【flutter】flutter doctor报错 Unable to find git in your PATH 求解决

  • 报错

【flutter】flutter doctor报错 Unable to find git in your PATH 求解决

  • 环境变量里也有按照官网说的配置git 配置fluter/bin的路径

【flutter】flutter doctor报错 Unable to find git in your PATH 求解决
【flutter】flutter doctor报错 Unable to find git in your PATH 求解决
【flutter】flutter doctor报错 Unable to find git in your PATH 求解决

  • 也百度了好多方法,依然不行,就大佬帮助解决


cmd 里运行下 echo %path%,如果输出的里面有你的 flutter 的 路径,就说明你的地址弄错了,如果没有就说明环境变量没有生效,关掉重开一个 cmd 再试试.

以上是 【flutter】flutter doctor报错 Unable to find git in your PATH 求解决 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/a/85945.html
