Selenium RC和Webdriver有什么区别?

下面列出了Selenium RC和Webdriver之间的区别-

特征Selenium Webdriver硒RC
Architecture不从Javascript获取。Acquired from Javascript.
服务器无需服务器即可开始执行测试用例。Server is needed to begin test case execution.
面向对象它广泛用于面向对象的编程。It is moderately used for object oriented programming.
浏览器它可以测试所有领先的浏览器,包括无头模式下的执行。It can test all the leading browsers.
快讯它能够处理警报。It is not capable of handling alerts.
落下它能够处理下拉菜单。It is not capable of handling dropdown.
动态定位器元素可以使用动态定位器定位。Elements cannot be located with the dynamic locators.
记录和播放它不具有记录和播放功能。It does not have the feature of record and playback.
鼠标动作它能够处理鼠标动作。It is not capable of handling mouse actions.
性能它与浏览器直接通信,因此速度很快。It is not as fast as Selenium webdriver because it does not communicate straight with the browser.
iPhone /安卓它能够在Android驱动程序和iPhone驱动程序的帮助下测试iPhone / Android。It is not capable of testing iPhone/Android.
Xpath它包含绝对xpath和相对xpath。It contains only the absolute xpath.
听众它能够使用侦听器。It is not capable of using the listener.
导航它能够处理导航。It is not capable of handling navigation.

以上是 Selenium RC和Webdriver有什么区别? 的全部内容, 来源链接:
