使用C ++ STL打印给定范围内的质数
BeginDeclare a user define datatype stl.
Declare a vector number to the stl datatype.
Declare variable a to the stl datatype.
Declare vector Prime_Number to the Boolean datatype.
Prime_Number[0] = false.
Prime_Number[1] = false.
Declare b to the integer datatype.
Initialize b = sqrt(a).
for (stl pr=2; pr<=b; pr++)
if (Prime_Number[pr]) then
for (stl i=pr*2; i<=a; i += pr)
Prime_Number[i] = false.
Declare result to the vector type.
for (int i=0;i<a;i++)
if (Prime_Number[i]) then
return result.
Declare function remove_zero() to the Boolean type.
Declare i to the stl datatype.
Return i = 0.
Declare a vector Number_Range to the stl datatype.
Declare First_Num, Last_Num to the stl datatype.
Pass them as parameter.
Declare two vector s1 and s2 to the stl datatype.
Initialize s1 = number(First_Num) to find primes from o to First_Num.
Initialize s2 = number(Last_Num) to find primes from o to Last_Num.
Declare vector result(Last_Num-First_Num) to the stl datatype.
Call set_difference(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s1.begin(), s2.end(), result.begin()) to find set difference of two vectors.
Declare an iterator itr to the vector type.
Initialize itr = remove_if(result.begin(),result.end(),remove_zero) to remove extra zeros.
Call resize (itr-result.begin()) to resize the result.
Return result.
Declare First_Num, Last_Num to the stl datatype.
Initialize First_Num = 20, Last_Num = 50.
Declare a vector result to the stl datatype.
Initialize result = Number_Range(First_Num,Last_Num).
Print "The Prime Numbers from 20 to 50 are: “
for (auto i:result)
Print the values of i.
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;
typedef unsigned long long int stl;
vector<stl> number(stl a) {
vector<bool> Prime_Number(a+1,true);
Prime_Number[0] = false;
Prime_Number[1] = false;
int b = sqrt(a);
for (stl pr=2; pr<=b; pr++) {
if (Prime_Number[pr]) {
for (stl i=pr*2; i<=a; i += pr)
Prime_Number[i] = false;
vector<stl> result;
for (int i=0;i<a;i++)
if (Prime_Number[i])
return result;
bool remove_zero(stl i) { // Used to remove zeros from a vector
return i == 0;
vector<stl> Number_Range(stl First_Num,stl Last_Num) {
vector<stl> s1 = number(First_Num); // find primes from o to First_Num
vector<stl> s2 = number(Last_Num); // find primes from o to Last_Num
vector<stl> result(Last_Num-First_Num);
set_difference(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s1.begin(), s2.end(), result.begin()); // find set //difference of two vectors
vector<stl>::iterator itr = remove_if(result.begin(),result.end(),remove_zero); //remove extra zeros.
return result;
int main(void) {
stl First_Num = 20, Last_Num = 50;
vector<stl> result = Number_Range(First_Num,Last_Num);
cout<<"The Prime Numbers from "<<First_Num<<" to "<<Last_Num<< " are: ";
for (auto i:result)
cout<<i<<' ';
return 0;
The Prime Numbers from 20 to 50 are: 23 29 31 37 41 43 47
以上是 使用C ++ STL打印给定范围内的质数 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/327081.html