

备忘录模式(Memento Pattern)又称为快照模式(Snapshot Pattern)或者令牌模式(Token Pattern),是指在不破坏封装的前提下,捕获一个内部状态,并在对象之外保存这个状态。这样以后就可将该对象恢复到原先保存的状态。





  • 需要保存历史快照的场景;
  • 希望在对象之外保存状态,且除了自己其它类对象无法访问状态保存具体内容。


  • 发起人角色(Orgainator):负责创建一个备忘录,记录自身需要保存的状态,具备状态回滚功能;
  • 备忘录角色(Memento):用于存储发起人的内部状态,且可以防止发起人以外的对象进行访问;
  • 备忘录管理员(Caretaker):负责存储,提供管理备忘录,无法对备忘录内容进行操作和访问。

1.1 利用压栈管理落地备忘录模式


下面使用代码来实现这样的功能。假设我们需要发布一篇文章,这篇文章的编辑过程需要花很长的时间,编辑的过程中会不停的撤销,保存草稿、修改。首先创建发起人角色编辑器 Editor 类:

public class Editor {

private String title;

private String content;

private String imgs;

public Editor(String title, String content, String imgs) {

this.title = title;

this.content = content;

this.imgs = imgs;


public ArticleMemento save2Memento() {

ArticleMemento articleMemento =

new ArticleMemento(this.title, this.content, this.imgs);

return articleMemento;


public void undoFromMemento(ArticleMemento articleMemento) {

this.title = articleMemento.getTitle();

this.content = articleMemento.getContent();

this.imgs = articleMemento.getImgs();


public String getTitle() {

return title;


public void setTitle(String title) {

this.title = title;


public String getContent() {

return content;


public void setContent(String content) {

this.content = content;


public String getImgs() {

return imgs;


public void setImgs(String imgs) {

this.imgs = imgs;



public String toString() {

return "Editor{" +

"title="" + title + """ +

", content="" + content + """ +

", imgs="" + imgs + """ +




然后创建备忘录角色 ArticleMemento 类:

public class ArticleMemento {

private String title;

private String content;

private String imgs;

public ArticleMemento(String title, String content, String imgs) {

this.title = title;

this.content = content;

this.imgs = imgs;


public String getTitle() {

return title;


public void setTitle(String title) {

this.title = title;


public String getContent() {

return content;


public void setContent(String content) {

this.content = content;


public String getImgs() {

return imgs;


public void setImgs(String imgs) {

this.imgs = imgs;



public String toString() {

return "ArticleMemento{" +

"title="" + title + """ +

", content="" + content + """ +

", imgs="" + imgs + """ +




创建备忘录管理角色草稿箱 DraftBox 类:

public class DraftBox {

private final Stack<ArticleMemento> STACK = new Stack<>();

public ArticleMemento getMemento() {

ArticleMemento articleMemento = STACK.pop();

return articleMemento;


public void addMemento(ArticleMemento articleMemento) {







public interface StateManageableMessageContext extends MessageContext {


* Create a serializable memento, or token representing a snapshot of the internal state of this message context.

* @return the messages memento


public Serializable createMessagesMemento();


* Set the state of this context from the memento provided. After this call, the messages in this context will match

* what is encapsulated inside the memento. Any previous state will be overridden.

* @param messagesMemento the messages memento


public void restoreMessages(Serializable messagesMemento);


* Configure the message source used to resolve messages added to this context. May be set at any time to change how

* coded messages are resolved.

* @param messageSource the message source

* @see MessageContext#addMessage(MessageResolver)


public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource);



public class DefaultMessageContext implements StateManageableMessageContext {

private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultMessageContext.class);

private MessageSource messageSource;


private Map<Object, List<Message>> sourceMessages = new AbstractCachingMapDecorator<Object, List<Message>>(

new LinkedHashMap<Object, List<Message>>()) {

protected List<Message> create(Object source) {

return new ArrayList<Message>();




* Creates a new default message context. Defaults to a message source that simply resolves default text and cannot

* resolve localized message codes.


public DefaultMessageContext() {




* Creates a new default message context.

* @param messageSource the message source to resolve messages added to this context


public DefaultMessageContext(MessageSource messageSource) {



public MessageSource getMessageSource() {

return messageSource;


// implementing message context

public Message[] getAllMessages() {

List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();

for (List<Message> list : sourceMessages.values()) {



return messages.toArray(new Message[messages.size()]);


public Message[] getMessagesBySource(Object source) {

List<Message> messages = sourceMessages.get(source);

return messages.toArray(new Message[messages.size()]);


public Message[] getMessagesByCriteria(MessageCriteria criteria) {

List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();

for (List<Message> sourceMessages : this.sourceMessages.values()) {

for (Message message : sourceMessages) {

if (criteria.test(message)) {





return messages.toArray(new Message[messages.size()]);


public boolean hasErrorMessages() {

for (List<Message> sourceMessages : this.sourceMessages.values()) {

for (Message message : sourceMessages) {

if (message.getSeverity() == Severity.ERROR) {

return true;




return false;


public void addMessage(MessageResolver messageResolver) {

Locale currentLocale = LocaleContextHolder.getLocale();

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

logger.debug("Resolving message using " + messageResolver);


Message message = messageResolver.resolveMessage(messageSource, currentLocale);

List<Message> messages = sourceMessages.get(message.getSource());

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

logger.debug("Adding resolved message " + message);




public void clearMessages() {



// implementing state manageable message context

public Serializable createMessagesMemento() {

return new LinkedHashMap<Object, List<Message>>(sourceMessages);



public void restoreMessages(Serializable messagesMemento) {

sourceMessages.putAll((Map<Object, List<Message>>) messagesMemento);


public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) {

if (messageSource == null) {

messageSource = new DefaultTextFallbackMessageSource();


this.messageSource = messageSource;


// internal helpers

private void init(MessageSource messageSource) {


// create the "null" source message list eagerly to ensure global messages are indexed first



public String toString() {

return new ToStringCreator(this).append("sourceMessages", sourceMessages).toString();


private static class DefaultTextFallbackMessageSource extends AbstractMessageSource {

protected MessageFormat resolveCode(String code, Locale locale) {

return null;







  • 简化发起人职责,隔离状态存储与获取,实现了信息的封装,客户端无需关心状态的保存细节;
  • 提供状态回滚功能。



以上是 架构师内功心法,参与富文本编辑器开发的备忘录模式详解 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/514624.html
