
我想根据当前日期动态生成文本字符串。因此,例如,如果是第一天,那么我希望我的代码生成=“ Its 1 *

string>st * ”。


  1. 我设置了一个for循环,该循环循环了12天。

  2. 在我的html中,我为我的元素指定了一个唯一的ID作为目标,请参见下文:

    <h1 id="dynamicTitle" class="CustomFont leftHeading shadow">On The <span></span> <em>of rest of generic text</em></h1>

  3. 然后,在我的for循环中,我有以下代码:

    $("#dynamicTitle span").html(i);

    var day = i;

    if (day == 1) {

    day = i + “st”;

    } else if (day == 2) {

    day = i + “nd”

    } else if (day == 3) {

    day = i + “rd”




$(document).ready(function () {

for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {

var classy = "";

if (daysTilDate(i + 19) > 0) {

classy = "future";

$("#Day" + i).addClass(classy);




} else if (daysTilDate(i + 19) < 0) {

classy = "past";

$("#Day" + i).addClass(classy);




$(".cta").css('display', 'none');

$("#Day" + i + " .prizeLink").attr("href", "" + i + ".html");

} else {

classy = "current";

$("#Day" + i).addClass(classy);

$("#title").html(headings[i - 1]);

$("#description").html(descriptions[i - 1]);

$(".cta").css('display', 'block');

$("#dynamicImage").attr("src", ".." + i + ".jpg");


$(".claimPrize").attr("href", "" + i + ".html");

$("#dynamicTitle span").html(i);

var day = i;

if (day == 1) {

day = i + "st";

} else if (day == 2) {

day = i + "nd"

} else if (day == 3) {

day = i + "rd"

} else if (day) {






  • st与以1结尾的数字(例如1st,首先发音)一起使用
  • nd用于以2结尾的数字(例如,第92个,发音为90秒)
  • rd与以3结尾的数字一起使用(例如33rd,发音为三十三)
  • 作为上述规则的例外,所有以11、12或13结尾的“青少年”数字都使用-th(例如,11,发音为11、112,发音为100 [和]第十二)
  • th用于所有其他数字(例如,第9个,发音为第9个)。


function ordinal_suffix_of(i) {

var j = i % 10,

k = i % 100;

if (j == 1 && k != 11) {

return i + "st";


if (j == 2 && k != 12) {

return i + "nd";


if (j == 3 && k != 13) {

return i + "rd";


return i + "th";



  0  0th

1 1st

2 2nd

3 3rd

4 4th

5 5th

6 6th

7 7th

8 8th

9 9th

10 10th

11 11th

12 12th

13 13th

14 14th

15 15th

16 16th

17 17th

18 18th

19 19th

20 20th

21 21st

22 22nd

23 23rd

24 24th

25 25th

26 26th

27 27th

28 28th

29 29th

30 30th

31 31st

32 32nd

33 33rd

34 34th

35 35th

36 36th

37 37th

38 38th

39 39th

40 40th

41 41st

42 42nd

43 43rd

44 44th

45 45th

46 46th

47 47th

48 48th

49 49th

50 50th

51 51st

52 52nd

53 53rd

54 54th

55 55th

56 56th

57 57th

58 58th

59 59th

60 60th

61 61st

62 62nd

63 63rd

64 64th

65 65th

66 66th

67 67th

68 68th

69 69th

70 70th

71 71st

72 72nd

73 73rd

74 74th

75 75th

76 76th

77 77th

78 78th

79 79th

80 80th

81 81st

82 82nd

83 83rd

84 84th

85 85th

86 86th

87 87th

88 88th

89 89th

90 90th

91 91st

92 92nd

93 93rd

94 94th

95 95th

96 96th

97 97th

98 98th

99 99th

100 100th

101 101st

102 102nd

103 103rd

104 104th

105 105th

106 106th

107 107th

108 108th

109 109th

110 110th

111 111th

112 112th

113 113th

114 114th

115 115th

以上是 将st,nd,rd和th(普通)后缀添加到数字 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/433239.html
