
我下面的术语是错误的。我在“ Lerp2D”中描述的“正向”算法(我需要逆运算)需要四个任意角。它沿着每个边都是线性的,但是 所有

边_都可以独立拉伸。它 _不是双线性的






例如,这是双线性插值的Visual Basic实现。

' xyWgt ranges (0..1) in x and y. (0,0) will return X0Y0,

(0,1) will return X0Y1, etc.

' For example, if xyWgt is relative location within an image,

' and the XnYn values are GPS coords at the 4 corners of the image,

' The result is GPS coord corresponding to xyWgt.

' E.g. given (0.5, 0.5), the result will be the GPS coord at center of image.

Public Function Lerp2D(xyWgt As Point2D, X0Y0 As Point2D, X1Y0 As Point2D, X0Y1 As Point2D, X1Y1 As Point2D) As Point2D

Dim xY0 As Point2D = Lerp(X0Y0, X1Y0, xyWgt.X)

Dim xY1 As Point2D = Lerp(X0Y1, X1Y1, xyWgt.X)

Dim xy As Point2D = Lerp(xY0, xY1, xyWgt.Y)

Return xy

End Function


' Weighted Average of two points.

Public Function Lerp(ByVal a As Point2D, ByVal b As Point2D, ByVal wgtB As Double) As Point2D

Return New Point2D(Lerp(a.X, b.X, wgtB), Lerp(a.Y, b.Y, wgtB))

End Function

' Weighted Average of two numbers.

' When wgtB==0, returns a, when wgtB==1, returns b.

' Implicitly, wgtA = 1 - wgtB. That is, the weights are normalized.

Public Function Lerp(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal wgtB As Double) As Double

Return a + (wgtB * (b - a))

End Function


' Calculate wgtB that would return result, if did Lerp(a, b, wgtB).

' That is, where result is, w.r.t. a and b.

' < 0 is before a, > 1 is after b.

Public Function WgtFromResult(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double, ByVal result As Double) As Double

Dim denominator As Double = b - a

If Math.Abs(denominator) < 0.00000001 Then

' Avoid divide-by-zero (a & b are nearly equal).

If Math.Abs(result - a) < 0.00000001 Then

' Result is close to a (but also to b): Give simplest answer: average them.

Return 0.5

End If

' Cannot compute.

Return Double.NaN

End If

' result = a + (wgt * (b - a)) =>

' wgt * (b - a) = (result - a) =>

Dim wgt As Double = (result - a) / denominator

'Dim verify As Double = Lerp(a, b, wgt)

'If Not NearlyEqual(result, verify) Then

' Dim test = 0 ' test

'End If

Return wgt

End Function


' Returns xyWgt, which if given to Lerp2D, would return this "xy".

' So if xy = X0Y0, will return (0, 0). if xy = X1Y0, will return (1, 0), etc.

' For example, if 4 corners are GPS coordinates in corners of an image,

' and pass in a GPS coordinate,

' returns relative location within the image.

Public Function InverseLerp2D(xy As Point2D, X0Y0 As Point2D, X1Y0 As Point2D, X0Y1 As Point2D, X1Y1 As Point2D) As Point2D

' TODO ????

End Function


为了简化,让我们从仅考虑单个内插值 z开始

假设四个值 z 00, z 01, z 10, z 10和两个权重 w 0和 w 1应用于第一和第二索引,得出

z 0 = z 00 + w 0 ×( z 10 - z 00)

z 1 = z 01 + w 0 ×( z 11 - z 01)


z = z 0 + w 1 ×( z 1 - z 0)

= z 00 + w 0 ×( z 10 - z 00)+ w 1 ×( z 01 - z 00)+ w 1 ×

w 0 ×( z 11 - ž 10 - ž 01 + ž 00)


x = x 00 + w 0 ×( x 10 - x 00)+ w 1 ×( x 01 - x 00)+ w 1

× w 0 ×( x 11 - x 10 - x 01 + x 00)

y = y 00 + w 0 ×( y 10 - y 00)+ w 1×( y 01 - y 00)+ w 1 ×

w 0 ×( y 11 - y 10 - y 01 + y 00)

不幸的是,没有一个简单的公式可以从 xy 恢复 w 0和 w 1。但是,您可以将其视为非线性最小二乘问题并最小化

x ww 0, w 1) -x )2 +( y ww 0, w 1) -y )2




在我看来,您可能会对从( xy )到( w 0, w 1)的插值感到满意,而不是实际的逆。从rev(fwd( w 0, w

1))可能比( w 0, w 1)更远的地方开始,这会比实际的倒数更不准确。

您在不规则网格而不是规则网格上进行插值的事实将使这一点变得更加棘手。理想情况下,您应该将( xy








x × y

并计算系数 aibicidii 等于0或1),使得

w 0 = a 0 + b 0 × x + c 0 × y + d 0 × x × y

w 1 = a 1 + b 1 × x + c 1 × y + d 1 × x × y

通过代入相关的已知值 xyw 0和 w 1,您将为每个 w 获得四个联立的 线性 方程,您可以求解这些 线性



也许 可以摆脱高斯消除。


以上是 算法:如何计算双线性插值的INVERSE?映射到任意四边形的逆函数? 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/421751.html
