linux 下实现python多版本安装实践


easy_install pythonbrew

[root@li637-23 schirm]# pythonbrew_install

Well-done! Congratulations!

The pythonbrew is installed as:


Please add the following line to the end of your ~/.bashrc

  [[ -s "$HOME/.pythonbrew/etc/bashrc" ]] && source "$HOME/.pythonbrew/etc/bashrc"

After that, exit this shell, start a new one, and install some fresh


  pythonbrew install 2.7.2

  pythonbrew install 3.2

For further instructions, run:

  pythonbrew help

The default help messages will popup and tell you what to do!

Enjoy pythonbrew at /root/.pythonbrew!!

[root@li637-23 schirm]# vim /root/.pythonbrew

[root@li637-23 schirm]# . ~/.bashrc

[root@li637-23 schirm]# pythonbrew install 2.7.2

Downloading Python-2.7.2.tgz as /root/.pythonbrew/dists/Python-2.7.2.tgz

######################################################################## 100.0%

Extracting Python-2.7.2.tgz into /root/.pythonbrew/build/Python-2.7.2

This could take a while. You can run the following command on another shell to track the status:

  tail -f "/root/.pythonbrew/log/build.log"

Installing Python-2.7.2 into /root/.pythonbrew/pythons/Python-2.7.2

以上是 linux 下实现python多版本安装实践 的全部内容, 来源链接:
