


[400] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[and] query malformed, no start_object after query name","line":1,"col":896}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[and] query malformed, no start_object after query name","line":1,"col":896},"status":400}


rake environment elasticsearch:import:all DIR=app/models FORCE=y




{: date_range => {: from => Mon,

01 Aug 2016 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00,

: to => Mon,

31 Jul 2017 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00

}, : activities_only => nil

}, @pupils = [# < Pupil id: 1042, first_name: "Mark", last_name: "Mekhaiel", date_of_birth: "2017-03-19", level: 0, group_id: 95, created_at: "2017-07-31 08:59:59", updated_at: "2017-07-31 09:48:27", username: "m.mekhaiel1", picture: 0, color: 0, archived: false, sub_group_id: nil, score: 20, deleted_at: nil > ], @search = # < PupilCreditSearch: 0x007fc961801308 @interval = : month, @page = 1, @per = 25, @pupil_id = [1042], @date_range = {: from => Mon,

01 Aug 2016 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00,

: to => Mon,

31 Jul 2017 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00

}, @queries = [# < Search::Query: 0x007fc964791bb8 @query = nil, @fields = [], @type = : multi_match, @options = {: fields => [],

: type => : cross_fields

} > ], @filters = [# < Search::Filter: 0x007fc964756db0 @name = : pupil_id, @value = [1042], @type = : terms, @options = {} > ], @aggregations = {: years_created => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a32f0 @type = : date_histogram,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: field => : created_at,

: type => : date_histogram,

: params => {: interval => : year


} > ,

: months_created => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a30c0 @type = : date_histogram,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: field => : created_at,

: type => : date_histogram,

: params => {: interval => : month


} > ,

: date_ranges => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2800 @type = : date_range,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: field => : created_at,

: type => : date_range,

: params => {: keyed => true,

: ranges => [{: from => "now/w",

: to => "now+1w/w",

: key => : this_week

}, {: from => "now/M",

: to => "now+1M/M",

: key => : this_month

}, {: from => "now-1w/w",

: to => "now-2w/w",

: key => : last_week

}, {: from => "now-1M/M",

: to => "now-2M/M",

: key => : last_month

}, {: from => "2016-09-01",

: to => "2017-08-31",

: key => : academic_year



} > ,

: groups => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2260 @type = : terms,

@field = : pupil_id,

@options = {: aggs => {: all_dates => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a22d8 @type = : date_histogram,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: params => {: interval => : month


: aggs => {: total_points => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2440 @type = : sum,

@field = : points,

@options = {} > ,

: running_total => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2350 @type = : cumulative_sum,

@field = nil,

@options = {: params => {: buckets_path => "total_points"


} >


} >


} > ,

: options => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1518 @type = : global,

@field = nil,

@options = {: aggs => {: filtered => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1590 @type = : filter,

@field = nil,

@options = {: params => {: and => [{: range => {: created_at => {: gte => Mon,

01 Aug 2016 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00,

: lt => Mon,

31 Jul 2017 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00



}, {: terms => {: pupil_id => [1042]




: aggs => {: categories => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1b80 @type = : terms,

@field = "category",

@options = {: ignore => true

} > ,

: topic_ids => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a19a0 @type = : terms,

@field = "topic_id",

@options = {: ignore => true

} > ,

: learning_objective_ids => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a17c0 @type = : terms,

@field = "learning_objective_id",

@options = {: ignore => true

} > ,

: completed_activities => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1608 @type = : terms,

@field = : pupil_id,

@options = {: aggs => {: activities => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1680 @type = : filter,

@field = nil,

@options = {: params => {: and => [{: terms => {: category => [0, 1, 2, 3]




} >


} >


} >


} >

}, @request = # < Search::Request: 0x007fc964753548 @params = {: query => {: bool => {: must => [{: match_all => {}


: filter => [{: terms => {: pupil_id => [1042]





: aggs => {: years_created => {: date_histogram => {: field => : created_at,

: interval => : year



: months_created => {: date_histogram => {: field => : created_at,

: interval => : month



: date_ranges => {: date_range => {: field => : created_at,

: keyed => true,

: ranges => [{: from => "now/w",

: to => "now+1w/w",

: key => : this_week

}, {: from => "now/M",

: to => "now+1M/M",

: key => : this_month

}, {: from => "now-1w/w",

: to => "now-2w/w",

: key => : last_week

}, {: from => "now-1M/M",

: to => "now-2M/M",

: key => : last_month

}, {: from => "2016-09-01",

: to => "2017-08-31",

: key => : academic_year




: groups => {: terms => {: field => : pupil_id


: aggs => {: all_dates => {: date_histogram => {: field => : created_at,

: interval => : month


: aggs => {: total_points => {: sum => {: field => : points



: running_total => {: cumulative_sum => {: buckets_path => "total_points"







: options => {: global => {},

: aggs => {: filtered => {: filter => {: and => [{: range => {: created_at => {: gte => Mon,

01 Aug 2016 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00,

: lt => Mon,

31 Jul 2017 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00



}, {: terms => {: pupil_id => [1042]




: aggs => {: categories => {: terms => {: field => "category"



: topic_ids => {: terms => {: field => "topic_id"



: learning_objective_ids => {: terms => {: field => "learning_objective_id"



: completed_activities => {: terms => {: field => : pupil_id


: aggs => {: activities => {: filter => {: and => [{: terms => {: category => [0, 1, 2, 3]












} >> , @options = # < ReportOptions: 0x007fc96b663258 @search = # < PupilCreditSearch: 0x007fc961801308 @interval = : month, @page = 1, @per = 25, @pupil_id = [1042], @date_range = {: from => Mon,

01 Aug 2016 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00,

: to => Mon,

31 Jul 2017 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00

}, @queries = [# < Search::Query: 0x007fc964791bb8 @query = nil, @fields = [], @type = : multi_match, @options = {: fields => [],

: type => : cross_fields

} > ], @filters = [# < Search::Filter: 0x007fc964756db0 @name = : pupil_id, @value = [1042], @type = : terms, @options = {} > ], @aggregations = {: years_created => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a32f0 @type = : date_histogram,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: field => : created_at,

: type => : date_histogram,

: params => {: interval => : year


} > ,

: months_created => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a30c0 @type = : date_histogram,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: field => : created_at,

: type => : date_histogram,

: params => {: interval => : month


} > ,

: date_ranges => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2800 @type = : date_range,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: field => : created_at,

: type => : date_range,

: params => {: keyed => true,

: ranges => [{: from => "now/w",

: to => "now+1w/w",

: key => : this_week

}, {: from => "now/M",

: to => "now+1M/M",

: key => : this_month

}, {: from => "now-1w/w",

: to => "now-2w/w",

: key => : last_week

}, {: from => "now-1M/M",

: to => "now-2M/M",

: key => : last_month

}, {: from => "2016-09-01",

: to => "2017-08-31",

: key => : academic_year



} > ,

: groups => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2260 @type = : terms,

@field = : pupil_id,

@options = {: aggs => {: all_dates => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a22d8 @type = : date_histogram,

@field = : created_at,

@options = {: params => {: interval => : month


: aggs => {: total_points => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2440 @type = : sum,

@field = : points,

@options = {} > ,

: running_total => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a2350 @type = : cumulative_sum,

@field = nil,

@options = {: params => {: buckets_path => "total_points"


} >


} >


} > ,

: options => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1518 @type = : global,

@field = nil,

@options = {: aggs => {: filtered => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1590 @type = : filter,

@field = nil,

@options = {: params => {: and => [{: range => {: created_at => {: gte => Mon,

01 Aug 2016 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00,

: lt => Mon,

31 Jul 2017 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00



}, {: terms => {: pupil_id => [1042]




: aggs => {: categories => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1b80 @type = : terms,

@field = "category",

@options = {: ignore => true

} > ,

: topic_ids => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a19a0 @type = : terms,

@field = "topic_id",

@options = {: ignore => true

} > ,

: learning_objective_ids => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a17c0 @type = : terms,

@field = "learning_objective_id",

@options = {: ignore => true

} > ,

: completed_activities => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1608 @type = : terms,

@field = : pupil_id,

@options = {: aggs => {: activities => # < Search::Aggregation: 0x007fc9647a1680 @type = : filter,

@field = nil,

@options = {: params => {: and => [{: terms => {: category => [0, 1, 2, 3]




} >


} >


} >


} >

}, @request = # < Search::Request: 0x007fc964753548 @params = {: query => {: bool => {: must => [{: match_all => {}


: filter => [{: terms => {: pupil_id => [1042]





: aggs => {: years_created => {: date_histogram => {: field => : created_at,

: interval => : year



: months_created => {: date_histogram => {: field => : created_at,

: interval => : month



: date_ranges => {: date_range => {: field => : created_at,

: keyed => true,

: ranges => [{: from => "now/w",

: to => "now+1w/w",

: key => : this_week

}, {: from => "now/M",

: to => "now+1M/M",

: key => : this_month

}, {: from => "now-1w/w",

: to => "now-2w/w",

: key => : last_week

}, {: from => "now-1M/M",

: to => "now-2M/M",

: key => : last_month

}, {: from => "2016-09-01",

: to => "2017-08-31",

: key => : academic_year




: groups => {: terms => {: field => : pupil_id


: aggs => {: all_dates => {: date_histogram => {: field => : created_at,

: interval => : month


: aggs => {: total_points => {: sum => {: field => : points



: running_total => {: cumulative_sum => {: buckets_path => "total_points"







: options => {: global => {},

: aggs => {: filtered => {: filter => {: and => [{: range => {: created_at => {: gte => Mon,

01 Aug 2016 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00,

: lt => Mon,

31 Jul 2017 00: 00: 00 UTC + 00: 00



}, {: terms => {: pupil_id => [1042]




: aggs => {: categories => {: terms => {: field => "category"



: topic_ids => {: terms => {: field => "topic_id"



: learning_objective_ids => {: terms => {: field => "learning_objective_id"



: completed_activities => {: terms => {: field => : pupil_id


: aggs => {: activities => {: filter => {: and => [{: terms => {: category => [0, 1, 2, 3]















:filter => { :and => [...] }

…这使我得出的结论是,您实际上可能在计算机上运行的是Elasticsearch 5而不是2.4,因为在第5版中删除了该语法,而支持:

:filter => { :bool => { :must: [...] } }

使用curl localhost:9200(或您的应用连接到的实际主机/端口)验证elasticsearch版本。

以上是 ElasticSearch-格式错误的查询(RoR) 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/432723.html
