> library(FSA)
> x1<-sample(LETTERS[1:5],20,replace=TRUE)> y1<-rnorm(20,1,0.35)
> df1<-data.frame(x1,y1)
> df1
x1 y11 E 1.1191117
2 D 1.1276032
3 D 1.5610692
4 E 1.1585054
5 E 1.0239322
6 C 0.8000165
7 C 1.2009313
8 B 1.1928228
9 A 0.7421504
10 B 0.7212436
11 C 1.4088902
12 B 1.3171291
13 D 0.9434812
14 A 0.7986718
15 C 1.0394762
16 A 0.9239324
17 E 1.1447561
18 D 1.0192032
19 B 0.8772467
20 A 0.5723085
> dunnTest(y1~x1,data=df1)Dunn (1964) Kruskal-Wallis multiple comparison
p-values adjusted with the Holm method.
Comparison Z P.unadj P.adj1 A - B -1.61355862 0.10662320 0.7463624
2 A - C -2.21117293 0.02702386 0.2702386
3 B - C -0.59761430 0.55009732 1.0000000
4 A - D -2.09165007 0.03646983 0.2917586
5 B - D -0.47809144 0.63258512 1.0000000
6 C - D 0.11952286 0.90486113 1.0000000
7 A - E -2.15141150 0.03144373 0.2829936
8 B - E -0.53785287 0.59067863 1.0000000
9 C - E 0.05976143 0.95234564 1.0000000
10 D - E -0.05976143 0.95234564 0.9523456
Warning message:
x1 was coerced to a factor.
> x2<-sample(c("India","Russia","China","Croatia"),20,replace=TRUE)> y2<-rpois(20,5)
> df2<-data.frame(x2,y2)
> df2
x2 y21 Russia 0
2 Russia 6
3 Croatia 8
4 Croatia 5
5 Russia 5
6 Croatia 9
7 India 9
8 Croatia 6
9 India 4
10 China 1
11 Croatia 7
12 China 3
13 India 3
14 India 4
15 Croatia 6
16 China 7
17 China 8
18 Croatia 10
19 India 8
20 China 7
> dunnTest(y2~x2,data=df2)Dunn (1964) Kruskal-Wallis multiple comparison
p-values adjusted with the Holm method.
Comparison Z P.unadj P.adj1 China - Croatia -1.18245422 0.23702552 1.0000000
2 China - India -0.08066504 0.93570834 0.9357083
3 Croatia - India 1.09532601 0.27337384 1.0000000
4 China - Russia 0.77619975 0.43763106 0.8752621
5 Croatia - Russia 1.82479827 0.06803148 0.4081889
6 India - Russia 0.84605772 0.39752054 1.0000000
Warning message:
x2 was coerced to a factor.
> x3<-sample(c("G1","G2","G3","G4","G5"),20,replace=TRUE)> y3<-rexp(20,1.34)
> df3<-data.frame(x3,y3)
> df3
x3 y31 G2 1.89169184
2 G3 2.74074462
3 G3 0.17273122
4 G2 0.34856852
5 G2 0.80544065
6 G1 0.54582070
7 G2 0.24551988
8 G5 0.02546690
9 G3 2.86315652
10 G1 0.43704405
11 G1 1.89036598
12 G5 0.02423629
13 G5 0.03848270
14 G1 1.01897322
15 G1 0.44416202
16 G5 0.96637068
17 G2 0.74919567
18 G5 3.24106689
19 G1 1.22994992
20 G3 0.84658591
> dunnTest(y3~x3,data=df3)Dunn (1964) Kruskal-Wallis multiple comparison
p-values adjusted with the Holm method.
Comparison Z P.unadj P.adj1 G1 - G2 0.4745469 0.6351099 1.0000000
2 G1 - G3 -0.4582576 0.6467674 0.6467674
3 G2 - G3 -0.8693183 0.3846731 1.0000000
4 G1 - G5 1.0328375 0.3016800 1.0000000
5 G2 - G5 0.5345225 0.5929801 1.0000000
6 G3 - G5 1.3732709 0.1696681 1.0000000
Warning message:
x3 was coerced to a factor.
以上是 如何在R中对Kruskal-Wallis执行事后测试? 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/357602.html