使用Python中的DOM API解析XML
文档对象模型(“ DOM”)是来自万维网联合会(W3C)的一种跨语言API,用于访问和修改XML文档。
示例短语调用minidom对象的parse(file [,parser])函数,以将file指定的XML文件解析为DOM树对象。
#!/usr/bin/pythonfrom xml.dom.minidom import parse
import xml.dom.minidom
# Open XML document using minidom parser
DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("movies.xml")
collection = DOMTree.documentElement
if collection.hasAttribute("shelf"):
print "Root element : %s" % collection.getAttribute("shelf")
# Get all the movies in the collection
movies = collection.getElementsByTagName("movie")
# Print detail of each movie.
for movie in movies:
print "*****Movie*****"
if movie.hasAttribute("title"):
print "Title: %s" % movie.getAttribute("title")
type = movie.getElementsByTagName('type')[0]
print "Type: %s" % type.childNodes[0].data
format = movie.getElementsByTagName('format')[0]
print "Format: %s" % format.childNodes[0].data
rating = movie.getElementsByTagName('rating')[0]
print "Rating: %s" % rating.childNodes[0].data
description = movie.getElementsByTagName('description')[0]
print "Description: %s" % description.childNodes[0].data
Root element : New Arrivals*****Movie*****
Title: Enemy Behind
Type: War, Thriller
Format: DVD
Rating: PG
Description: Talk about a US-Japan war
Title: Transformers
Type: Anime, Science Fiction
Format: DVD
Rating: R
Description: A schientific fiction
Title: Trigun
Type: Anime, Action
Format: DVD
Rating: PG
Description: Vash the Stampede!
Title: Ishtar
Type: Comedy
Format: VHS
Rating: PG
Description: Viewable boredom
有关DOM API文档的完整详细信息,请参阅标准Python API。
以上是 使用Python中的DOM API解析XML 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/322002.html