使用 Sass 来定义 Keyframes

CSS 的 Animation 成为 Web Animation 中主要实现方式之一。使用 CSS 的 animation 可以在 Web 中实现一些动画效果。而其中最为关键的还是依赖于 @keyframes,让动画可以根据帧定制不同的动画效果。

其实这篇文章的主要目的不是要给大空介绍 @keyframes 的语法和使用方法。因为,大家对它并不会陌生,而且也知道怎么使用?那么大家在使用 keyframes 的时候是不是碰到一些烦恼,对于不同的动画效果,都需要去创建一个 keyframes,而且对于一个复杂的动画,一个动画中用到多个元素元素时,是不是感觉到管理和维护 keyframes 比较痛苦,易出错。


CSS 中的 keyframes

简单的回忆一下,如果要使用 animation 创建一个动效,就必须先用 keyframes 创建一个动效。

@keyframes animation-name {




@-webkit-keyframes animation-name {...}

@-moz-keyframes animation-name {...}

@-o-keyframes animation-name {...}

@keyframes animation-name {...}


@keyframes animation-name {...}


SCSS 中的 keyframes

Autoprefixer 还没有出现之前,SCSS其实帮助我们解决一些前缀的事项,言外之意,就是给keyframes定义一个混合宏(mixins):

@mixin keyframes($animationName) {

@-webkit-keyframes #{$animationName} {



@-moz-keyframes #{$animationName} {



@-o-keyframes #{$animationName} {



@keyframes #{$animationName} {





@include keyframes(move-the-object) {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);



// ----

// Sass (v3.4.21)

// Compass (v1.0.3)

// ----

@mixin keyframes($animationName) {

@-webkit-keyframes #{$animationName} {



@-moz-keyframes #{$animationName} {



@-o-keyframes #{$animationName} {



@keyframes #{$animationName} {




@include keyframes(move-the-object) {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);



@-webkit-keyframes move-the-object {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);



@-moz-keyframes move-the-object {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);



@-o-keyframes move-the-object {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);



@keyframes move-the-object {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);




@mixin keyframes($animationName) {

@keyframes #{$animationName} {





.animation {

animation: move-the-object 2s ease both;

@include keyframes(move-the-object) {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);





// ----

// Sass (v3.4.21)

// Compass (v1.0.3)

// ----

@mixin keyframes($animationName) {

@keyframes #{$animationName} {




.animation {

animation: move-the-object 2s ease both;

@include keyframes(move-the-object) {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);




.animation {

animation: move-the-object 2s ease both;


@keyframes move-the-object {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);




@mixin animation-keyframes {

$animation-name: unique-id();

animation-name: $animation-name;

@keyframes #{$animation-name} {





.animation {

animation: 2s ease both;

@include animation-keyframes {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);





// ----

// Sass (v3.4.21)

// Compass (v1.0.3)

// ----

@mixin keyframes($animationName) {

@keyframes #{$animationName} {




.animation {

animation: move-the-object 2s ease both;

@include keyframes(move-the-object) {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);




.animation {

animation: move-the-object 2s ease both;


@keyframes move-the-object {

0% {

transform: translateX(0);


100% {

transform: translateX(200px);




@mixin animation($options: ()) {

$options: map-merge((

animationName: animation,

duration: 1,

waitTime: 0,

timingFunction: linear,

iterationCount: infinite

), $options);

$name: map-get($options, animationName);

$kf: map-get($options, keyframes);

$kfLength: length($kf);

$duration: map-get($options, duration);

$waitTime: map-get($options, waitTime);

$timingFunction: map-get($options, timingFunction);

$iterationCount: map-get($options, iterationCount);

$counter: 1; // index of 'each'

@keyframes #{$name} {

@each $frame, $prop in $kf {

#{$frame * $duration / ($duration + $waitTime)}% {

@each $k, $v in $prop {

#{$k}: #{$v}



// if last in loop and waitTime is not 0, add the last frame as 100% (this is what creates the pause)

@if $counter == $kfLength and $waitTime > 0 {

100% {

@each $k, $v in $prop {

#{$k}: #{$v}




$counter: $counter+1;



animation: #{$name} #{$duration}s #{$timingFunction} #{$iterationCount};



.anime {

@include animation(


animationName: zoom,

keyframes: (

0: (

transform: scale(1),

background-color: blue


50: (

transform: scale(2),

background-color: green


100: (

transform: scale(3),

background-color: red



duration: 2,

waitTime: 1,

timingFunction: ease,

iterationCount: infinite





// ----

// Sass (v3.4.21)

// Compass (v1.0.3)

// ----

@mixin animation($options: ()) {

$options: map-merge((

animationName: animation,

duration: 1,

waitTime: 0,

timingFunction: linear,

iterationCount: infinite

), $options);

$name: map-get($options, animationName);

$kf: map-get($options, keyframes);

$kfLength: length($kf);

$duration: map-get($options, duration);

$waitTime: map-get($options, waitTime);

$timingFunction: map-get($options, timingFunction);

$iterationCount: map-get($options, iterationCount);

$counter: 1; // index of 'each'

@keyframes #{$name} {

@each $frame, $prop in $kf {

#{$frame * $duration / ($duration + $waitTime)}% {

@each $k, $v in $prop {

#{$k}: #{$v}



// if last in loop and waitTime is not 0, add the last frame as 100% (this is what creates the pause)

@if $counter == $kfLength and $waitTime > 0 {

100% {

@each $k, $v in $prop {

#{$k}: #{$v}




$counter: $counter+1;



animation: #{$name} #{$duration}s #{$timingFunction} #{$iterationCount};


.anime {

@include animation(


animationName: zoom,

keyframes: (

0: (

transform: scale(1),

background-color: blue


50: (

transform: scale(2),

background-color: green


100: (

transform: scale(3),

background-color: red



duration: 2,

waitTime: 1,

timingFunction: ease,

iterationCount: infinite




.anime {

animation: zoom 2s ease infinite;


@keyframes zoom {

0% {

transform: scale(1);

background-color: blue;


33.33333% {

transform: scale(2);

background-color: green;


66.66667% {

transform: scale(3);

background-color: red;


100% {

transform: scale(3);

background-color: red;



混合宏@include waitAnimate((options));包括以下一些参数:

keyframes0%100%的动画规则,也就是@keyframes的帧运动Sass map ObjectYES


// ----

// Sass (v3.4.21)

// Compass (v1.0.3)

// ----

@mixin animation($options: ()) {

$options: map-merge((

animationName: unique-id(),

duration: 1,

waitTime: 0,

timingFunction: linear,

iterationCount: infinite

), $options);

$name: map-get($options, animationName);

$kf: map-get($options, keyframes);

$kfLength: length($kf);

$duration: map-get($options, duration);

$waitTime: map-get($options, waitTime);

$timingFunction: map-get($options, timingFunction);

$iterationCount: map-get($options, iterationCount);

$counter: 1; // index of 'each'

@keyframes #{$name} {

@each $frame, $prop in $kf {

#{$frame * $duration / ($duration + $waitTime)}% {

@each $k, $v in $prop {

#{$k}: #{$v}



// if last in loop and waitTime is not 0, add the last frame as 100% (this is what creates the pause)

@if $counter == $kfLength and $waitTime > 0 {

100% {

@each $k, $v in $prop {

#{$k}: #{$v}




$counter: $counter+1;



animation: #{$name} #{$duration}s #{$timingFunction} #{$iterationCount};


.anime {

@include animation(


animationName: zoom,

keyframes: (

0: (

transform: scale(1),

background-color: blue


50: (

transform: scale(2),

background-color: green


100: (

transform: scale(3),

background-color: red



duration: 2,

waitTime: 1,

timingFunction: ease,

iterationCount: infinite




.anime {

animation: zoom 2s ease infinite;


@keyframes zoom {

0% {

transform: scale(1);

background-color: blue;


33.33333% {

transform: scale(2);

background-color: green;


66.66667% {

transform: scale(3);

background-color: red;


100% {

transform: scale(3);

background-color: red;



不过这种方式略有一个缺陷,就是不能一直同时声明多个 animation-name。如果希望同时声明多个,需要在上面的基础上进行修改或者扩展。感兴趣的同学可以尝试一下。

其实上述的方法只是Sass实现keyframes的几种而以,在网络上这样的混合宏方法有很多种。大家也可以根据自己平时常使用的方式,可以定制适合自己的 keyframes 混合宏。最后给大家推荐一个ZURB团队做的 MOTION UI,这里面声明 keyframes 也非常有特色,感兴趣的同学可以去 查看源码。



文章主要介绍了如何使用Sass的方式给 @kefyframes 声明一个混合宏,并且通过 @include 来调用声明好的混合宏。并且简单的介绍了如何通过声明的keyframes来更好的维护我们的代码。最后希望这篇文章对于你平时写代码有所帮助,如果您有更好的方案或者思路,欢迎在下面的评论中与我们一起分享。

以上是 使用 Sass 来定义 Keyframes 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/p/233668.html
