react js 组件传参(转发)


原文:Passing Data Between React Components

In React, props are immutable pieces of data that are passed into child components from parents (if we think of our component as the “function” we can think of props as our component’s “arguments”).

Basic data flow in a React app

The basic idea with React is whenever we have nested components – for example, Chat, which has a list of ChatMessages – the parent component updates each child. The Chat component has a list of messages. Each message is given to a ChatMessage, in other words, the data flows from parent (Chat) to child (ChatMessage).

We also should have a form used to add new messages. The input field within the form can be thought of as child components too. In that case, the flow is different: The input sends an event, which goes back to Chat, which updates itself. Then, the data flows to the children if anything is changed.

Parent to Child — Use Prop


Parent = React.createClass({

tacos: [ 'Guacamole', 'Beef', 'Bean' ],

render() {

return <div className="parent-component">

<h3>List of tacos:</h3>

<TacosList tacos={ this.tacos } />




TacosList = React.createClass({

render() {

return <div className="tacos-list">

{ ( taco, index ) => {

return <p key={ `taco-${ index }` }>{ taco }</p>;






So what’s happening here? First, notice that we have two separate components and . In this example, we want to pass our data from to using props. The data we want to pass from our parent to our child is a short list of taco names (the array assigned to the tacos property on our component).

To pass them to the child, we define a property on that child component where that data will be passed through. In this case, we define a property or “prop” in React-slang called tacos on the component. Next, using the JSX braces syntax for specifying JavaScript code within our markup, we grab our array of tacos from the parent by calling this.tacos. Here, we’re literraly saying to the component, “here’s a list of tacos, go nuts.”

Realize: our component couldn’t care less about what data it’s getting as long as 1.) that data is passed through a prop called tacos and the type of data is an Array. We could just as easily pass it a list of candy and it would work fine. If we look at the definition of our component, we can see how this works.

Like we’d expect, we’re pulling in our array of tacos from the component by calling to this.props.tacos from within our (or child) component. This resolves the first requirement. Next, we call .map() on this value to iterate over it, meaning, we expect the value to be an array.

From there, we assign a variable in our map’s arguments to reference each value being iterated over taco and then use it accordingly (in this case, we just print the name of the taco on to the page).

Example-2 : Passing props from Parent to Child

Lets work through a extremely small app of making a profile page, taking a random image from You can just copy-paste the code into an .html file and open with any browser and see the result

Implementation of a wrapper component (User) and under it 2 more components (Profile and Followers).

The structure of my components are like this

- User

- Profile

- Followers




<title>Your First React Project</title>



<div ></div>

<script crossorigin src=""></script>

<script crossorigin src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/babel">

var DATA = {

name: 'John Doe',

imgURL: '',

followerList: ['Follower-1', 'Follower-2', 'Follower-3']


class App extends React.Component{

render () {

return (






followerList={this.props.profileData.followerList} />





class Profile extends React.Component{

render () {

return (



<img src={this.props.imgURL} />





class Followers extends React.Component {

render () {

var followers =, index){

return (<li key={index}>{follower}</li>);


return (


<h5>My followers:</h5>








ReactDOM.render(<App profileData={DATA} />, document.getElementById('root'));




Lets understand the below line of code in the above first

ReactDOM.render(<User profileData={DATA} />, document.getElementById('root'));


Lets understand the below line of code in the above first

ReactDOM.render(<User profileData={DATA} />, document.getElementById('root'));

This is how I specify where on the page (window.document) we want the User component to be rendered. This is done by calling ReactDOM.render, passing in the User component as the first argument and a reference to a div with the id of root as the second. So this entire app will go into this root div.

Also note, I pass the DATA into the User component, by simply changing a little bit on the ReactDOM.render method. And the curly brackets tells React that we’re escaping out of the JSX syntax in order to add a Javascript expression (DATA).

And with the above line of code in ReactDOM.render now we’re able to access this data from within the User component through this.props.profileData . However, the User component is simply a wrapper around the Profile and Follower components. We’re going to send the data further down the hierarchy, as a prop to the child by instantiating it within the parent.

class App extends React.Component{

render () {

return (






followerList={this.props.profileData.followerList} />






We instantiate three variables within the top-level User component; imgURL and name for Profile component, and only followerList for Followers component. This is because the Followers component doesn’t need the rest of the data; it’s simply going to display a list of followers.

And then notice, inside the Profile component we fetch the data that we’ve passed down to it from Follower component by using and this.props.imgURL

And in the Followers component, we’re looping through the followers array stored in this.props.followerList

Example-3 : Passing props from Parent to Child

Lets look at another example where I instantiate the data that will need to be passed to the child components, within a function in the parent, (where lets say, I am building a tic-tac-toe gameboard), and I have access to five data variables in my parent component that I need my child component to have access to. So, I need to pass those five variables (key, location, value, updateBoard, turn) from App.jsx to a child component Tile.jsx: So, I instantiate these five variables within the parent and App.jsx will include codes like below:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import Tile from './Tile';

render() {

return (

<div className="container">

{ (value, i) {

return (






turn={this.state.turn} />





Now in the Tile component, if I use this.props.location I will have access to that data. So, the code in the child component Tile.jsx will include something like below:

render() {

return (

<div className={"tile " + this.props.loc}>






And in the above, note that takes a second argument to set what this refers to in the mapping function. The (optional) second parameter is the context that the inner function is called with. So we can pass this as the second argument to preserve the current context, like so : {


}, this)

or we can use .bind(this) like we did above {



This render() method returns a ReactElement which isn’t part of the “actual DOM”, but instead a description of the Virtual DOM.

React expects the method to return a single child element. It can be a virtual representation of a DOM component or can return the falsy value of null or false. React handles the falsy value by rendering an empty element (a tag). This is used to remove the tag from the page.

Passing Props Child to Parent — Use a callback and states

React’s one-way data-binding model means that child components cannot send back values to parent components unless explicitly allowed to do so

However, if you want to pass data from a child to it’s parent, you can use a callback function. Just pass a function as a prop to the child component. Also, the same strategy can be used to support sibling communication. So, here the steps:

  • Define a callback in parent component which takes the data I need in as a parameter.
  • Pass that callback as a prop to the child.
  • Call the callback using this.props.[callback] in the child (insert your own name where it says [callback] of course), and pass in the data as the argument.

var Parent = React.createClass({

// Define a callback (onTextChange) in parent component which takes the data I need in as a parameter.

onTextChange: function(val) {

var newVal = someBusinessLogic(val);

this.setState({val: newVal});


// Pass that callback (onTextChange) as a prop to the child (see above).

render: function() {

return <Child onTextChange={this.onTextChange} val={this.state.val} />



var Child = React.createClass({

onTextChange: function() {

var val = 13; // somehow calculate new value



render: function() {

// Call the callback using this.props.[callback] in the child

return <input type="text" value={this.props.val} onChange={this.onTextChange} />




Another example to call Parent’s function from Child component

Below is a simple toggle function that I will call from Child component. So, in order to call the parent’s method ( doParentToggle ), the same line of flow of codes is followed as above example.

  • A) The callback function is first defined in the Parent component,
  • B) then within the Parent component, we instantiate a variable parentToggle to assign {this.doParentToggle} for the Child component.
  • C) And then, I will have to pass in the function as a property to Child component then trigger from child onClick method. So, inside the Child component’s doParentToggleFromChild function I call the Parent’s function using this.props.[callback] style. This is here, this.props.parentToggle

But here we are not just calling a simple function, you are passing in some parameters from child to parent and changing some states to parent.

以上是 react js 组件传参(转发) 的全部内容, 来源链接:
