言的深入使用,其依赖管理机制也一直是各位 Gopher 热衷于探讨的话题。Go 语言的源码依赖可通过 go get 命令来获取,但自动化程度不高,于是官方提供了 Dep 这样的自动化批量管理依赖的工具。虽然 Go 语言的依赖管理在很多方面还是不如人意,但整个体系正在日趋完善,本篇就将从最基...
#前言说起泰山,就不由想起上个版本的华山,相信看过的老铁也不少。但这次更新的新版本手册内容却更不容小觑,泰山是中国传统意义中的封正之山,这也意味着,阿里这次出品的泰山版 《Java 开发手册》,是迄今为止最重量级的。华山版是上个版本,啥时候更新的呢?2019 年 06 月 13 号,距离现...
2024-01-10Om but in javascript
I'm getting to be a fan of David Nolen's Om library.I want to build a not-too-big web app in our team, but I cannot really convince my teammates to switch to ClojureScript.Is there a way I can use the principles used in om but building the app in JavaScrip...
2024-01-10Unable to connect with remote debugger
I'm using React.JS and when I do react-native run-android (with my device plugged in) I see a blank page. When I shake the device and select Debug JS Remotely from the option list I see the following screen.FYI: OS: Ubuntu 16.04Node version is: v4.6.2java ...
2024-01-10where is create-react-app webpack config and files?
I create a ReactJS project with the create-react-app package and that worked well, but I cannot find webpack files and configurations.How does react-create-app work with webpack? Where are the webpack configuration files located in a default installation w...