编写一个 Golang 程序,在不使用第三个变量的情况下交换两个数字
第 3 步:然后 a = b – a 和 b = b – a
package main输出结果import "fmt"
func swap(a, b int){
fmt.Printf("Before swapping, numbers are %d and %d\n", a, b)
b = a + b
a = b - a
b = b - a
fmt.Printf("After swapping, numbers are %d and %d\n", a, b)
func main(){
swap(23, 45)
swap(56, 100)
Before swapping, numbers are 23 and 45After swapping, numbers are 45 and 23
Before swapping, numbers are 56 and 100
After swapping, numbers are 100 and 56
以上是 编写一个 Golang 程序,在不使用第三个变量的情况下交换两个数字 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/317484.html