Tea Manufacture Glossary茶叶加工术语表
C.T.C Cut, Tear and Curl describes a machine which literally cuts, tears and curls the withered leaf, breaking the leaf veins. This releases the juices or enzymes of the leaf and completes the second stage of manufacture. Today, CTC tea, or Unorthodox tea...
2024-01-10General Tea Glossary茶叶综合术语表
Afternoon TeaThe name given to the British meal taken mid-afternoon, comprising finger sandwiches, scones cakes and pastries accompanied by tea. The 7th Duchess of Bedford is reputed to have given birth to afternoon tea, early in the 19th century, when sh...
我遇到了一些代码,eval()将其作为可能的解决方案。现在,我从来没有使用eval()过,但是,我遇到了很多有关它可能引起的潜在危险的信息。也就是说,我对使用它非常谨慎。我的情况是我有一个用户输入:datamap = raw_input('Provide some data here: ')哪里datamap需要一本字典。我四处搜寻,发现eval()可以解决...
2024-01-10Tea Tasting Glossary茶叶审评术语表
Terms describing dry leafBlack A black appearance is desirable preferably with "bloom". Blackish A satisfactory appearance for CTC type teas. Denotes careful sorting. Bloom A sign of good manufacture and sorting (where reduction of leaf has taken place be...
我正在尝试开始在ReactJS中构建网站。但是,当我尝试将JS放在单独的文件中时,我开始收到此错误:“ UncaughtSyntaxError:Unexpected token <”。我尝试添加/** @jsx React.DOM */到JS文件的顶部,但没有解决任何问题。以下是HTML和JS文件。关于出什么问题有什么想法吗?<html> <head> <title>Page</title> <script src=...
由于这个错误,我已经阅读,测试并在墙上摔了头一天。我在名为Listener这样的类中有一些Java代码,如下所示ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NTHREADS);boolean listening = true;int count = 0;while (listening) { Runnable worker; try { worker = new ServerThread(serverSocket....
在回答了有关如何解析包含浮点数数组的文本文件的问题之后,我运行了以下基准测试:import timeitimport randomline = [random.random() for x in range(1000)]n = 10000json_setup = 'line = "{}"; import json'.format(line)json_work = 'json.loads(line)'json_time = timeit.timeit(json_work, json_setup, number...
据playstationlifestyle报道,之前曾在苹果公司担任高管的Ben King现已加入索尼互动娱乐,面对新的工作,King将负责PlayStation Store和直面消费者的数字营销。 在进入索尼互动娱乐之前,King曾在苹果的iTunes、App Store和Apple Music担任多个职务,据悉Ben King在索尼互动娱乐将接受全球销售和业务运营主管高级副...
2024-01-10印度奶茶(Masala Chai)配方
原料: 鲜牛奶300毫升、红茶12克、焦糖适量、豆蔻一粒、肉桂一小片、丁香二粒、鲜奶油一匙。 做法: 焦糖放进奶锅,加少量的水煮至糖汁呈金黄色并冒出焦香味,到入鲜牛奶,不断搅拌,加红茶入锅煮沸后,加入香料,改用小火煮1分钟,然后放入奶油搅拌几下,再以小火煮约2分钟,过滤装杯。也...