要获取列是否为主键,请使用COLUMN_NAME和COLUMN_KEY ='PRI'。这样,整个语法如下:
select column_name, case when column_key= 'PRI' then 'yourMessage1' else ''yourMessage2' end as anyAliasNamefrom information_schema.columns
where table_schema =database()
and `table_name` = yourTableName
order by `table_name`, ordinal_position;
mysql> create table DemoTable1886(
Id int NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(20),
LastName varchar(20),
Age int,
DateOfBirth datetime,
Education varchar(40),
mysql> select column_name, case when column_key= 'PRI' then 'This is a Primary key Column' else 'This is not a Primary key Column' end as Outputfrom information_schema.columns
where table_schema =database()
and `table_name` = 'DemoTable1886'
order by `table_name`, ordinal_position;
+-------------+--------------------------------+| COLUMN_NAME | Output |
| Id | This is a Primary key Column |
| FirstName |This is not a Primary key Column|
| LastName |This is not a Primary key Column|
| Age |This is not a Primary key Column|
| DateOfBirth |This is not a Primary key Column|
| Education |This is not a Primary key Column|
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
以上是 您如何获取列是否是MySQL中的主键? 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/322226.html