C ++程序查找要切割以使图形断开连接的最小边数
BeginFunction connections() is a recursive function to find out the connections:
A) Mark the current node un visited.
B) Initialize time and low value
C) Go through all vertices adjacent to this
D) Check if the subtree rooted with x has a connection to one of the ancestors of w.
如果从x下的子树可到达的最低顶点是 below u in DFS tree, then w-x has a connection.
E) Update low value of w for parent function calls.
的功能和伪代码 Con()
BeginFunction Con() that uses connections():
B) Initialize par and visited, and connections.
C) Print the connections between the edges in the graph.
#include<iostream>#include <list>
#define N -1
using namespace std;
class G
int n;
list<int> *adj;
void connections(int n, bool visited[], int disc[], int
int par[]);
G(int n); //constructor
void addEd(int w, int x);
void Con();
G::G(int n)
this->n= n;
adj = new list<int> [n];
void G::addEd(int w, int x)
adj[x].push_back(w); //add u to v's list
adj[w].push_back(x); //add v to u's list
void G::connections(int w, bool visited[], int dis[], int low[],
int par[])
static int t = 0;
visited[w] = true;
dis[w] = low[w] = ++t;
list<int>::iterator i;
for (i = adj[w].begin(); i != adj[w].end(); ++i) {
int x = *i; //x is current adjacent
if (!visited[x]) {
par[x] = w;
connections(x, visited, dis, low, par);
low[w] = min(low[w], low[x]);
below w in DFS tree, then w-x is a connection
if (low[x] > dis[w])
cout << w << " " << x << endl;
else if (x != par[w])
low[w] = min(low[w], dis[x]);
void G::Con()
bool *visited = new bool[n];
int *dis = new int[n];
int *low = new int[n];
int *par = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
par[i] = N;
visited[i] = false;
//call the function connections() to find edge
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (visited[i] == false)
connections(i, visited, dis, low, par);
int main(){
cout << "\nConnections in first graph \n";
G g1(5);
g1.addEd(1, 2);
g1.addEd(3, 2);
g1.addEd(2, 1);
g1.addEd(0, 1);
g1.addEd(1, 4);
return 0;
Connections in first graph2 3
1 2
1 4
0 1
以上是 C ++程序查找要切割以使图形断开连接的最小边数 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/343606.html