Python Pandas - 返回由索引选择的值的新索引
要返回由索引选择的值的新索引,请使用Pandas 中的方法。首先,导入所需的库——index.take()
import pandas as pd
创建熊猫索引 -
index = pd.Index(['Electronics','Accessories','Decor', 'Books', 'Toys'], name ='Products')
显示熊猫指数 -
print("Pandas Index...\n",index)
获取由索引选择的值的新索引 -
print("\nA new Index of the values selected by the indices...\n",index.take([1,2]))
以下是代码 -
import pandas as pd输出结果# 创建 Pandas 索引
index = pd.Index(['Electronics','Accessories','Decor', 'Books', 'Toys'], name ='Products')
# 显示 Pandas 索引
print("Pandas Index...\n",index)
# 返回索引中的元素数
print("\nNumber of elements in the index...\n",index.size)
# 返回数据的 dtype
print("\nThe dtype object...\n",index.dtype)
# 获取索引选择的值的新索引
print("\nA new Index of the values selected by the indices...\n",index.take([1,2]))
这将产生以下输出 -
Pandas Index...Index(['Electronics', 'Accessories', 'Decor', 'Books', 'Toys'], dtype='object', name='Products')
Number of elements in the index...
The dtype object...
A new Index of the values selected by the indices...
Index(['Accessories', 'Decor'], dtype='object', name='Products')
以上是 Python Pandas - 返回由索引选择的值的新索引 的全部内容, 来源链接: