


  1. 是否有任何功能只能提供bool结果,

  1. 我想知道int.TryParse实际的工作方式(是否在try ... catch内部或通过input的字符进行迭代string)?



bool successfullyParsed = int.TryParse(str, out ignoreMe);

if (successfullyParsed){

// ...




如果我想知道实际上是如何实现的,我正在使用 反编译.NET代码。


// int

/// <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.</summary>

/// <returns>true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>

/// <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>

/// <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 32-bit signed integer value equivalent to the number contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the s parameter is null, is not of the correct format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue"></see> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue"></see>. This parameter is passed uninitialized. </param>

/// <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>

public static bool TryParse(string s, out int result)


return Number.TryParseInt32(s, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, out result);


// System.Number

internal unsafe static bool TryParseInt32(string s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info, out int result)


byte* stackBuffer = stackalloc byte[1 * 114 / 1];

Number.NumberBuffer numberBuffer = new Number.NumberBuffer(stackBuffer);

result = 0;

if (!Number.TryStringToNumber(s, style, ref numberBuffer, info, false))


return false;


if ((style & NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) != NumberStyles.None)


if (!Number.HexNumberToInt32(ref numberBuffer, ref result))


return false;





if (!Number.NumberToInt32(ref numberBuffer, ref result))


return false;



return true;



// System.Number

private unsafe static bool TryStringToNumber(string str, NumberStyles options, ref Number.NumberBuffer number, NumberFormatInfo numfmt, bool parseDecimal)


if (str == null)


return false;


fixed (char* ptr = str)


char* ptr2 = ptr;

if (!Number.ParseNumber(ref ptr2, options, ref number, numfmt, parseDecimal) || ((ptr2 - ptr / 2) / 2 < str.Length && !Number.TrailingZeros(str, (ptr2 - ptr / 2) / 2)))


return false;



return true;


// System.Number

private unsafe static bool ParseNumber(ref char* str, NumberStyles options, ref Number.NumberBuffer number, NumberFormatInfo numfmt, bool parseDecimal)


number.scale = 0;

number.sign = false;

string text = null;

string text2 = null;

string str2 = null;

string str3 = null;

bool flag = false;

string str4;

string str5;

if ((options & NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol) != NumberStyles.None)


text = numfmt.CurrencySymbol;

if (numfmt.ansiCurrencySymbol != null)


text2 = numfmt.ansiCurrencySymbol;


str2 = numfmt.NumberDecimalSeparator;

str3 = numfmt.NumberGroupSeparator;

str4 = numfmt.CurrencyDecimalSeparator;

str5 = numfmt.CurrencyGroupSeparator;

flag = true;




str4 = numfmt.NumberDecimalSeparator;

str5 = numfmt.NumberGroupSeparator;


int num = 0;

char* ptr = str;

char c = *ptr;

while (true)


if (!Number.IsWhite(c) || (options & NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite) == NumberStyles.None || ((num & 1) != 0 && ((num & 1) == 0 || ((num & 32) == 0 && numfmt.numberNegativePattern != 2))))


bool flag2;

char* ptr2;

if ((flag2 = ((options & NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign) != NumberStyles.None && (num & 1) == 0)) && (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, numfmt.positiveSign)) != null)


num |= 1;

ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;




if (flag2 && (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, numfmt.negativeSign)) != null)


num |= 1;

number.sign = true;

ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;




if (c == '(' && (options & NumberStyles.AllowParentheses) != NumberStyles.None && (num & 1) == 0)


num |= 3;

number.sign = true;




if ((text == null || (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, text)) == null) && (text2 == null || (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, text2)) == null))




num |= 32;

text = null;

text2 = null;

ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;





c = *(ptr += (IntPtr)2 / 2);


int num2 = 0;

int num3 = 0;

while (true)


if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || ((options & NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) != NumberStyles.None && ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'))))


num |= 4;

if (c != '0' || (num & 8) != 0)


if (num2 < 50)


number.digits[(IntPtr)(num2++)] = c;

if (c != '0' || parseDecimal)


num3 = num2;



if ((num & 16) == 0)




num |= 8;




if ((num & 16) != 0)








char* ptr2;

if ((options & NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint) != NumberStyles.None && (num & 16) == 0 && ((ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, str4)) != null || (flag && (num & 32) == 0 && (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, str2)) != null)))


num |= 16;

ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;




if ((options & NumberStyles.AllowThousands) == NumberStyles.None || (num & 4) == 0 || (num & 16) != 0 || ((ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, str5)) == null && (!flag || (num & 32) != 0 || (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, str3)) == null)))




ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;



c = *(ptr += (IntPtr)2 / 2);


bool flag3 = false;

number.precision = num3;

number.digits[(IntPtr)num3] = '\0';

if ((num & 4) != 0)


if ((c == 'E' || c == 'e') && (options & NumberStyles.AllowExponent) != NumberStyles.None)


char* ptr3 = ptr;

c = *(ptr += (IntPtr)2 / 2);

char* ptr2;

if ((ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, numfmt.positiveSign)) != null)


c = *(ptr = ptr2);




if ((ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, numfmt.negativeSign)) != null)


c = *(ptr = ptr2);

flag3 = true;



if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')


int num4 = 0;



num4 = num4 * 10 + (int)(c - '0');

c = *(ptr += (IntPtr)2 / 2);

if (num4 > 1000)


num4 = 9999;

while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')


c = *(ptr += (IntPtr)2 / 2);




while (c >= '0' && c <= '9');

if (flag3)


num4 = -num4;


number.scale += num4;




ptr = ptr3;

c = *ptr;



while (true)


if (!Number.IsWhite(c) || (options & NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite) == NumberStyles.None)


bool flag2;

char* ptr2;

if ((flag2 = ((options & NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign) != NumberStyles.None && (num & 1) == 0)) && (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, numfmt.positiveSign)) != null)


num |= 1;

ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;




if (flag2 && (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, numfmt.negativeSign)) != null)


num |= 1;

number.sign = true;

ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;




if (c == ')' && (num & 2) != 0)


num &= -3;




if ((text == null || (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, text)) == null) && (text2 == null || (ptr2 = Number.MatchChars(ptr, text2)) == null))




text = null;

text2 = null;

ptr = ptr2 - (IntPtr)2 / 2;





c = *(ptr += (IntPtr)2 / 2);


if ((num & 2) == 0)


if ((num & 8) == 0)


if (!parseDecimal)


number.scale = 0;


if ((num & 16) == 0)


number.sign = false;



str = ptr;

return true;



str = ptr;

return false;


以上是 int.TryParse实际如何工作 的全部内容, 来源链接:
