Python Pandas - 返回一天中特定时间之间值的索引位置,包括 DateTimeIndex 中的开始时间
要返回 DateTimeIndex 中特定时间之间值的索引位置,请使用该方法。将include_start参数设置为True以包含开始时间。DateTimeIndex.indexer_between_time()
首先,导入所需的库 -
import pandas as pd
创建一个日期时间索引,周期为 7,频率为 T 即分钟 -
datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-10-30 02:30:50', periods=7, tz='Australia/Adelaide', freq='20T')
显示日期时间索引 -
print("DateTimeIndex...\n", datetimeindex)
显示一天中特定时间之间值的索引位置。“start_time”设置为“02:30:50”,“end_time”设置为“03:20:50”。将 include_start 参数设置为 True -
print("\nIndex locations of values between particular time of day...\n",datetimeindex.indexer_between_time('03:10:50','03:50:50', include_start = True))
以下是代码 -
import pandas as pd输出结果# DatetimeIndex with period 7 and frequency as T i.e. minutes
# The timezone is Australia/Adelaide
datetimeindex = pd.date_range('2021-10-30 02:30:50', periods=7, tz='Australia/Adelaide', freq='20T')
# display DateTimeIndex
print("DateTimeIndex...\n", datetimeindex)
# display DateTimeIndex frequency
print("\nDateTimeIndex frequency...\n", datetimeindex.freq)
# display index locations of values at particular time of day i.e. 03:10:50 here
print("\nIndex locations of values at particular time of day...\n",
datetimeindex.indexer_at_time('2021-10-30 03:10:50'))
# display index locations of values between particular time of day
# The "start_time" is set '02:30:50' and "end_time" '03:20:50'
print("\nIndex locations of values between particular time of day...\n",
datetimeindex.indexer_between_time('03:10:50','03:50:50', include_start = True))
这将产生以下代码 -
DateTimeIndex...DatetimeIndex(['2021-10-30 02:30:50+10:30', '2021-10-30 02:50:50+10:30',
'2021-10-30 03:10:50+10:30', '2021-10-30 03:30:50+10:30',
'2021-10-30 03:50:50+10:30', '2021-10-30 04:10:50+10:30',
'2021-10-30 04:30:50+10:30'],
dtype='datetime64[ns, Australia/Adelaide]', freq='20T')
DateTimeIndex frequency...
<20 * Minutes>
Index locations of values at particular time of day...
Index locations of values between particular time of day...
[2 3 4]
以上是 Python Pandas - 返回一天中特定时间之间值的索引位置,包括 DateTimeIndex 中的开始时间 的全部内容, 来源链接: