

1. GMAT语法一般不用被动语态的动词或动词短语

lead, cause, become, enable,receive, visit, visit, lack, enter, cost,  resemble, last,possess,like, enjoy, notice, watch, look at, listen to, pay attention to, suit, fit, contain, so as to do, be able to, be likely to do


change, close, end, finish, head, interest, issue, open, train,determine

sth. be aimed at doing; sb aim to do sth

sth be intended to do sth; sb intend to do sth

sth be targeted at sth; sb target sth

3. 直接加-ing分词作宾语的动词或动词短语的GMAT语法形式

– acknowledge, avoid, admit, enjoy, escape, suggest, assure, advocate, forbid, permit, favor, recommend, resist, risk, involve, deny, include

– aid sb in doing, prevent / keep / prohibit / save sb from doing, accuse sb. of doing

– give up, credit to (把…计入…), aim to (目的在于), contribute to (导致), in contrast to (和…相反), be suppose to (??? be supposed to do), object to (反对), be opposed to (反对), amount to (等于), be exposed / committed / limited / devoted to, lead to, be educated to, be / become accustomed / used to

– be expert at, be good at, criticize… for, praise…for, be capable of, be busy, have difficulty (in), have trouble (in)

– propose doing

4. GMAT语法备考要重点掌握接不定式作宾语的动词


afford, agree, appear / seem, arrange, choose, claim, come (逐渐), elect, endeavor, expect, fail, promise, refuse, seek, select, threaten, venture, offer, prefer

5. GMAT攻略:不定式作宾语补余的使用方法

动词 (advise, allow, cause, compel, enable, invite, inspire, convince, expect, lead, require, use, order) + 名词短语 + 不定式

6. 省略to的不定式

– 动词 (see, watch, notice, spot, hear, observe, perceive, overhead, feel, smell, let, make) + N. / Prep. + do

– make do (with / without) 凑合着做… , make believe 假装 (pretend)

– help (to) do…

7. 平行结构标志词

– 连词: and, or, but, yet

– 短语: rather than…, not only…but also…, from…to…, either… or…, neither…nor…, between…and…, both…and…, not…but rather…, not…but…,…as well as…

8. 比较结构中的习惯搭配

– more because… than because 更多是因为…而不是因为…

– as + adj. + a/an + n. + as… : 例句. Exercising is as good a way as any to lose unwanted weight

– not… so much A as B 与其说A倒不如说B

– the more… the more… 倒装结构,be 动词常可省略

– no more… than; no more than 与…同样不..

– verb. + more of / less of than 这里more和less做副词修饰 verb, 指程度更大或者更小

– no less… than. no less than 与…一样

– 其他可以引出比较结构的词语:compared with, below, above, superior to

9. 其他GMAT语法固定搭配

– forbid sth; forbid sb to do sth; forbit sb doing sth (forbid 和 prevent 的用法不同 – prevent sb from doing sth…)

– range from… to…

– be in control; under control

– contrast with / to, in contrast to

– rivalry between A and B, A rival B for / in…

– be regarded as, regard…as 名词 / 形容词 / -ing 分词

– be in danger of doing… 处于…危险中

– need做名词 the need to do sth, the need for sb to do, the need for sth

– view… as…

– have an impact on…, impact on…

– the possibility of doing, the possibility that 从句 (用将来时)

– pay money for sth / doing sth

– require sb to do sth


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