NodeJS 7:EventEmitter +等待/异步

我们如何才能async在传递给事件发射器的回调中结束函数 器 ?

另外,无需使用 外部模块 ,只需使用普通的 (支持 语法和async/await

我们基本上希望将an async function ...与事件发射器混合使用,以便在事件发射器发出信号时解析它end




* Example of mixing Events + async/await.


// Supose a random pomise'd function like:

function canIHazACheezBurger () {

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

setTimeout(() => {

resolve(Math.random() > 0.5);

}, 500 + Math.random() * 500)




* Then, we want to mix an event emitter with this logic,

* what we want is that this function resolves the promise

* when the event emitter signals 'end' (for example).

* Also bear in mind that we won't start with the event emitter

* until done with the above function.

* If I had a "new Promise(...)" I would call resolve(); and the

* headache would be over, but in 'async' there's no 'resolve',

* plus I cannot use 'return' because I'm inside a callback.


async function bakeMeSomeBurgers () {

let canIHave = await canIHazACheezBurger();

// Do something with the result, as an example.

if (canIHave) {

console.log('Hehe, you can have...');

} else {



// Here invoke our event emitter:

let cook = new BurgerCooking('cheez');

// Assume that is a normal event emitter, like for handling a download.

cook.on('update', (percent) => {

console.log(`The burger is ${percent}% done`);


// Here lies the problem:

cook.on('end', () => {

console.log('I\'ve finished the burger!');

if (canIHave) {

console.log('Here, take it :)');

} else {

console.log('Too bad you can\'t have it >:)');


// So, now... What?

// resolve(); ? nope

// return; ?







async/ await语法只是then调用的糖,它依赖于promise。

async function bakeMeSomeBurgers () {

let canIHave = await canIHazACheezBurger();

if (canIHave)

console.log('Hehe, you can have...');



// Here we create an await our promise:

await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

// Here invoke our event emitter:

let cook = new BurgerCooking('cheez');

// a normal event callback:

cook.on('update', percent => {

console.log(`The burger is ${percent}% done`);


cook.on('end', resolve); // call resolve when its done

cook.on('error', reject); // don't forget this


console.log('I\'ve finished the burger!');

if (canIHave)

console.log('Here, take it :)');


console.log('Too bad you can\'t have it >:)');


以上是 NodeJS 7:EventEmitter +等待/异步 的全部内容, 来源链接:
