
python lib


Elvis Pranskevichus <>, Yury Selivanov <>

This article explains the new features in Python 3.5, compared to 3.4.

Python 3.5 was released on September 13, 2015.  See the

changelog for a full

list of changes.


PEP 478 - Python 3.5 发布计划

摘要 - 发布重点¶


  • PEP 492, 使用 async 和 await 语法实现协程。

  • PEP 465, 新的矩阵乘法运算符: a@b.

  • PEP 448, additional unpacking generalizations.


  • typing: PEP 484 -- 类型提示.

  • zipapp: PEP 441 改进Python ZIP应用程序支持.


  • bytes%args, bytearray%args: PEP 461 --

    Adding % formatting to bytes and bytearray.

  • New bytes.hex(), bytearray.hex() and memoryview.hex()

    methods. (Contributed by Arnon Yaari in bpo-9951.)

  • memoryview now supports tuple indexing (including multi-dimensional).

    (Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in bpo-23632.)

  • Generators have a new gi_yieldfrom attribute, which returns the

    object being iterated by yieldfrom expressions. (Contributed

    by Benno Leslie and Yury Selivanov in bpo-24450.)

  • A new RecursionError exception is now raised when maximum

    recursion depth is reached. (Contributed by Georg Brandl

    in bpo-19235.)

CPython 实现的改进:

  • When the LC_TYPE locale is the POSIX locale (C locale),

    sys.stdin and sys.stdout now use the

    surrogateescape error handler, instead of the strict error handler.

    (Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-19977.)

  • .pyo files are no longer used and have been replaced by a more flexible

    scheme that includes the optimization level explicitly in .pyc name.

    (See PEP 488 overview.)

  • Builtin and extension modules are now initialized in a multi-phase process,

    which is similar to how Python modules are loaded.

    (See PEP 489 overview.)


  • collections.OrderedDict is now

    implemented in C, which makes it

    4 to 100 times faster.

  • The ssl module gained

    support for Memory BIO, which decouples SSL

    protocol handling from network IO.

  • The new os.scandir() function provides a

    better and significantly faster way

    of directory traversal.

  • functools.lru_cache() has been mostly

    reimplemented in C, yielding much better


  • The new function provides a

    streamlined way to run subprocesses.

  • The traceback module has been significantly

    enhanced for improved

    performance and developer convenience.


  • SSLv3 is now disabled throughout the standard library.

    It can still be enabled by instantiating a ssl.SSLContext

    manually. (See bpo-22638 for more details; this change was

    backported to CPython 3.4 and 2.7.)

  • HTTP cookie parsing is now stricter, in order to protect

    against potential injection attacks. (Contributed by Antoine Pitrou

    in bpo-22796.)


  • A new installer for Windows has replaced the old MSI.

    See 在Windows上使用 Python for more information.

  • Windows builds now use Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0, and extension modules

    should use the same.

Please read on for a comprehensive list of user-facing changes, including many

other smaller improvements, CPython optimizations, deprecations, and potential

porting issues.


PEP 492 - 使用 async 和 await 语法实现协程¶

PEP 492 greatly improves support for asynchronous programming in Python

by adding awaitable objects,

coroutine functions,

asynchronous iteration,

and asynchronous context managers.

Coroutine functions are declared using the new asyncdef syntax:

python3 notranslate">
>>> asyncdefcoro():

... return'spam'

Inside a coroutine function, the new await expression can be used

to suspend coroutine execution until the result is available. Any object

can be awaited, as long as it implements the awaitable protocol by

defining the __await__() method.

PEP 492 also adds asyncfor statement for convenient iteration

over asynchronous iterables.

An example of a rudimentary HTTP client written using the new syntax:





b'GET / HTTP/1.1',

b'Host: %b'%domain.encode('latin-1'),

b'Connection: close',











Similarly to asynchronous iteration, there is a new syntax for asynchronous

context managers. The following script:



print('coro {}: waiting for lock'.format(name))


print('coro {}: holding the lock'.format(name))


print('coro {}: releasing the lock'.format(name))















Note that both asyncfor and asyncwith can only

be used inside a coroutine function declared with asyncdef.

Coroutine functions are intended to be run inside a compatible event loop,

such as the asyncio loop.


在 3.5.2 版更改: Starting with CPython 3.5.2, __aiter__ can directly return

asynchronous iterators. Returning

an awaitable object will result in a


See more details in the 异步迭代器 documentation



PEP 492 -- 使用 async 和 await 语法实现协程

PEP 由 Yury Selivanov 撰写并实现

PEP 465 - 用于矩阵乘法的专用中缀运算符¶

PEP 465 adds the @ infix operator for matrix multiplication.

Currently, no builtin Python types implement the new operator, however, it

can be implemented by defining __matmul__(), __rmatmul__(),

and __imatmul__() for regular, reflected, and in-place matrix

multiplication. The semantics of these methods is similar to that of

methods defining other infix arithmetic operators.

矩阵乘法在数学,科学,工程学的许多领域中是一种常见的操作,使用 @ 运算符可以编写更简洁的代码:





NumPy 1.10 支持新的运算符:

>>> importnumpy

>>> x=numpy.ones(3)

>>> x

array([ 1., 1., 1.])

>>> m=numpy.eye(3)

>>> m

array([[ 1., 0., 0.],

[ 0., 1., 0.],

[ 0., 0., 1.]])

>>> x@m

array([ 1., 1., 1.])


PEP 465 -- 用于矩阵乘法的专用中缀运算符

PEP 由 Nathaniel J. Smith 撰写,由 Benjamin Peterson 实现。

PEP 448 - Additional Unpacking Generalizations¶

PEP 448 extends the allowed uses of the * iterable unpacking

operator and ** dictionary unpacking operator. It is now possible

to use an arbitrary number of unpackings in function calls:

>>> print(*[1],*[2],3,*[4,5])

1 2 3 4 5

>>> deffn(a,b,c,d):

... print(a,b,c,d)


>>> fn(**{'a':1,'c':3},**{'b':2,'d':4})

1 2 3 4

Similarly, tuple, list, set, and dictionary displays allow multiple

unpackings (see 表达式列表 and 字典显示):

>>> *range(4),4

(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

>>> [*range(4),4]

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> {*range(4),4,*(5,6,7)}

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

>>> {'x':1,**{'y':2}}

{'x': 1, 'y': 2}


PEP 448 -- Additional Unpacking Generalizations

PEP 由 Joshua Landau 撰写 ,由 Neil Girdhar,Thomas Wouters 和 Joshua Landau 实现。

PEP 461 - percent formatting support for bytes and bytearray¶

PEP 461 adds support for the %

interpolation operator to bytes

and bytearray.

While interpolation is usually thought of as a string operation, there are

cases where interpolation on bytes or bytearrays makes sense, and the

work needed to make up for this missing functionality detracts from the

overall readability of the code. This issue is particularly important when

dealing with wire format protocols, which are often a mixture of binary

and ASCII compatible text.


>>> b'Hello %b!'%b'World'

b'Hello World!'

>>> b'x=%i y=%f'%(1,2.5)

b'x=1 y=2.500000'

Unicode is not allowed for %b, but it is accepted by %a (equivalent of


>>> b'Hello %b!'%'World'

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

TypeError: %b requires bytes, or an object that implements __bytes__, not 'str'

>>> b'price: %a'%'10€'

b"price: '10\\u20ac'"

Note that %s and %r conversion types, although supported, should

only be used in codebases that need compatibility with Python 2.


PEP 461 -- Adding % formatting to bytes and bytearray

PEP 由 Ethan Furman 撰写 ,由 Neil Schemenauer 和 Ethan Furman 实现。

PEP 484 - 类型提示¶

Function annotation syntax has been a Python feature since version 3.0

(PEP 3107), however the semantics of annotations has been left undefined.

Experience has shown that the majority of function annotation

uses were to provide type hints to function parameters and return values. It

became evident that it would be beneficial for Python users, if the

standard library included the base definitions and tools for type annotations.

PEP 484 introduces a provisional module to

provide these standard definitions and tools, along with some conventions

for situations where annotations are not available.

For example, here is a simple function whose argument and return type

are declared in the annotations:


return'Hello '+name

While these annotations are available at runtime through the usual

__annotations__ attribute, no automatic type checking happens at

runtime. Instead, it is assumed that a separate off-line type checker

(e.g. mypy) will be used for on-demand

source code analysis.

The type system supports unions, generic types, and a special type

named Any which is consistent with (i.e. assignable to

and from) all types.


  • typing 模块文档

  • PEP 484 -- 类型提示

    PEP 由 Guido van Rossum,Jukka Lehtosalo 和 Łukasz Langa 撰写,由 Guido van Rossum 实现。

  • PEP 483 -- 类型提示理论

    PEP 由 Yury Selivanov 撰写

PEP 471 - os.scandir() function -- a better and faster directory iterator¶

PEP 471 adds a new directory iteration function, os.scandir(),

to the standard library. Additionally, os.walk() is now

implemented using scandir, which makes it 3 to 5 times faster

on POSIX systems and 7 to 20 times faster on Windows systems. This is

largely achieved by greatly reducing the number of calls to os.stat()

required to walk a directory tree.

Additionally, scandir returns an iterator, as opposed to returning

a list of file names, which improves memory efficiency when iterating

over very large directories.

The following example shows a simple use of os.scandir() to display all

the files (excluding directories) in the given path that don't start with

'.'. The entry.is_file() call will generally

not make an additional system call:




PEP 471 -- os.scandir() function -- a better and faster directory iterator

PEP 由 Ben Hoyt 在 Victor Stinner 的帮助下撰写并实现

PEP 475: Retry system calls failing with EINTR¶

An errno.EINTR error code is returned whenever a system call, that

is waiting for I/O, is interrupted by a signal. Previously, Python would

raise InterruptedError in such cases. This meant that, when writing a

Python application, the developer had two choices:

  1. Ignore the InterruptedError.

  2. Handle the InterruptedError and attempt to restart the interrupted

    system call at every call site.

The first option makes an application fail intermittently.

The second option adds a large amount of boilerplate that makes the

code nearly unreadable. Compare:

print("Hello World")




print("Hello World")




PEP 475 implements automatic retry of system calls on

EINTR. This removes the burden of dealing with EINTR

or InterruptedError in user code in most situations and makes

Python programs, including the standard library, more robust. Note that

the system call is only retried if the signal handler does not raise an


Below is a list of functions which are now retried when interrupted

by a signal:

  • open();

  • faulthandler 模块的功能

  • os functions: fchdir(), fchmod(),

    fchown(), fdatasync(), fstat(),

    fstatvfs(), fsync(), ftruncate(),

    mkfifo(), mknod(), open(),

    posix_fadvise(), posix_fallocate(), pread(),

    pwrite(), read(), readv(), sendfile(),

    wait3(), wait4(), wait(),

    waitid(), waitpid(), write(),


  • 特例: os.close()os.dup2() 现在忽略 EINTR 错误; 不重试系统调用(请参阅PEP了解基本原理)

  • select 函数: devpoll.poll(), epoll.poll(), kqueue.control(), poll.poll(), select();

  • socket 类的方法: accept(), connect() (except for non-blocking sockets), recv(), recvfrom(), recvmsg(), send(), sendall(), sendmsg(), sendto();

  • signal.sigtimedwait()signal.sigwaitinfo();

  • time.sleep().


PEP 475 -- Retry system calls failing with EINTR

PEP and implementation written by Charles-François Natali and

Victor Stinner, with the help of Antoine Pitrou (the French connection).

PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators¶

The interaction of generators and StopIteration in Python 3.4 and

earlier was sometimes surprising, and could conceal obscure bugs. Previously,

StopIteration raised accidentally inside a generator function was

interpreted as the end of the iteration by the loop construct driving the


PEP 479 changes the behavior of generators: when a StopIteration

exception is raised inside a generator, it is replaced with a

RuntimeError before it exits the generator frame. The main goal of

this change is to ease debugging in the situation where an unguarded

next() call raises StopIteration and causes the iteration controlled

by the generator to terminate silently. This is particularly pernicious in

combination with the yieldfrom construct.

This is a backwards incompatible change, so to enable the new behavior,

a __future__ import is necessary:

>>> from__future__importgenerator_stop

>>> defgen():

... next(iter([]))

... yield


>>> next(gen())

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 2, in gen


The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

Without a __future__ import, a PendingDeprecationWarning will be

raised whenever a StopIteration exception is raised inside a generator.


PEP 479 -- Change StopIteration handling inside generators

PEP 由 Chris Angelico 和 Guido van Rossum 撰写,由 Chris Angelico,Yury Selivanov 和 Nick Coghlan 实现。

PEP 485: A function for testing approximate equality¶

PEP 485 adds the math.isclose() and cmath.isclose()

functions which tell whether two values are approximately equal or

"close" to each other. Whether or not two values are considered

close is determined according to given absolute and relative tolerances.

Relative tolerance is the maximum allowed difference between isclose

arguments, relative to the larger absolute value:

>>> importmath

>>> a=5.0

>>> b=4.99998

>>> math.isclose(a,b,rel_tol=1e-5)


>>> math.isclose(a,b,rel_tol=1e-6)


It is also possible to compare two values using absolute tolerance, which

must be a non-negative value:

>>> importmath

>>> a=5.0

>>> b=4.99998

>>> math.isclose(a,b,abs_tol=0.00003)


>>> math.isclose(a,b,abs_tol=0.00001)



PEP 485 —— 用于测试近似相等的函数

PEP 由 Christopher Barker 撰写,由 Chris Barker 和 Tal Einat 实现。

PEP 486: Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual environments¶

PEP 486 makes the Windows launcher (see PEP 397) aware of an active

virtual environment. When the default interpreter would be used and the

VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable is set, the interpreter in the virtual

environment will be used.


PEP 486 -- Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual environments

PEP 由 Paul Moore 撰写并实现

PEP 488: Elimination of PYO files¶

PEP 488 does away with the concept of .pyo files. This means that

.pyc files represent both unoptimized and optimized bytecode. To prevent the

need to constantly regenerate bytecode files, .pyc files now have an

optional opt- tag in their name when the bytecode is optimized. This has the

side-effect of no more bytecode file name clashes when running under either

-O or -OO. Consequently, bytecode files generated from

-O, and -OO may now exist simultaneously.

importlib.util.cache_from_source() has an updated API to help with

this change.


PEP 488 -- Elimination of PYO files

PEP 由 Brett Cannon 撰写并实现。

PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization¶

PEP 489 updates extension module initialization to take advantage of the

two step module loading mechanism introduced by PEP 451 in Python 3.4.

This change brings the import semantics of extension modules that opt-in to

using the new mechanism much closer to those of Python source and bytecode

modules, including the ability to use any valid identifier as a module name,

rather than being restricted to ASCII.


PEP 489 -- Multi-phase extension module initialization

PEP 由 Petr Viktorin , Stefan Behnel 和 Nick Coghlan 撰写,由 Petr Viktorin 实现。


对Python 语言核心进行的小改动:

  • Added the "namereplace" error handlers. The "backslashreplace"

    error handlers now work with decoding and translating.

    (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-19676 and bpo-22286.)

  • The -b option now affects comparisons of bytes with

    int. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23681.)

  • New Kazakh kz1048 and Tajik koi8_tcodecs.

    (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-22682 and bpo-22681.)

  • Property docstrings are now writable. This is especially useful for

    collections.namedtuple() docstrings.

    (Contributed by Berker Peksag in bpo-24064.)

  • Circular imports involving relative imports are now supported.

    (Contributed by Brett Cannon and Antoine Pitrou in bpo-17636.)



The new typingprovisional module

provides standard definitions and tools for function type annotations.

See Type Hints for more information.


The new zipapp module (specified in PEP 441) provides an API and

command line tool for creating executable Python Zip Applications, which

were introduced in Python 2.6 in bpo-1739468, but which were not well

publicized, either at the time or since.

With the new module, bundling your application is as simple as putting all

the files, including a file, into a directory myapp

and running:

$ python -m zipapp myapp

$ python myapp.pyz

The module implementation has been contributed by Paul Moore in



PEP 441 -- Improving Python ZIP Application Support



The ArgumentParser class now allows disabling

abbreviated usage of long options by setting

allow_abbrev to False. (Contributed by Jonathan Paugh,

Steven Bethard, paul j3 and Daniel Eriksson in bpo-14910.)


Since the asyncio module is provisional,

all changes introduced in Python 3.5 have also been backported to Python 3.4.x.

Notable changes in the asyncio module since Python 3.4.0:

  • New debugging APIs: loop.set_debug()

    and loop.get_debug() methods.

    (Contributed by Victor Stinner.)

  • The proactor event loop now supports SSL.

    (Contributed by Antoine Pitrou and Victor Stinner in bpo-22560.)

  • A new loop.is_closed() method to

    check if the event loop is closed.

    (Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-21326.)

  • A new loop.create_task()

    to conveniently create and schedule a new Task

    for a coroutine. The create_task method is also used by all

    asyncio functions that wrap coroutines into tasks, such as

    asyncio.wait(), asyncio.gather(), etc.

    (Contributed by Victor Stinner.)

  • A new transport.get_write_buffer_limits()

    method to inquire for high- and low- water limits of the flow


    (Contributed by Victor Stinner.)

  • The async() function is deprecated in favor of


    (Contributed by Yury Selivanov.)

  • New loop.set_task_factory() and


    methods to customize the task factory that loop.create_task() method uses. (Contributed by Yury


  • New Queue.join() and

    Queue.task_done() queue methods.

    (Contributed by Victor Stinner.)

  • The JoinableQueue class was removed, in favor of the

    asyncio.Queue class.

    (Contributed by Victor Stinner.)

3.5.1 中的更新:

  • The ensure_future() function and all functions that

    use it, such as loop.run_until_complete(),

    now accept all kinds of awaitable objects.

    (Contributed by Yury Selivanov.)

  • New run_coroutine_threadsafe() function to submit

    coroutines to event loops from other threads.

    (Contributed by Vincent Michel.)

  • New Transport.is_closing()

    method to check if the transport is closing or closed.

    (Contributed by Yury Selivanov.)

  • The loop.create_server()

    method can now accept a list of hosts.

    (Contributed by Yann Sionneau.)

3.5.2 中的更新:

  • New loop.create_future()

    method to create Future objects. This allows alternative event

    loop implementations, such as

    uvloop, to provide a faster

    asyncio.Future implementation.

    (Contributed by Yury Selivanov.)

  • New loop.get_exception_handler()

    method to get the current exception handler.

    (Contributed by Yury Selivanov.)

  • New StreamReader.readuntil()

    method to read data from the stream until a separator bytes

    sequence appears.

    (Contributed by Mark Korenberg.)

  • The loop.create_connection()

    and loop.create_server()

    methods are optimized to avoid calling the system getaddrinfo

    function if the address is already resolved.

    (Contributed by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.)

  • The loop.sock_connect(sock,address)

    no longer requires the address to be resolved prior to the call.

    (Contributed by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis.)


The BZ2Decompressor.decompress

method now accepts an optional max_length argument to limit the maximum

size of decompressed data. (Contributed by Nikolaus Rath in bpo-15955.)


The FieldStorage class now supports the context manager

protocol. (Contributed by Berker Peksag in bpo-20289.)


A new function isclose() provides a way to test for approximate

equality. (Contributed by Chris Barker and Tal Einat in bpo-24270.)


The InteractiveInterpreter.showtraceback()

method now prints the full chained traceback, just like the interactive

interpreter. (Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-17442.)


The OrderedDict class is now implemented in C, which

makes it 4 to 100 times faster. (Contributed by Eric Snow in bpo-16991.)



OrderedDict.values() views now support

reversed() iteration.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-19505.)

The deque class now defines

index(), insert(), and

copy(), and supports the + and * operators.

This allows deques to be recognized as a MutableSequence

and improves their substitutability for lists.

(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger in bpo-23704.)

Docstrings produced by namedtuple() can now be updated:


Point.__doc__+=': Cartesian coodinate'



(由 Berker Peksag 在 bpo-24064 中贡献。)

The UserString class now implements the

__getnewargs__(), __rmod__(), casefold(),

format_map(), isprintable(), and maketrans()

methods to match the corresponding methods of str.

(Contributed by Joe Jevnik in bpo-22189.)¶

The Sequence.index() method now

accepts start and stop arguments to match the corresponding methods

of tuple, list, etc.

(Contributed by Devin Jeanpierre in bpo-23086.)

A new Generator abstract base class. (Contributed

by Stefan Behnel in bpo-24018.)

New Awaitable, Coroutine,

AsyncIterator, and

AsyncIterable abstract base classes.

(Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-24184.)

For earlier Python versions, a backport of the new ABCs is available in an

external PyPI package.


A new compileall option, -jN, allows running N workers

simultaneously to perform parallel bytecode compilation.

The compile_dir() function has a corresponding workers

parameter. (Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-16104.)

Another new option, -r, allows controlling the maximum recursion

level for subdirectories. (Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-19628.)

The -q command line option can now be specified more than once, in

which case all output, including errors, will be suppressed. The corresponding

quiet parameter in compile_dir(),

compile_file(), and compile_path() can now

accept an integer value indicating the level of output suppression.

(Contributed by Thomas Kluyver in bpo-21338.)


The method now accepts a

chunksize argument to allow batching of tasks to improve performance when

ProcessPoolExecutor() is used.

(Contributed by Dan O'Reilly in bpo-11271.)

The number of workers in the ThreadPoolExecutor

constructor is optional now. The default value is 5 times the number of CPUs.

(Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-21527.)


configparser now provides a way to customize the conversion

of values by specifying a dictionary of converters in the

ConfigParser constructor, or by defining them

as methods in ConfigParser subclasses. Converters defined in

a parser instance are inherited by its section proxies.


>>> importconfigparser

>>> conv={}

>>> conv['list']=lambdav:[e.strip()foreinv.split()ife.strip()]

>>> cfg=configparser.ConfigParser(converters=conv)

>>> cfg.read_string("""

... [s]

... list = a b c d e f g

... """)

>>> cfg.get('s','list')

'a b c d e f g'

>>> cfg.getlist('s','list')

['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']

>>> section=cfg['s']

>>> section.getlist('list')

['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']

(由 Łukasz Langa 在 bpo-18159 中贡献。)


The new redirect_stderr()context manager (similar to

redirect_stdout()) makes it easier for utility scripts to

handle inflexible APIs that write their output to sys.stderr and

don't provide any options to redirect it:

>>> importcontextlib,io,logging

>>> f=io.StringIO()

>>> withcontextlib.redirect_stderr(f):

... logging.warning('warning')


>>> f.getvalue()


(由 Berker Peksag 在 bpo-22389 中贡献。)


The writerow() method now supports arbitrary iterables,

not just sequences. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23171.)


The new update_lines_cols() function updates the LINES

and COLS environment variables. This is useful for detecting

manual screen resizing. (Contributed by Arnon Yaari in bpo-4254.)

dbm¶ always creates a new database when the flag

has the value "n". (Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-18039.)


The charset of HTML documents generated by


can now be customized by using a new charset keyword-only argument.

The default charset of HTML document changed from "ISO-8859-1"

to "utf-8".

(Contributed by Berker Peksag in bpo-2052.)

The diff_bytes() function can now compare lists of byte

strings. This fixes a regression from Python 2.

(Contributed by Terry J. Reedy and Greg Ward in bpo-17445.)


Both the build and build_ext commands now accept a -j option to

enable parallel building of extension modules.

(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in bpo-5309.)

The distutils module now supports xz compression, and can be

enabled by passing xztar as an argument to bdist--format.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-16314.)


The DocTestSuite() function returns an empty

unittest.TestSuite if module contains no docstrings, instead of

raising ValueError. (Contributed by Glenn Jones in bpo-15916.)


A new policy option Policy.mangle_from_

controls whether or not lines that start with "From" in email bodies are

prefixed with a ">" character by generators. The default is True for

compat32 and False for all other policies.

(Contributed by Milan Oberkirch in bpo-20098.)

A new


method provides easy access to a canonical value for the

Content-Disposition header.

(Contributed by Abhilash Raj in bpo-21083.)

A new policy option EmailPolicy.utf8

can be set to True to encode email headers using the UTF-8 charset instead

of using encoded words. This allows Messages to be formatted according to

RFC 6532 and used with an SMTP server that supports the RFC 6531

SMTPUTF8 extension. (Contributed by R. David Murray in


The mime.text.MIMEText constructor now

accepts a charset.Charset instance.

(Contributed by Claude Paroz and Berker Peksag in bpo-16324.)


The Enum callable has a new parameter start to

specify the initial number of enum values if only names are provided:

>>> Animal=enum.Enum('Animal','cat dog',start=10)


< 10>


< 11>

(由 Ethan Furman 在 bpo-21706 中贡献。)


The enable(), register(),

dump_traceback() and

dump_traceback_later() functions now accept file

descriptors in addition to file-like objects.

(Contributed by Wei Wu in bpo-23566.)


Most of the lru_cache() machinery is now implemented in C, making

it significantly faster. (Contributed by Matt Joiner, Alexey Kachayev, and

Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-14373.)


The iglob() and glob() functions now support recursive

search in subdirectories, using the "**" pattern.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-13968.)


The mode argument of the GzipFile constructor now

accepts "x" to request exclusive creation.

(Contributed by Tim Heaney in bpo-19222.)


Element comparison in merge() can now be customized by

passing a key function in a new optional key keyword argument,

and a new optional reverse keyword argument can be used to reverse element


>>> importheapq

>>> a=['9','777','55555']

>>> b=['88','6666']

>>> list(heapq.merge(a,b,key=len))

['9', '88', '777', '6666', '55555']

>>> list(heapq.merge(reversed(a),reversed(b),key=len,reverse=True))

['55555', '6666', '777', '88', '9']

(由 Raymond Hettinger 在 bpo-13742 中贡献。)


A new HTTPStatus enum that defines a set of

HTTP status codes, reason phrases and long descriptions written in English.

(Contributed by Demian Brecht in bpo-21793.)



now raises a RemoteDisconnected exception when a

remote server connection is closed unexpectedly. Additionally, if a

ConnectionError (of which RemoteDisconnected

is a subclass) is raised, the client socket is now closed automatically,

and will reconnect on the next request:









(由 Martin Panter 在 bpo-3566 中贡献。)

idlelib 与 IDLE¶

Since idlelib implements the IDLE shell and editor and is not intended for

import by other programs, it gets improvements with every release. See

Lib/idlelib/NEWS.txt for a cumulative list of changes since 3.4.0,

as well as changes made in future 3.5.x releases. This file is also available

from the IDLE Help ‣ About IDLE dialog.


The IMAP4 class now supports the context manager protocol.

When used in a with statement, the IMAP4 LOGOUT

command will be called automatically at the end of the block.

(Contributed by Tarek Ziadé and Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-4972.)

The imaplib module now supports RFC 5161 (ENABLE Extension)

and RFC 6855 (UTF-8 Support) via the IMAP4.enable()

method. A new IMAP4.utf8_enabled

attribute tracks whether or not RFC 6855 support is enabled.

(Contributed by Milan Oberkirch, R. David Murray, and Maciej Szulik in


The imaplib module now automatically encodes non-ASCII string usernames

and passwords using UTF-8, as recommended by the RFCs. (Contributed by Milan

Oberkirch in bpo-21800.)


The what() function now recognizes the

OpenEXR format

(contributed by Martin Vignali and Claudiu Popa in bpo-20295),

and the WebP format

(contributed by Fabrice Aneche and Claudiu Popa in bpo-20197.)


The util.LazyLoader class allows for

lazy loading of modules in applications where startup time is important.

(Contributed by Brett Cannon in bpo-17621.)

The abc.InspectLoader.source_to_code()

method is now a static method. This makes it easier to initialize a module

object with code compiled from a string by running


(Contributed by Brett Cannon in bpo-21156.)

The new util.module_from_spec()

function is now the preferred way to create a new module. As opposed to

creating a types.ModuleType instance directly, this new function

will set the various import-controlled attributes based on the passed-in

spec object. (Contributed by Brett Cannon in bpo-20383.)


Both the Signature and Parameter classes are

now picklable and hashable. (Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-20726

and bpo-20334.)

A new


method provides a way to set default values for missing arguments:

>>> deffoo(a,b='ham',*args):pass

>>> ba=inspect.signature(foo).bind('spam')

>>> ba.apply_defaults()

>>> ba.arguments

OrderedDict([('a', 'spam'), ('b', 'ham'), ('args', ())])

(由 Yury Selivanov 在 bpo-24190 中贡献。)

A new class method

Signature.from_callable() makes

subclassing of Signature easier. (Contributed

by Yury Selivanov and Eric Snow in bpo-17373.)

The signature() function now accepts a follow_wrapped

optional keyword argument, which, when set to False, disables automatic

following of __wrapped__ links.

(Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-20691.)

A set of new functions to inspect

coroutine functions and

coroutine objects has been added:

iscoroutine(), iscoroutinefunction(),

isawaitable(), getcoroutinelocals(),

and getcoroutinestate().

(Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-24017 and bpo-24400.)

The stack(), trace(),

getouterframes(), and getinnerframes()

functions now return a list of named tuples.

(Contributed by Daniel Shahaf in bpo-16808.)


A new BufferedIOBase.readinto1()

method, that uses at most one call to the underlying raw stream's or

RawIOBase.readinto() methods.

(Contributed by Nikolaus Rath in bpo-20578.)


Both the IPv4Network and IPv6Network classes

now accept an (address,netmask) tuple argument, so as to easily construct

network objects from existing addresses:

>>> importipaddress

>>> ipaddress.IPv4Network(('',8))


>>> ipaddress.IPv4Network(('',''))


(由 Peter Moody 和 Antoine Pitrou 在 bpo-16531 中贡献。)

A new reverse_pointer attribute for the

IPv4Network and IPv6Network classes

returns the name of the reverse DNS PTR record:

>>> importipaddress

>>> addr=ipaddress.IPv4Address('')

>>> addr.reverse_pointer


>>> addr6=ipaddress.IPv6Address('::1')

>>> addr6.reverse_pointer


(由 Leon Weber 在 bpo-20480 中贡献。)


The json.tool command line interface now preserves the order of keys in

JSON objects passed in input. The new --sort-keys option can be used

to sort the keys alphabetically. (Contributed by Berker Peksag

in bpo-21650.)

JSON decoder now raises JSONDecodeError instead of

ValueError to provide better context information about the error.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-19361.)


A new lazycache() function can be used to capture information

about a non-file-based module to permit getting its lines later via

getline(). This avoids doing I/O until a line is actually

needed, without having to carry the module globals around indefinitely.

(Contributed by Robert Collins in bpo-17911.)


A new delocalize() function can be used to convert a string into

a normalized number string, taking the LC_NUMERIC settings into account:

>>> importlocale

>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC,'de_DE.UTF-8')


>>> locale.delocalize('1.234,56')


>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC,'en_US.UTF-8')


>>> locale.delocalize('1,234.56')


(由 Cédric Krier 在 bpo-13918 中贡献。)


All logging methods (Loggerlog(),

exception(), critical(),

debug(), etc.), now accept exception instances

as an exc_info argument, in addition to boolean values and exception


>>> importlogging

>>> try:

... 1/0

... exceptZeroDivisionErrorasex:

... logging.error('exception',exc_info=ex)


(由 Yury Selivanov 在 bpo-20537 中贡献。)

The handlers.HTTPHandler class now

accepts an optional ssl.SSLContext instance to configure SSL

settings used in an HTTP connection.

(Contributed by Alex Gaynor in bpo-22788.)

The handlers.QueueListener class now

takes a respect_handler_level keyword argument which, if set to True,

will pass messages to handlers taking handler levels into account.

(Contributed by Vinay Sajip.)


The LZMADecompressor.decompress()

method now accepts an optional max_length argument to limit the maximum

size of decompressed data.

(Contributed by Martin Panter in bpo-15955.)


Two new constants have been added to the math module: inf

and nan. (Contributed by Mark Dickinson in bpo-23185.)

A new function isclose() provides a way to test for approximate

equality. (Contributed by Chris Barker and Tal Einat in bpo-24270.)

A new gcd() function has been added. The fractions.gcd()

function is now deprecated. (Contributed by Mark Dickinson and Serhiy

Storchaka in bpo-22486.)



objects now support the context manager protocol.

(Contributed by Charles-François Natali in bpo-21565.)


attrgetter(), itemgetter(),

and methodcaller() objects now support pickling.

(Contributed by Josh Rosenberg and Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-22955.)

New matmul() and imatmul() functions

to perform matrix multiplication.

(Contributed by Benjamin Peterson in bpo-21176.)


The new scandir() function returning an iterator of

DirEntry objects has been added. If possible, scandir()

extracts file attributes while scanning a directory, removing the need to

perform subsequent system calls to determine file type or attributes, which may

significantly improve performance. (Contributed by Ben Hoyt with the help

of Victor Stinner in bpo-22524.)

On Windows, a new


attribute is now available. It corresponds to the dwFileAttributes member

of the BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION structure returned by

GetFileInformationByHandle(). (Contributed by Ben Hoyt in bpo-21719.)

The urandom() function now uses the getrandom() syscall on Linux 3.17

or newer, and getentropy() on OpenBSD 5.6 and newer, removing the need to

use /dev/urandom and avoiding failures due to potential file descriptor

exhaustion. (Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-22181.)

New get_blocking() and set_blocking() functions allow

getting and setting a file descriptor's blocking mode (O_NONBLOCK.)

(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-22054.)

The truncate() and ftruncate() functions are now supported

on Windows. (Contributed by Steve Dower in bpo-23668.)

There is a new os.path.commonpath() function returning the longest

common sub-path of each passed pathname. Unlike the

os.path.commonprefix() function, it always returns a valid


>>> os.path.commonprefix(['/usr/lib','/usr/local/lib'])


>>> os.path.commonpath(['/usr/lib','/usr/local/lib'])


(由 Rafik Draoui 和 Serhiy Storchaka 在 bpo-10395 中贡献。)


The new Path.samefile() method can be used

to check whether the path points to the same file as another path, which can

be either another Path object, or a string:

>>> importpathlib

>>> p1=pathlib.Path('/etc/hosts')

>>> p2=pathlib.Path('/etc/../etc/hosts')

>>> p1.samefile(p2)


(由 Vajrasky Kok 和 Antoine Pitrou 在 bpo-19775 中贡献。)

The Path.mkdir() method now accepts a new optional

exist_ok argument to match mkdir-p and os.makedirs()

functionality. (Contributed by Berker Peksag in bpo-21539.)

There is a new Path.expanduser() method to

expand ~ and ~user prefixes. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka and

Claudiu Popa in bpo-19776.)

A new Path.home() class method can be used to get

a Path instance representing the user’s home


(Contributed by Victor Salgado and Mayank Tripathi in bpo-19777.)

New Path.write_text(),



Path.read_bytes() methods to simplify

read/write operations on files.

The following code snippet will create or rewrite existing file


>>> importpathlib

>>> p=pathlib.Path('~/spam42')

>>> p.expanduser().write_text('ham')


(由 Christopher Welborn 在 bpo-20218 中贡献。)


Nested objects, such as unbound methods or nested classes, can now be pickled

using pickle protocols older than protocol version 4.

Protocol version 4 already supports these cases. (Contributed by Serhiy

Storchaka in bpo-23611.)


A new POP3.utf8() command enables RFC 6856

(Internationalized Email) support, if a POP server supports it.

(Contributed by Milan OberKirch in bpo-21804.)


References and conditional references to groups with fixed length are now

allowed in lookbehind assertions:

>>> importre

>>> pat=re.compile(r'(a|b).(?<=\1)c')

>>> pat.match('aac')

<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 3), match='aac'>

>>> pat.match('bbc')

<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 3), match='bbc'>

(由 Serhiy Storchaka 在 bpo-9179 中贡献。)

The number of capturing groups in regular expressions is no longer limited to

100. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-22437.)

The sub() and subn() functions now replace unmatched

groups with empty strings instead of raising an exception.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-1519638.)

The re.error exceptions have new attributes,

msg, pattern,

pos, lineno,

and colno, that provide better context

information about the error:

>>> re.compile("""

... (?x)

... .++

... """)

Traceback (most recent call last):


sre_constants.error: multiple repeat at position 16 (line 3, column 7)

(由 Serhiy Storchaka 在 bpo-22578 中贡献。)


A new append_history_file() function can be used to append

the specified number of trailing elements in history to the given file.

(Contributed by Bruno Cauet in bpo-22940.)


The new DevpollSelector supports efficient

/dev/poll polling on Solaris.

(Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola' in bpo-18931.)


The move() function now accepts a copy_function argument,

allowing, for example, the copy() function to be used instead of

the default copy2() if there is a need to ignore file metadata

when moving.

(Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-19840.)

The make_archive() function now supports the xztar format.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-5411.)


On Windows, the set_wakeup_fd() function now also supports

socket handles. (Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-22018.)

Various SIG* constants in the signal module have been converted into

Enums. This allows meaningful names to be printed

during debugging, instead of integer "magic numbers".

(Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola' in bpo-21076.)


Both the SMTPServer and SMTPChannel classes now

accept a decode_data keyword argument to determine if the DATA portion of

the SMTP transaction is decoded using the "utf-8" codec or is instead

provided to the


method as a byte string. The default is True for backward compatibility

reasons, but will change to False in Python 3.6. If decode_data is set

to False, the process_message method must be prepared to accept keyword


(Contributed by Maciej Szulik in bpo-19662.)

The SMTPServer class now advertises the 8BITMIME extension

(RFC 6152) if decode_data has been set True. If the client

specifies BODY=8BITMIME on the MAIL command, it is passed to


via the mail_options keyword.

(Contributed by Milan Oberkirch and R. David Murray in bpo-21795.)

The SMTPServer class now also supports the SMTPUTF8

extension (RFC 6531: Internationalized Email). If the client specified

SMTPUTF8BODY=8BITMIME on the MAIL command, they are passed to


via the mail_options keyword. It is the responsibility of the

process_message method to correctly handle the SMTPUTF8 data.

(Contributed by Milan Oberkirch in bpo-21725.)

It is now possible to provide, directly or via name resolution, IPv6

addresses in the SMTPServer constructor, and have it

successfully connect. (Contributed by Milan Oberkirch in bpo-14758.)


A new SMTP.auth() method provides a convenient way to

implement custom authentication mechanisms. (Contributed by Milan

Oberkirch in bpo-15014.)

The SMTP.set_debuglevel() method now

accepts an additional debuglevel (2), which enables timestamps in debug

messages. (Contributed by Gavin Chappell and Maciej Szulik in bpo-16914.)

Both the SMTP.sendmail() and

SMTP.send_message() methods now

support RFC 6531 (SMTPUTF8).

(Contributed by Milan Oberkirch and R. David Murray in bpo-22027.)


The what() and whathdr() functions now return

a namedtuple(). (Contributed by Claudiu Popa in



Functions with timeouts now use a monotonic clock, instead of a system clock.

(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-22043.)

A new socket.sendfile() method allows

sending a file over a socket by using the high-performance os.sendfile()

function on UNIX, resulting in uploads being from 2 to 3 times faster than when

using plain socket.send().

(Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola' in bpo-17552.)

The socket.sendall() method no longer resets the

socket timeout every time bytes are received or sent. The socket timeout is

now the maximum total duration to send all data.

(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-23853.)

The backlog argument of the socket.listen()

method is now optional. By default it is set to

SOMAXCONN or to 128, whichever is less.

(Contributed by Charles-François Natali in bpo-21455.)


内存 BIO 支持¶

(由 Geert Jansen 在 bpo-21965 中贡献。)

The new SSLObject class has been added to provide SSL protocol

support for cases when the network I/O capabilities of SSLSocket

are not necessary or are suboptimal. SSLObject represents

an SSL protocol instance, but does not implement any network I/O methods, and

instead provides a memory buffer interface. The new MemoryBIO

class can be used to pass data between Python and an SSL protocol instance.

The memory BIO SSL support is primarily intended to be used in frameworks

implementing asynchronous I/O for which SSLSocket's readiness

model ("select/poll") is inefficient.

A new SSLContext.wrap_bio() method can be used

to create a new SSLObject instance.

Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Support¶

(由 Benjamin Peterson 在 bpo-20188 中贡献。)

Where OpenSSL support is present, the ssl module now implements

the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation TLS extension as described

in RFC 7301.

The new SSLContext.set_alpn_protocols()

can be used to specify which protocols a socket should advertise during

the TLS handshake.

The new


returns the protocol that was selected during the TLS handshake.

The HAS_ALPN flag indicates whether ALPN support is present.

Other Changes¶

There is a new SSLSocket.version() method to

query the actual protocol version in use.

(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in bpo-20421.)

The SSLSocket class now implements

a SSLSocket.sendfile() method.

(Contributed by Giampaolo Rodola' in bpo-17552.)

The SSLSocket.send() method now raises either

the ssl.SSLWantReadError or ssl.SSLWantWriteError exception on a

non-blocking socket if the operation would block. Previously, it would return

0. (Contributed by Nikolaus Rath in bpo-20951.)

The cert_time_to_seconds() function now interprets the input time

as UTC and not as local time, per RFC 5280. Additionally, the return

value is always an int. (Contributed by Akira Li in bpo-19940.)

New SSLObject.shared_ciphers() and

SSLSocket.shared_ciphers() methods return

the list of ciphers sent by the client during the handshake.

(Contributed by Benjamin Peterson in bpo-23186.)

The SSLSocket.do_handshake(),,

SSLSocket.shutdown(), and

SSLSocket.write() methods of the SSLSocket

class no longer reset the socket timeout every time bytes are received or sent.

The socket timeout is now the maximum total duration of the method.

(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-23853.)

The match_hostname() function now supports matching of IP addresses.

(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in bpo-23239.)


The Row class now fully supports the sequence protocol,

in particular reversed() iteration and slice indexing.

(Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-10203; by Lucas Sinclair,

Jessica McKellar, and Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-13583.)


The new run() function has been added.

It runs the specified command and returns a

CompletedProcess object, which describes a finished

process. The new API is more consistent and is the recommended approach

to invoking subprocesses in Python code that does not need to maintain

compatibility with earlier Python versions.

(Contributed by Thomas Kluyver in bpo-23342.)


>>>["ls","-l"])# doesn't capture output

CompletedProcess(args=['ls', '-l'], returncode=0)

>>>"exit 1",shell=True,check=True)

Traceback (most recent call last):


subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'exit 1' returned non-zero exit status 1


CompletedProcess(args=['ls', '-l', '/dev/null'], returncode=0,

stdout=b'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Jan 23 16:23 /dev/null\n')


A new set_coroutine_wrapper() function allows setting a global

hook that will be called whenever a coroutine object

is created by an asyncdef function. A corresponding

get_coroutine_wrapper() can be used to obtain a currently set

wrapper. Both functions are provisional,

and are intended for debugging purposes only. (Contributed by Yury Selivanov

in bpo-24017.)

A new is_finalizing() function can be used to check if the Python

interpreter is shutting down.

(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in bpo-22696.)


The name of the user scripts directory on Windows now includes the first

two components of the Python version. (Contributed by Paul Moore

in bpo-23437.)


The mode argument of the open() function now accepts "x"

to request exclusive creation. (Contributed by Berker Peksag in bpo-21717.)

The TarFile.extractall() and

TarFile.extract() methods now take a keyword

argument numeric_owner. If set to True, the extracted files and

directories will be owned by the numeric uid and gid from the tarfile.

If set to False (the default, and the behavior in versions prior to 3.5),

they will be owned by the named user and group in the tarfile.

(Contributed by Michael Vogt and Eric Smith in bpo-23193.)

The TarFile.list() now accepts an optional

members keyword argument that can be set to a subset of the list returned

by TarFile.getmembers().

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-21549.)


Both the Lock.acquire() and

RLock.acquire() methods

now use a monotonic clock for timeout management.

(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-22043.)


The monotonic() function is now always available.

(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-22043.)


A new command line option -u or --unit=U can be used to specify the time

unit for the timer output. Supported options are usec, msec,

or sec. (Contributed by Julian Gindi in bpo-18983.)

The timeit() function has a new globals parameter for

specifying the namespace in which the code will be running.

(Contributed by Ben Roberts in bpo-2527.)


The tkinter._fix module used for setting up the Tcl/Tk environment

on Windows has been replaced by a private function in the _tkinter

module which makes no permanent changes to environment variables.

(Contributed by Zachary Ware in bpo-20035.)


New walk_stack() and walk_tb()

functions to conveniently traverse frame and traceback objects.

(Contributed by Robert Collins in bpo-17911.)

New lightweight classes: TracebackException,

StackSummary, and FrameSummary.

(Contributed by Robert Collins in bpo-17911.)

Both the print_tb() and print_stack() functions

now support negative values for the limit argument.

(Contributed by Dmitry Kazakov in bpo-22619.)


A new coroutine() function to transform

generator and

generator-like objects into


(Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-24017.)

A new type called CoroutineType, which is used for

coroutine objects created by asyncdef functions.

(Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-24400.)


The unicodedata module now uses data from Unicode 8.0.0.


The TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule()

method now accepts a keyword-only argument pattern which is passed to

load_tests as the third argument. Found packages are now checked for

load_tests regardless of whether their path matches pattern, because it

is impossible for a package name to match the default pattern.

(Contributed by Robert Collins and Barry A. Warsaw in bpo-16662.)

Unittest discovery errors now are exposed in the

TestLoader.errors attribute of the

TestLoader instance.

(Contributed by Robert Collins in bpo-19746.)

A new command line option --locals to show local variables in

tracebacks. (Contributed by Robert Collins in bpo-22936.)


The Mock class has the following improvements:

  • The class constructor has a new unsafe parameter, which causes mock

    objects to raise AttributeError on attribute names starting

    with "assert".

    (Contributed by Kushal Das in bpo-21238.)

  • A new Mock.assert_not_called()

    method to check if the mock object was called.

    (Contributed by Kushal Das in bpo-21262.)

The MagicMock class now supports __truediv__(),

__divmod__() and __matmul__() operators.

(Contributed by Johannes Baiter in bpo-20968, and Håkan Lövdahl

in bpo-23581 and bpo-23568.)

It is no longer necessary to explicitly pass create=True to the

patch() function when patching builtin names.

(Contributed by Kushal Das in bpo-17660.)


A new


class allows HTTP Basic Authentication credentials to be managed so as to

eliminate unnecessary 401 response handling, or to unconditionally send

credentials on the first request in order to communicate with servers that

return a 404 response instead of a 401 if the Authorization header

is not sent. (Contributed by Matej Cepl in bpo-19494 and Akshit Khurana in


A new quote_via argument for the


function provides a way to control the encoding of query parts if needed.

(Contributed by Samwyse and Arnon Yaari in bpo-13866.)

The request.urlopen() function accepts an

ssl.SSLContext object as a context argument, which will be used for

the HTTPS connection. (Contributed by Alex Gaynor in bpo-22366.)

The parse.urljoin() was updated to use the

RFC 3986 semantics for the resolution of relative URLs, rather than

RFC 1808 and RFC 2396.

(Contributed by Demian Brecht and Senthil Kumaran in bpo-22118.)


The headers argument of the headers.Headers

class constructor is now optional.

(Contributed by Pablo Torres Navarrete and SilentGhost in bpo-5800.)


The client.ServerProxy class now supports

the context manager protocol.

(Contributed by Claudiu Popa in bpo-20627.)

The client.ServerProxy constructor now accepts

an optional ssl.SSLContext instance.

(Contributed by Alex Gaynor in bpo-22960.)


SAX parsers now support a character stream of the

xmlreader.InputSource object.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-2175.)

parseString() now accepts a str instance.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-10590.)


ZIP output can now be written to unseekable streams.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23252.)

The mode argument of method now

accepts "x" to request exclusive creation.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-21717.)


Many functions in the mmap, ossaudiodev, socket,

ssl, and codecs modules now accept writable

bytes-like objects.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23001.)


The os.walk() function has been sped up by 3 to 5 times on POSIX systems,

and by 7 to 20 times on Windows. This was done using the new os.scandir()

function, which exposes file information from the underlying readdir or

FindFirstFile/FindNextFile system calls. (Contributed by

Ben Hoyt with help from Victor Stinner in bpo-23605.)

Construction of bytes(int) (filled by zero bytes) is faster and uses less

memory for large objects. calloc() is used instead of malloc() to

allocate memory for these objects.

(Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-21233.)

Some operations on ipaddressIPv4Network and

IPv6Network have been massively sped up, such as

subnets(), supernet(),

summarize_address_range(), collapse_addresses().

The speed up can range from 3 to 15 times.

(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou, Michel Albert, and Markus in

bpo-21486, bpo-21487, bpo-20826, bpo-23266.)

Pickling of ipaddress objects was optimized to produce significantly

smaller output. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23133.)

Many operations on io.BytesIO are now 50% to 100% faster.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-15381 and David Wilson in


The marshal.dumps() function is now faster: 65--85% with versions 3

and 4, 20--25% with versions 0 to 2 on typical data, and up to 5 times in

best cases.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-20416 and bpo-23344.)

The UTF-32 encoder is now 3 to 7 times faster.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-15027.)

Regular expressions are now parsed up to 10% faster.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-19380.)

The json.dumps() function was optimized to run with

ensure_ascii=False as fast as with ensure_ascii=True.

(Contributed by Naoki Inada in bpo-23206.)

The PyObject_IsInstance() and PyObject_IsSubclass()

functions have been sped up in the common case that the second argument

has type as its metaclass.

(Contributed Georg Brandl by in bpo-22540.)

Method caching was slightly improved, yielding up to 5% performance

improvement in some benchmarks.

(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in bpo-22847.)

Objects from the random module now use 50% less memory on 64-bit

builds. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23488.)

The property() getter calls are up to 25% faster.

(Contributed by Joe Jevnik in bpo-23910.)

Instantiation of fractions.Fraction is now up to 30% faster.

(Contributed by Stefan Behnel in bpo-22464.)

String methods find(), rfind(), split(),

partition() and the in string operator are now significantly

faster for searching 1-character substrings.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23573.)

构建和 C API 的改变¶

增加了 calloc 函数

  • PyMem_RawCalloc(),

  • PyMem_Calloc(),

  • PyObject_Calloc().

(Victor Stinner 贡献于 bpo-21233.)

新的 encoding/decoding 帮助函数:

  • Py_DecodeLocale() (替代 _Py_char2wchar()),

  • Py_EncodeLocale() (替代 _Py_wchar2char()).

(由 Victor Stinner 在 bpo-18395 中贡献。)

A new PyCodec_NameReplaceErrors() function to replace the unicode

encode error with \N{...} escapes.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-19676.)

A new PyErr_FormatV() function similar to PyErr_Format(),

but accepts a va_list argument.

(Contributed by Antoine Pitrou in bpo-18711.)

A new PyExc_RecursionError exception.

(Contributed by Georg Brandl in bpo-19235.)

New PyModule_FromDefAndSpec(), PyModule_FromDefAndSpec2(),

and PyModule_ExecDef() functions introduced by PEP 489 --

multi-phase extension module initialization.

(Contributed by Petr Viktorin in bpo-24268.)

New PyNumber_MatrixMultiply() and

PyNumber_InPlaceMatrixMultiply() functions to perform matrix


(Contributed by Benjamin Peterson in bpo-21176. See also PEP 465

for details.)

The PyTypeObject.tp_finalize slot is now part of the stable ABI.

Windows builds now require Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0, which

is available as part of Visual Studio 2015.

Extension modules now include a platform information tag in their filename on

some platforms (the tag is optional, and CPython will import extensions without

it, although if the tag is present and mismatched, the extension won't be


  • On Linux, extension module filenames end with


    • <major> is the major number of the Python version;

      for Python 3.5 this is 3.

    • <minor> is the minor number of the Python version;

      for Python 3.5 this is 5.

    • <architecture> is the hardware architecture the extension module

      was built to run on. It's most commonly either i386 for 32-bit Intel

      platforms or x86_64 for 64-bit Intel (and AMD) platforms.

    • <os> is always linux-gnu, except for extensions built to

      talk to the 32-bit ABI on 64-bit platforms, in which case it is

      linux-gnu32 (and <architecture> will be x86_64).

  • On Windows, extension module filenames end with


    • <major> is the major number of the Python version;

      for Python 3.5 this is 3.

    • <minor> is the minor number of the Python version;

      for Python 3.5 this is 5.

    • <platform> is the platform the extension module was built for,

      either win32 for Win32, win_amd64 for Win64, win_ia64 for

      Windows Itanium 64, and win_arm for Windows on ARM.

    • If built in debug mode, <debug> will be _d,

      otherwise it will be blank.

  • On OS X platforms, extension module filenames now end with

  • On all other platforms, extension module filenames are the same as they were

    with Python 3.4.



async and await are not recommended to be used as variable, class,

function or module names. Introduced by PEP 492 in Python 3.5, they will

become proper keywords in Python 3.7.

已弃用的 Python 行为¶

Raising the StopIteration exception inside a generator will now generate a silent

PendingDeprecationWarning, which will become a non-silent deprecation

warning in Python 3.6 and will trigger a RuntimeError in Python 3.7.

See PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators

for details.


Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, thus, per PEP 11, CPython

3.5 is no longer officially supported on this OS.

已弃用的 Python 模块、函数和方法¶

The formatter module has now graduated to full deprecation and is still

slated for removal in Python 3.6.

The asyncio.async() function is deprecated in favor of


The smtpd module has in the past always decoded the DATA portion of

email messages using the utf-8 codec. This can now be controlled by the

new decode_data keyword to SMTPServer. The default value is

True, but this default is deprecated. Specify the decode_data keyword

with an appropriate value to avoid the deprecation warning.

Directly assigning values to the key,

value and

coded_value of http.cookies.Morsel

objects is deprecated. Use the set() method

instead. In addition, the undocumented LegalChars parameter of

set() is deprecated, and is now ignored.

Passing a format string as keyword argument format_string to the

format() method of the string.Formatter

class has been deprecated.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23671.)

The platform.dist() and platform.linux_distribution() functions

are now deprecated. Linux distributions use too many different ways of

describing themselves, so the functionality is left to a package.

(Contributed by Vajrasky Kok and Berker Peksag in bpo-1322.)

The previously undocumented from_function and from_builtin methods of

inspect.Signature are deprecated. Use the new


method instead. (Contributed by Yury Selivanov in bpo-24248.)

The inspect.getargspec() function is deprecated and scheduled to be

removed in Python 3.6. (See bpo-20438 for details.)

The inspectgetfullargspec(),

getcallargs(), and formatargspec() functions are

deprecated in favor of the inspect.signature() API. (Contributed by Yury

Selivanov in bpo-20438.)

getargvalues() and formatargvalues() functions

were inadvertently marked as deprecated with the release of Python 3.5.0.

Use of re.LOCALE flag with str patterns or re.ASCII is now

deprecated. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-22407.)

Use of unrecognized special sequences consisting of '\' and an ASCII letter

in regular expression patterns and replacement patterns now raises a

deprecation warning and will be forbidden in Python 3.6.

(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-23622.)

The undocumented and unofficial use_load_tests default argument of the

unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule() method now is

deprecated and ignored.

(Contributed by Robert Collins and Barry A. Warsaw in bpo-16662.)


API 与特性的移除¶

The following obsolete and previously deprecated APIs and features have been


  • The __version__ attribute has been dropped from the email package. The

    email code hasn't been shipped separately from the stdlib for a long time,

    and the __version__ string was not updated in the last few releases.

  • The internal Netrc class in the ftplib module was deprecated in

    3.4, and has now been removed.

    (Contributed by Matt Chaput in bpo-6623.)

  • The concept of .pyo files has been removed.

  • The JoinableQueue class in the provisional asyncio module was

    deprecated in 3.4.4 and is now removed.

    (Contributed by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis in bpo-23464.)

移植到Python 3.5¶


Python 行为的改变¶

  • 由于一个疏忽,之前的 Python 版本会错误地接受以下语法:



    Python 3.5 now correctly raises a SyntaxError, as generator

    expressions must be put in parentheses if not a sole argument to a function.

更改的Python API¶

  • PEP 475: System calls are now retried when interrupted by a signal instead

    of raising InterruptedError if the Python signal handler does not

    raise an exception.

  • Before Python 3.5, a datetime.time object was considered to be false

    if it represented midnight in UTC. This behavior was considered obscure and

    error-prone and has been removed in Python 3.5. See bpo-13936 for full


  • The ssl.SSLSocket.send() method now raises either

    ssl.SSLWantReadError or ssl.SSLWantWriteError

    on a non-blocking socket if the operation would block. Previously,

    it would return 0. (Contributed by Nikolaus Rath in bpo-20951.)

  • The __name__ attribute of generators is now set from the function name,

    instead of being set from the code name. Use gen.gi_code.co_name to

    retrieve the code name. Generators also have a new __qualname__

    attribute, the qualified name, which is now used for the representation

    of a generator (repr(gen)).

    (Contributed by Victor Stinner in bpo-21205.)

  • The deprecated "strict" mode and argument of HTMLParser,

    HTMLParser.error(), and the HTMLParserError exception have been

    removed. (Contributed by Ezio Melotti in bpo-15114.)

    The convert_charrefs argument of HTMLParser is

    now True by default. (Contributed by Berker Peksag in bpo-21047.)

  • Although it is not formally part of the API, it is worth noting for porting

    purposes (ie: fixing tests) that error messages that were previously of the

    form "'sometype' does not support the buffer protocol" are now of the form "a

    bytes-like object is required, not 'sometype'".

    (Contributed by Ezio Melotti in bpo-16518.)

  • If the current directory is set to a directory that no longer exists then

    FileNotFoundError will no longer be raised and instead

    find_spec() will return None

    without caching None in sys.path_importer_cache, which is

    different than the typical case (bpo-22834).

  • HTTP status code and messages from http.client and http.server

    were refactored into a common HTTPStatus enum. The values in

    http.client and http.server remain available for backwards

    compatibility. (Contributed by Demian Brecht in bpo-21793.)

  • When an import loader defines importlib.machinery.Loader.exec_module()

    it is now expected to also define

    create_module() (raises a

    DeprecationWarning now, will be an error in Python 3.6). If the loader

    inherits from then there is nothing to do, else

    simply define create_module() to return

    None. (Contributed by Brett Cannon in bpo-23014.)

  • The re.split() function always ignored empty pattern matches, so the

    "x*" pattern worked the same as "x+", and the "\b" pattern never

    worked. Now re.split() raises a warning if the pattern could match

    an empty string. For compatibility, use patterns that never match an empty

    string (e.g. "x+" instead of "x*"). Patterns that could only match

    an empty string (such as "\b") now raise an error.

    (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-22818.)

  • The http.cookies.Morsel dict-like interface has been made self

    consistent: morsel comparison now takes the key

    and value into account,

    copy() now results in a

    Morsel instance rather than a dict, and

    update() will now raise an exception if any of the

    keys in the update dictionary are invalid. In addition, the undocumented

    LegalChars parameter of set() is deprecated and

    is now ignored. (Contributed by Demian Brecht in bpo-2211.)

  • PEP 488 has removed .pyo files from Python and introduced the optional

    opt- tag in .pyc file names. The

    importlib.util.cache_from_source() has gained an optimization

    parameter to help control the opt- tag. Because of this, the

    debug_override parameter of the function is now deprecated. .pyo files

    are also no longer supported as a file argument to the Python interpreter and

    thus serve no purpose when distributed on their own (i.e. sourceless code

    distribution). Due to the fact that the magic number for bytecode has changed

    in Python 3.5, all old .pyo files from previous versions of Python are

    invalid regardless of this PEP.

  • The socket module now exports the CAN_RAW_FD_FRAMES

    constant on linux 3.6 and greater.

  • The ssl.cert_time_to_seconds() function now interprets the input time

    as UTC and not as local time, per RFC 5280. Additionally, the return

    value is always an int. (Contributed by Akira Li in bpo-19940.)

  • The Tool now uses the standard +NNNN format for timezones in

    the POT-Creation-Date header.

  • The smtplib module now uses sys.stderr instead of the previous

    module-level stderr variable for debug output. If your (test)

    program depends on patching the module-level variable to capture the debug

    output, you will need to update it to capture sys.stderr instead.

  • The str.startswith() and str.endswith() methods no longer return

    True when finding the empty string and the indexes are completely out of

    range. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-24284.)

  • The inspect.getdoc() function now returns documentation strings

    inherited from base classes. Documentation strings no longer need to be

    duplicated if the inherited documentation is appropriate. To suppress an

    inherited string, an empty string must be specified (or the documentation

    may be filled in). This change affects the output of the pydoc

    module and the help() function.

    (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-15582.)

  • Nested functools.partial() calls are now flattened. If you were

    relying on the previous behavior, you can now either add an attribute to a

    functools.partial() object or you can create a subclass of


    (Contributed by Alexander Belopolsky in bpo-7830.)

C API 中的改变¶

  • The undocumented format member of the

    (non-public) PyMemoryViewObject structure has been removed.

    All extensions relying on the relevant parts in memoryobject.h

    must be rebuilt.

  • The PyMemAllocator structure was renamed to

    PyMemAllocatorEx and a new calloc field was added.

  • Removed non-documented macro PyObject_REPR which leaked references.

    Use format character %R in PyUnicode_FromFormat()-like functions

    to format the repr() of the object.

    (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-22453.)

  • Because the lack of the __module__ attribute breaks pickling and

    introspection, a deprecation warning is now raised for builtin types without

    the __module__ attribute. This would be an AttributeError in

    the future.

    (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-20204.)

  • As part of the PEP 492 implementation, the tp_reserved slot of

    PyTypeObject was replaced with a

    tp_as_async slot. Refer to 协程对象 for

    new types, structures and functions.

Python 3.5.4 的显著变化¶

New makeregen-all build target¶

To simplify cross-compilation, and to ensure that CPython can reliably be

compiled without requiring an existing version of Python to already be

available, the autotools-based build system no longer attempts to implicitly

recompile generated files based on file modification times.

Instead, a new makeregen-all command has been added to force regeneration

of these files when desired (e.g. after an initial version of Python has

already been built based on the pregenerated versions).

More selective regeneration targets are also defined - see for details.

(由 Victor Stinner 在 bpo-23404 中贡献。)

3.5.4 新版功能.

Removal of maketouch build target¶

The maketouch build target previously used to request implicit regeneration

of generated files by updating their modification times has been removed.

It has been replaced by the new makeregen-all target.

(由 Victor Stinner 在 bpo-23404 中贡献。)

在 3.5.4 版更改.

以上是 Python3.5有什么新变化 的全部内容, 来源链接:
