Angular vs React vs Vue


There are various programming languages available but it is difficult to choose the best one when it comes to our own project. And sometimes we even get stuck between the different languages when we have to make a choice among them.

可以使用多种编程语言,但是要涉及到我们自己的项目,很难选择最好的一种。 有时,当我们不得不在不同的语言中进行选择时,我们甚至会陷入其中。

In this blog, we will discuss little the features and functionalities of the Angular vs React vs Vue. These all are the Javascript frameworks. And before getting a deep dive in order to know the features and functionalities of these frameworks, let’s know the popularity of these frameworks. 

在此博客中,我们将只讨论Angular vs React vs Vue的特性和功能。 这些都是Javascript框架。 在深入了解这些框架的特性和功能之前,让我们知道这些框架的普及程度。

According to a survey,  React, with over 86,000 Github stars, is the most popular Javascript front end FW. Vue.js, with about 81,000 Github stars is one of the fastest-growing when it comes to popularity. 

根据一项调查,React拥有超过86,000个Github星,是最受欢迎的Javascript前端固件。 Vue.js拥有约81,000个Github星星,是人气增长最快的之一。

According to a survey, This diagram shows the market position of the selected technologies in terms of popularity and traffic compared to the most popular JavaScript libraries.


Angular vs React vs Vue概述 (Overview of Angular vs React vs Vue)

Angular is a well known open-source Javascript framework that has been developed by Google. Well, it is one of the oldest of all javascript frameworks which are available in the market right now. Additionally, this framework is also known as one of the best options for frontend frameworks. 

Angular是由Google开发的众所周知的开源Javascript框架。 好吧,它是目前市场上最古老JavaScript框架之一。 此外,此框架也被称为前端框架的最佳选择之一。

Angular first came into existence in the year 2010 and was known as AngularJS. But years back it was not available with lots of features and functionalities due to the ever-changing trend of the markets. But with the passage of time, there came some changes with the coming of Angular2 in 2016 when it got launched. This version came with several modifications in the previous versions. 

Angular最早于2010年问世,被称为AngularJS。 但是由于市场趋势的不断变化,几年前它还没有许多功能。 但是随着时间的流逝,Angular2在2016年发布时发生了一些变化。 此版本在以前的版本中进行了一些修改。

Angular 8 is the latest version and has various features and is really fast in the performance. Now it has reduced the lag and prompted the faster compilation of the Angular apps by using Ivy. It is a new compiler for Angular apps. Apart from this, it has also reduced its bundle size. 

Angular 8是最新版本,具有各种功能,并且性能确实非常快。 现在,它减少了延迟,并通过使用Ivy提示了Angular应用程序的更快编译。 它是Angular应用程序的新编译器。 除此之外,它还减小了其捆束尺寸。

Angular的散文: (The prose of Angular:)

With the help of Angular, it is really easy to develop applications. 


Angular is able to distribute share single blocks into multiple blocks. This is really helpful for the developers to work on components easily. 

Angular能够将共享的单个块分布到多个块中。 这对于开发人员轻松处理组件确实很有帮助。

Angular is having a large community and the reason behind this is that it is one of the oldest frameworks which is available in the market. Its components can be used again as it has a component-based structure. 

Angular有一个庞大的社区,其背后的原因是它是市场上最古老的框架之一。 它的组件具有基于组件的结构,因此可以再次使用。

Angular provides a very high programming quality and this is the reason why most of the developers feel good about it. 


There are built-in functionalities in Angular


Angular的缺点: (Disadvantages of Angular:)

As it is having a complex structure that is why there is a need for a lot of learning and study. 


There is a steep learning curve in an Angular. 


什么是Vue.js? (What is Vue.js?)

Vue.js came into existence some years ago. Initially, it was not that famous but with the passage of time, it became one of the most loved frameworks among the developer's community.

Vue.js于几年前诞生。 最初,它并没有那么著名,但是随着时间的流逝,它成为开发人员社区中最喜欢的框架之一。

Do you know that Vue.js holds some special place or can say that it has a huge number of special aspects? And there are some aspects which are known for cons. Let me give an example, Vue is very flexible. However, if we talk about a big project in a big team, then it could be said that it may commit a large number of mistakes. 

您是否知道Vue.js占有一些特殊的位置,或者可以说Vue.js具有许多特殊的方面? 并且有一些方面是有缺点的。 让我举个例子,Vue非常灵活。 但是,如果我们谈论一个大团队中的一个大项目,那么可以说它可能犯下许多错误。

At the time when Vue.js started gaining importance due to its amazing features, various market giants like Gitlab, WizzAir, EuroNews paid attention to it. Have you heard about the Grammarly tool? Well, let me tell you that this is totally based on the Vue. 

当Vue.js因其惊人的功能而开始受到重视时,Gitlab,WizzAir,EuroNews等各种市场巨头都对此予以关注。 您是否听说过语法工具? 好吧,让我告诉您,这完全基于Vue。

Apart from this, the framework is really popular and in demand in the markets of Asia. this is the reason why a large number of discussions and tricks can be seen in Chinese. In case you are unaware of the language, then you just have to compact yourself to documentations and recommendations in English.  

除此之外,该框架在亚洲市场上确实很受欢迎并且需求旺盛。 这就是为什么在中文中可以看到大量讨论和技巧的原因。 如果您不了解该语言,则只需要精简英语文档和建议即可。

Even knowing this fact that this framework gained sudden popularity, but still, it did not become a developer’s interest to the same extent. And talking about the vacancies of the developers, it could be said that there are only 8000 vacancies for the query of Vue.js on LinkedIn, and almost 4000 on Indeed. 

即使知道这个框架突然流行起来这一事实,但仍然没有在相同程度上引起开发人员的兴趣。 谈到开发人员的空缺,可以说,LinkedIn上查询Vue.js的空缺只有8000个,而Indeed上的空缺几乎有4000个。

什么是Reat.js? (What is Reat.js?)

React.js is another famous Javascript library which was brought into existence by Facebook and was managed by a large community of the users as well as the developers. This framework was developed in the year 2013. 

React.js是Facebook带来的另一个著名的Javascript库,由大量的用户和开发人员社区进行管理。 该框架于2013年开发。

Initially, there was a tough competition between the React.js and Angular but after that in the year 2019, it somehow won over the Angular when it hit the highest number of downloads. So it could be said that it has been leading the market since the date of its release. 

最初,React.js与Angular之间存在激烈的竞争,但在2019年之后,当它达到最高下载量时,它以某种方式赢得了Angular的胜利。 因此可以说,自发布之日起,它就一直引领市场。

This framework has become the primary and preferred tool for various companies. There are various amazing features of React.js but one of the most important features of Reat.js is the Virtual Document Model. (DOM). DOM is the basic representation of nodes in terms of HTML. It uses an extension known as JSX(Javascript XML) which allows the user to write HTML in React, which makes it easy to write applications

该框架已成为各种公司的主要和首选工具。 React.js具有各种惊人的功能,但Reat.js最重要的功能之一是虚拟文档模型。 (DOM)。 DOM是用HTML表示的节点的基本表示形式。 它使用了一个称为JSX(Javascript XML)的扩展,该扩展允许用户在React中编写HTML,从而使编写应用程序变得容易

Talking about the coding structure of the Recat.js then it could be said that it is having a simple syntax and coding structure. You just need to know the basics of Javascript and alternatives of React like React native which is used to build mobile applications. And by using these codes again, these Javascript libraries may prove really helpful to improve the performance. 

谈到Recat.js的编码结构,可以说它具有简单的语法和编码结构。 您只需要了解Javascript的基础知识和React的替代方案,例如用于构建移动应用程序的React native。 而且,通过再次使用这些代码,这些Javascript库可能被证明对提高性能很有帮助。

React的优势: (Advantages of React:)

It has many tools that allow the developer to play with it and make changes.


There is a good community of the Recat.js this is the reason it always remains updated and maintained by the developers. 


React is not at all complex and easy to learn and there is no need for complex study in order to code in it. Apart from this it is very efficient and flexible due to which it’s performance is really nice. 

React一点也不复杂且不易学习,也不需要进行复杂的研究即可编写代码。 除此之外,它的性能非常好,非常高效和灵活。

React的缺点: (Disadvantages of React:)

As React does not have an easy programming style, this is the reason why it is not preferred by all. 


React uses JSX, instead of HTML.


React is usually needed to create UIs. So there is a requirement of third-party libraries in order to make it. 

通常需要React来创建UI。 因此,需要第三方库来实现。

最后的话 (Final words)

So after going through the whole blog, I hope you are well aware of the fact that all these frameworks play an important role on their own. So it could be said that it totally depends upon one's requirement that which framework is much better for your project. 

因此,在浏览了整个博客之后,我希望您充分意识到所有这些框架都起着重要作用。 因此,可以说完全取决于您的要求的是哪种框架更适合您的项目。

But if you are still confused then it is highly suggested that you contact the best software development company in India that can understand your requirement keeping in consideration your budget too. 


You can also explore more information about the related topic so that you may come near to a conclusion or a solution. I think a good software consultant can also provide good information. 

您还可以探索有关相关主题的更多信息,以便您可以得出结论或解决方案。 我认为好的软件顾问也可以提供很好的信息。

Good luck with the research!



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