根据短语在 Python 中的出现来整理短语的程序
所以,如果输入像短语 = ['强', '耐用', '高效'], 句子 = ['产品耐用高效', '坚固耐用', '它高效', '喜欢它因为它是高效的'],那么输出将是 ['高效', '耐用', '强']
短语“高效”出现在句子 0、2 和 4 中。它出现次数最多,因此位于输出的开头。短语“durable”和“span”分别出现在句子 0、1 和 1 中。因此,这些短语获得输出中的下一个位置。
让我们看看以下实现以获得更好的理解 -
def solve(phrases, sentences):cnt = {}
for feature in phrases:
cnt[feature] = 0
for response in sentences:
p = response.split()
s = set(p)
for i in s:
if i in cnt:
cnt[i] += 1
res = [[k, cnt[k]] for k in cnt]
res.sort(key = lambda x:(-x[1], phrases.index(x[0])))
return [i[0] for i in res]
print(solve(['span', 'durable', 'efficient'], ['the product is durable and efficient', 'span and durable', 'it is efficient', 'like it because it is efficient']))
['span', 'durable', 'efficient'],输出结果['the product is durable and efficient', 'span and durable', 'it is
efficient', 'like it because it is efficient']
['efficient', 'durable', 'span']
以上是 根据短语在 Python 中的出现来整理短语的程序 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/357551.html