


import os

def find_file(search_path, file_type="file", filename=None, file_startswith=None, file_endswith=None, abspath=False) -> dict:



:param search_path: 查找的目录路径

:param file_type: 查找的类型,可缺省,缺省则默认查找文件类型,可输入值:file和dir,file表示文件,dir表示目录

:param filename: 查找名称,精确匹配,可缺省,缺省则返回所有文件或目录,不可与file_startswith或file_endswith组合使用

:param file_startswith: 模糊匹配开头,可缺省,缺省则不匹配,可与file_endswith组合使用

:param file_endswith: 模糊匹配结尾,可缺省,缺省则不匹配

:param abspath: 是否返回绝对路径,默认返回相对路径

:return: 有结果返回dict类型,key为文件名,value为文件路径,无结果返None


filename_path = {}

the_filename_path = {}

if abspath:

search_path = os.path.abspath(search_path)

if file_type not in ["file", "dir"]:

raise ValueError(f"file_type只能为file或dir,而输入值为{file_type}")

def __find_file(_search_path):

# 返回目录所有名称

names = os.listdir(_search_path)

find_flag = False

# 如果查找指定文件,找到就停止查找

if filename is not None and (filename in names):

path = os.path.join(_search_path, filename)

if file_type == "file" and os.path.isfile(path):

the_filename_path.setdefault(filename, path)

find_flag = True

elif file_type == "dir" and os.path.isdir(path):

the_filename_path.setdefault(filename, path)

find_flag = True

return find_flag

# 如果根目录未找到,在子目录继续查找

for name in names:

# 过滤以__开头和__结尾的目录,以及__init__.py文件

if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__") or name == "":


child_path = os.path.join(_search_path, name)

# 如果是文件就保存

if file_type == "file" and os.path.isfile(child_path):

if file_startswith is None and file_endswith is None:

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)

# 保存指定结尾的文件

elif file_startswith is not None and file_endswith is None and name.startswith(file_startswith):

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)

elif file_startswith is None and file_endswith is not None and name.endswith(file_endswith):

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)

elif file_startswith is not None and file_endswith is not None and name.startswith(file_startswith) and name.endswith(file_endswith):

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)


if os.path.isdir(child_path):

if file_type == "dir":

if file_startswith is None and file_endswith is None:

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)

# 保存指定结尾的文件

elif file_startswith is not None and file_endswith is None and name.startswith(file_startswith):

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)

elif file_startswith is None and file_endswith is not None and name.endswith(file_endswith):

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)

elif file_startswith is not None and file_endswith is not None and name.startswith(file_startswith) and name.endswith(file_endswith):

filename_path.setdefault(name, child_path)

_result = __find_file(child_path)

if _result is True:

return _result

result = __find_file(search_path)

if filename is None:

if filename_path:

return filename_path

if filename is not None:

if result is True:

return the_filename_path



if __name__ == '__main__':

# 目录下不存在文件时

start_path = r".\二级目录"

ret = find_file(start_path)

print("目录下不存在文件时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


start_path = r".\一级目录"

# 查找所有文件或目录

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="file")

print("查找所有文件:%s" % ret)

assert len(ret) == 4

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir")

print("查找所有目录:%s" % ret)

assert len(ret) == 4


# 查找指定开始的所有文件

ret = find_file(start_path, file_startswith="次级")

print("查找指定开始的文件:%s" % ret)

assert "次级目录1中的文件.py" in ret

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="file", file_startswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定开始的文件不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


# 查找指定结尾的所有文件

ret = find_file(start_path, file_endswith="txt")

print("查找指定结尾的文件:%s" % ret)

assert "一级目录的文件.txt" in ret

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="file", file_endswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定结尾的文件不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


# 查找指定开头和指定结尾的所有文件

ret = find_file(start_path, file_startswith="次级", file_endswith="txt")

print("查找指定开头和指定结尾的所有文件:%s" % ret)

assert "次级目录2中的文件.txt" == list(ret.keys())[0]

ret = find_file(start_path, file_startswith="呵呵", file_endswith="txt")

print("查找指定开始不存在,指定结尾存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None

ret = find_file(start_path, file_startswith="次级", file_endswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定开始存在,指定结尾不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None

ret = find_file(start_path, file_startswith="呵呵", file_endswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定开始和指定结尾都不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


# 查找指定开始的所有文件

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_startswith="次级")

print("查找指定开始的文件:%s" % ret)

assert "次级目录1中的三级目录" in ret

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_startswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定开始的文件不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


# 查找指定结尾的所有目录

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_endswith="目录")

print("查找指定结尾的目录:%s" % ret)

assert len(ret) == 2

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_endswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定结尾的目录不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


# 查找指定开头和指定结尾的所有目录

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_startswith="次级", file_endswith="目录")

print("查找指定开头和指定结尾的所有文件:%s" % ret)

assert "次级目录2中的目录" in ret

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_startswith="呵呵", file_endswith="目录")

print("查找指定开始不存在,指定结尾存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_startswith="次级", file_endswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定开始存在,指定结尾不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", file_startswith="呵呵", file_endswith="哈哈")

print("查找指定开始和指定结尾都不存在时:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


# 查找指定文件

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="file", filename="三级目录中的文件.yaml")

print("查找指定文件:%s" % ret)

assert len(ret) == 1

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="file", filename="asd")

print("查找不存在的文件:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="file", filename="次级目录1中的三级目录")

print("以文件类型去查找已存在文件:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None

print("=" * 60)

# 查找指定目录

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", filename="次级目录1中的三级目录")

print("查找指定目录:%s" % ret)

assert len(ret) == 1

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", filename="asd")

print("查找不存在的目录:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None

ret = find_file(start_path, file_type="dir", filename="三级目录中的文件.yaml")

print("以目录类型去查找已存在文件:%s" % ret)

assert ret is None


以上是 python_自动查找指定目录下的文件或目录的方法 的全部内容, 来源链接:
