网站被Google侦测到是"Compromised site", 怎么解决?

网站被Google侦测到是Compromised site, 不能被推广?这种问题怎么解决?或怎么排查?

A compromised site refers to a site whose code has been manipulated to act in ways that benefit a 3rd party, often at a detriment to you and your users. This can include injecting javascript that transmits user data without consent, installing malware on end user devices, launching pop-up ads, redirecting users to websites they did not wish to visit, altering the end user experience, and doing things with user data without the end user’s consent.

以上是 网站被Google侦测到是"Compromised site", 怎么解决? 的全部内容, 来源链接:
