
sensor、codec、display device都是基于pixel的,高分辨率图像能呈现更多的detail,由于sensor制造和chip的限制,我们需要用到图像插值(scaler/resize)技术,这种方法代价小,使用方便。同时,该技术还可以放大用户希望看到的感兴趣区域。图像缩放算法往往基于插值实现,常见的图像插值算法包括最近邻插值(Nearest-neighbor)、双线性插值(Bilinear)、双立方插值(bicubic)、lanczos插值、方向插值(Edge-directed interpolation)、example-based插值、深度学习等算法。




1. Nearest-neighbor




2. Bilinear







3. C实现




#include <string.h>

#include <iostream>

#include "resize.h"

int main()


const char *input_file = "D:\\simuTest\\teststream\\00_YUV_data\\01_DIT_title\\data.yuv"; //absolute path

const char *output_file = "D:\\simuTest\\teststream\\00_YUV_data\\01_DIT_title\\data_out2.yuv"; //absolute path

int src_width = 720;

int src_height = 480;

int dst_width = 1920;

int dst_height = 1080;

int resize_type = 1; //0:nearest, 1:bilinear

resize(input_file, src_width, src_height, output_file, dst_width, dst_height, resize_type);

return 0;



#include "resize.h"

int clip3(int data, int min, int max)


return (data > max) ? max : ((data < min) ? min : data);

if(data > max)

return max;

else if(data > min)

return data;


return min;


//bilinear takes 4 pixels (2×2) into account


* 函数名: bilinearHorScaler

* 说明: 水平方向双线性插值

* 参数:


void bilinearHorScaler(int *src_image, int *dst_image, int src_width, int src_height, int dst_width, int dst_height)


double resizeX = (double)dst_width / src_width;

for(int ver = 0; ver < dst_height; ++ver){

for(int hor = 0; hor < dst_width; ++hor){

double srcCoorX = hor / resizeX;

double weight1 = srcCoorX - (double)((int)srcCoorX);

double weight2 = (double)((int)(srcCoorX + 1)) - srcCoorX;

double dstValue = *(src_image + src_width * ver + clip3((int)srcCoorX, 0, src_width - 1)) * weight2 + *(src_image + src_width * ver + clip3((int)(srcCoorX + 1), 0, src_width - 1)) * weight1;

*(dst_image + dst_width * ver + hor) = clip3((uint8)dstValue, 0, 255);





* 函数名: bilinearVerScaler

* 说明: 垂直方向双线性插值

* 参数:


void bilinearVerScaler(int *src_image, int *dst_image, int src_width, int src_height, int dst_width, int dst_height)


double resizeY = (double)dst_height / src_height;

for(int ver = 0; ver < dst_height; ++ver){

for(int hor = 0; hor < dst_width; ++hor){

double srcCoorY = ver / resizeY;

double weight1 = srcCoorY - (double)((int)srcCoorY);

double weight2 = (double)((int)(srcCoorY + 1)) - srcCoorY;

double dstValue = *(src_image + src_width * clip3((int)srcCoorY, 0, src_height - 1) + hor) * weight2 + *(src_image + src_width * clip3((int)(srcCoorY + 1), 0, src_height - 1) + hor) * weight1;

*(dst_image + dst_width * ver + hor) = clip3((uint8)dstValue, 0, 255);





* 函数名: yuv420p_NearestScaler

* 说明: 最近邻插值

* 参数:


void nearestScaler(int *src_image, int *dst_image, int src_width, int src_height, int dst_width, int dst_height)


double resizeX = (double)dst_width /src_width; //水平缩放系数

double resizeY = (double)dst_height / src_height; //垂直缩放系数

int srcX = 0;

int srcY = 0;

for(int ver = 0; ver < dst_height; ++ver) {

for(int hor = 0; hor < dst_width; ++hor) {

srcX = clip3(int(hor/resizeX + 0.5), 0, src_width - 1);

srcY = clip3(int(ver/resizeY + 0.5), 0, src_height - 1);

*(dst_image + dst_width * ver + hor) = *(src_image + src_width * srcY + srcX);




void resize(const char *input_file, int src_width, int src_height, const char *output_file, int dst_width, int dst_height, int resize_type)


//define and init src buffer

int *src_y = new int[src_width * src_height];

int *src_cb = new int[src_width * src_height / 4];

int *src_cr = new int[src_width * src_height / 4];

memset(src_y, 0, sizeof(int) * src_width * src_height);

memset(src_cb, 0, sizeof(int) * src_width * src_height / 4);

memset(src_cr, 0, sizeof(int) * src_width * src_height / 4);

//define and init dst buffer

int *dst_y = new int[dst_width * dst_height];

int *dst_cb = new int[dst_width * dst_height / 4];

int *dst_cr = new int[dst_width * dst_height / 4];

memset(dst_y, 0, sizeof(int) * dst_width * dst_height);

memset(dst_cb, 0, sizeof(int) * dst_width * dst_height / 4);

memset(dst_cr, 0, sizeof(int) * dst_width * dst_height / 4);

//define and init mid buffer

int *mid_y = new int[dst_width * src_height];

int *mid_cb = new int[dst_width * src_height / 4];

int *mid_cr = new int[dst_width * src_height / 4];

memset(mid_y, 0, sizeof(int) * dst_width * src_height);

memset(mid_cb, 0, sizeof(int) * dst_width * src_height / 4);

memset(mid_cr, 0, sizeof(int) * dst_width * src_height / 4);

uint8 *data_in_8bit = new uint8[src_width * src_height * 3 / 2];

memset(data_in_8bit, 0, sizeof(uint8) * src_width * src_height * 3 / 2);

uint8 *data_out_8bit = new uint8[dst_width * dst_height * 3 / 2];

memset(data_out_8bit, 0, sizeof(uint8) * dst_width * dst_height * 3 / 2);

FILE *fp_in = fopen(input_file,"rb");

if(NULL == fp_in)



printf("open file failure");


FILE *fp_out = fopen(output_file, "wb+");

//data read

fread(data_in_8bit, sizeof(uint8), src_width * src_height * 3 / 2, fp_in);

//Y component

for(int ver = 0; ver < src_height; ver++)


for(int hor =0; hor < src_width; hor++)


src_y[ver * src_width + hor] = data_in_8bit[ver * src_width + hor];



//c component YUV420P

for(int ver = 0; ver < src_height / 2; ver++)


for(int hor =0; hor < src_width / 2; hor++)


src_cb[ver * (src_width / 2) + hor] = data_in_8bit[src_height * src_width + ver * src_width / 2 + hor];

src_cr[ver * (src_width / 2) + hor] = data_in_8bit[src_height * src_width + src_height * src_width / 4 + ver * src_width / 2 + hor];




if(0 == resize_type)


nearestScaler(src_y, dst_y, src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height);

nearestScaler(src_cb, dst_cb, src_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, dst_height / 2);

nearestScaler(src_cr, dst_cr, src_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, dst_height / 2);


else if(1 == resize_type)


bilinearHorScaler(src_y, mid_y, src_width, src_height, dst_width, src_height);

bilinearHorScaler(src_cb, mid_cb, src_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, src_height / 2);

bilinearHorScaler(src_cr, mid_cr, src_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, src_height / 2);

bilinearVerScaler(mid_y, dst_y, dst_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height);

bilinearVerScaler(mid_cb, dst_cb, dst_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, dst_height / 2);

bilinearVerScaler(mid_cr, dst_cr, dst_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, dst_height / 2);




nearestScaler(src_y, dst_y, src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height);

nearestScaler(src_cb, dst_cb, src_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, dst_height / 2);

nearestScaler(src_cr, dst_cr, src_width / 2, src_height / 2, dst_width / 2, dst_height / 2);


//data write

for(int ver = 0; ver < dst_height; ver++)


for(int hor =0; hor < dst_width; hor++)


data_out_8bit[ver * dst_width + hor] = clip3(dst_y[ver * dst_width + hor], 0, 255);



for(int ver = 0; ver < dst_height / 2; ver++)


for(int hor = 0; hor < dst_width / 2; hor++)


data_out_8bit[dst_height * dst_width + ver * dst_width / 2 + hor] = clip3(dst_cb[ver * (dst_width / 2) + hor], 0, 255);

data_out_8bit[dst_height * dst_width + dst_height * dst_width / 4 + ver * dst_width / 2 + hor] = clip3(dst_cr[ver * (dst_width / 2) + hor], 0, 255);



fwrite(data_out_8bit, sizeof(uint8), dst_width * dst_height * 3 / 2, fp_out);

delete [] src_y;

delete [] src_cb;

delete [] src_cr;

delete [] dst_y;

delete [] dst_cb;

delete [] dst_cr;

delete [] mid_y;

delete [] mid_cb;

delete [] mid_cr;

delete [] data_in_8bit;

delete [] data_out_8bit;





#ifndef RESIZE_H

#define RESIZE_H

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

typedef unsigned char uint8;

typedef unsigned short uint16;

int clip3(int data, int min, int max);

void bilinearHorScaler(int *src_image, int *dst_image, int src_width, int src_height, int dst_width, int dst_height);

void bilinearVerScaler(int *src_image, int *dst_image, int src_width, int src_height, int dst_width, int dst_height);

void nearestScaler(int *src_image, int *dst_image, int src_width, int src_height, int dst_width, int dst_height);

void resize(const char *input_file, int src_width, int src_height, const char *output_file, int dst_width, int dst_height, int resize_type);







  1. B = imresize(A, scale, method) B = imresize(A, 0.5, ‘bicubic’)使用双立方插值将宽高各缩小1/2
  2. B = imresize(A, outputSize, method) B = imresize(A, [1080,1920], ‘bilinear’)使用双线性插值缩放到1920x1080分辨率


以上是 图像插值算法及其实现 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/a/63440.html
