signed char c = 127; /* required to be 1 byte, see remarks for further information. */C99signed short int si = 32767; /* required to be at least 16 bits. */
signed int i = 32767; /* required to be at least 16 bits */
signed long int li = 2147483647; /* required to be at least 32 bits. */
signed long long int li = 2147483647; /* required to be at least 64 bits */
unsigned int i = 65535;unsigned short = 2767;
unsigned char = 255;
对于所有类型,但char在signed如果假定版本signed或unsigned省略的部分。该类型char构成第三种字符类型,signed char与unsigned char和不同,并且签名(或不签名)取决于平台。
/* the following variables are initialized to the same value: */int d = 42; /* decimal constant (base10) */
int o = 052; /* octal constant (base8) */
int x = 0xaf; /* hexadecimal constants (base16) */
int X = 0XAf; /* (letters 'a' through 'f' (case insensitive) represent 10 through 15) */
/* suffixes to describe width and signedness : */long int i = 0x32; /* no suffix represent int, or long int */
unsigned int ui = 65535u; /* u or U represent unsigned int, or long int */
long int li = 65536l; /* l or L represent long int */
如果没有后缀,则常量具有适合其值的第一种类型,即十进制常量,如果可能的话,该INT_MAX类型的常量大于该类型的常量。longlong long
巨集 | 类型 | 值 |
CHAR_BIT | 不是位字段的最小对象(字节) | 8 |
SCHAR_MIN | signed char | -127 / - (2 7 - 1) |
SCHAR_MAX | signed char | 127/2 7 - 1 |
UCHAR_MAX | unsigned char | 2分之255 8 - 1 |
CHAR_MIN | char | 见下文 |
CHAR_MAX | char | 见下文 |
SHRT_MIN | short int | -32767 / - (2 15 - 1) |
SHRT_MAX | short int | 32767/2 15 - 1 |
USHRT_MAX | unsigned short int | 2分之65535 16 - 1 |
INT_MIN | int | -32767 / - (2 15 - 1) |
INT_MAX | int | 32767/2 15 - 1 |
UINT_MAX | unsigned int | 2分之65535 16 - 1 |
LONG_MIN | long int | -2147483647 / - (2 31 - 1) |
LONG_MAX | long int | 2147483647/2 31 - 1 |
ULONG_MAX | unsigned long int | 2分之4294967295 32 - 1 |
巨集 | 类型 | 值 |
LLONG_MIN | long long int | -9223372036854775807 / - (2 63 - 1) |
LLONG_MAX | long long int | 9223372036854775807/2 63 - 1 |
ULLONG_MAX | unsigned long long int | 2分之18446744073709551615 64 - 1 |
以上是 C语言整数类型和常量 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/330667.html