在 NumPy 中将掩码数组的泡菜作为字符串返回
要腌制掩码数组,请使用ma. MaskedArray.dumps()方法。使用Numpy中的方法将泡菜加载回数组。掩码数组是标准和掩码的组合。掩码要么是 nomask,表示关联数组的任何值都无效,要么是布尔数组,用于确定关联数组的每个元素的值是否有效。pickle.loads()numpy.ndarray
NumPy 提供全面的数学函数、随机数生成器、线性代数例程、傅里叶变换等。它支持广泛的硬件和计算平台,并且可以很好地与分布式、GPU 和稀疏数组库配合使用。
首先,导入所需的库 -
import numpy as npimportnumpy.maas ma
使用该方法创建一个包含 int 元素的数组-numpy.array()
arr = np.array([[55, 85, 68, 84], [67, 33, 39, 53], [29, 88, 51, 37], [56, 45, 99, 85]])print("Array...\n", arr)
print("\nArray type...\n", arr.dtype)
获取数组的维度 -
print("Array Dimensions...\n",arr.ndim)
创建一个屏蔽数组并将其中一些屏蔽为无效 -
maskArr = ma.masked_array(arr, mask =[[1, 1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0]])print("\nOur Masked Array\n", maskArr)
print("\nOur Masked Array type...\n", maskArr.dtype)
获取 Masked Array 的尺寸 -
print("\nOur Masked Array Dimensions...\n",maskArr.ndim)
获取蒙面阵列的形状 -
print("\nOur Masked Array Shape...\n",maskArr.shape)
获取 Masked Array 的元素数量 -
print("\nElements in the Masked Array...\n",maskArr.size)
要腌制掩码数组,请使用 ma. 方法 -MaskedArray.dumps()
pickArr = maskArr.dumps()
显示泡菜 -
print("\nPickle of the masked array...\n",pickArr)
resArr = pickle.loads(pickArr)
显示结果数组 -
print("\nLoading the pickle back to the masked array...\n",resArr)
import numpy as np输出结果importnumpy.maas ma
import pickle
# Create an array with int elements using the numpy.array() method
arr = np.array([[55, 85, 68, 84], [67, 33, 39, 53], [29, 88, 51, 37], [56, 45, 99, 85]])
print("Array...\n", arr)
print("\nArray type...\n", arr.dtype)
# Get the dimensions of the Array
print("\nArray Dimensions...\n",arr.ndim)
# Create a masked array and mask some of them as invalid
maskArr = ma.masked_array(arr, mask =[[1, 1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0]])
print("\nOur Masked Array\n", maskArr)
print("\nOur Masked Array type...\n", maskArr.dtype)
# Get the dimensions of the Masked Array
print("\nOur Masked Array Dimensions...\n",maskArr.ndim)
# Get the shape of the Masked Array
print("\nOur Masked Array Shape...\n",maskArr.shape)
# Get the number of elements of the Masked Array
print("\nElements in the Masked Array...\n",maskArr.size)
# To pickle the masked array, use the ma.MaskedArray.dumps() method
pickArr = maskArr.dumps()
# Display the pickle
print("\nPickle of the masked array...\n",pickArr)
# Load the pickle back to array using the pickle.loads() method
resArr = pickle.loads(pickArr)
# Display the resultant array
print("\nLoading the pickle back to the masked array...\n",resArr)
Array...[[55 85 68 84]
[67 33 39 53]
[29 88 51 37]
[56 45 99 85]]
Array type...
Array Dimensions...
Our Masked Array
[[-- -- 68 84]
[67 33 -- 53]
[29 88 51 --]
[56 -- 99 85]]
Our Masked Array type...
Our Masked Array Dimensions...
Our Masked Array Shape...
(4, 4)
Elements in the Masked Array...
Pickle of the masked array...
Loading the pickle back to the masked array...
[[-- -- 68 84]
[67 33 -- 53]
[29 88 51 --]
[56 -- 99 85]]
以上是 在 NumPy 中将掩码数组的泡菜作为字符串返回 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/297116.html