package.json 中的scripts的脚本 中--这符号表示啥意思



命令的参数,比如webpack --config webpack.config.js表示webpackconfig参数的值为webpack.config.js



webpack-cli 3.3.8

Usage: webpack-cli [options]

webpack-cli [options] --entry <entry> --output <output>

webpack-cli [options] <entries...> --output <output>

webpack-cli <command> [options]

For more information, see

Config options:

--config Path to the config file

[string] [default: webpack.config.js or webpackfile.js]

--config-register, -r Preload one or more modules before loading the webpack

configuration [array] [default: module id or path]

--config-name Name of the config to use [string]

--env Environment passed to the config, when it is a function

--mode Enable production optimizations or development hints.

[choices: "development", "production", "none"]

Basic options:

--context The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the `entry`

option. If `output.pathinfo` is set, the included pathinfo is

shortened to this directory.

[string] [default: The current directory]

--entry The entry point(s) of the compilation. [string]

--watch, -w Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change. [boolean]

--debug Switch loaders to debug mode [boolean]

--devtool A developer tool to enhance debugging. [string]

-d shortcut for --debug --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map

--output-pathinfo [boolean]

-p shortcut for --optimize-minimize --define

process.env.NODE_ENV="production" [boolean]

--progress Print compilation progress in percentage [boolean]

Module options:

--module-bind Bind an extension to a loader [string]

--module-bind-post Bind an extension to a post loader [string]

--module-bind-pre Bind an extension to a pre loader [string]

Output options:

--output, -o The output path and file for compilation assets

--output-path The output directory as **absolute path**


[string] [default: The current directory]

--output-filename Specifies the name of each output file on disk.

You must **not** specify an absolute path here!

The `output.path` option determines the location

on disk the files are written to, filename is

used solely for naming the individual files.

[string] [default: [name].js]

--output-chunk-filename The filename of non-entry chunks as relative

path inside the `output.path` directory.

[string] [default: filename with [id] instead of [name] or [id] prefixed]

--output-source-map-filename The filename of the SourceMaps for the

JavaScript files. They are inside the

`output.path` directory. [string]

--output-public-path The `publicPath` specifies the public URL

address of the output files when referenced in a

browser. [string]

--output-jsonp-function The JSONP function used by webpack for async

loading of chunks. [string]

--output-pathinfo Include comments with information about the

modules. [boolean]

--output-library Expose the exports of the entry point as library


--output-library-target Type of library

[string] [choices: "var", "assign", "this", "window", "self", "global",

"commonjs", "commonjs2", "commonjs-module", "amd", "umd", "umd2", "jsonp"]

Advanced options:

--records-input-path Store compiler state to a json file. [string]

--records-output-path Load compiler state from a json file. [string]

--records-path Store/Load compiler state from/to a json file. This

will result in persistent ids of modules and

chunks. An absolute path is expected. `recordsPath`

is used for `recordsInputPath` and

`recordsOutputPath` if they left undefined.[string]

--define Define any free var in the bundle [string]

--target Environment to build for [string]

--cache Cache generated modules and chunks to improve

performance for multiple incremental builds.

[boolean] [default: It's enabled by default when watching]

--watch-stdin, --stdin Stop watching when stdin stream has ended [boolean]

--watch-aggregate-timeout Delay the rebuilt after the first change. Value is

a time in ms. [number]

--watch-poll Enable polling mode for watching [string]

--hot Enables Hot Module Replacement [boolean]

--prefetch Prefetch this request (Example: --prefetch

./file.js) [string]

--provide Provide these modules as free vars in all modules

(Example: --provide jQuery=jquery) [string]

--labeled-modules Enables labeled modules [boolean]

--plugin Load this plugin [string]

--bail Report the first error as a hard error instead of

tolerating it. [boolean] [default: null]

--profile Capture timing information for each module.

[boolean] [default: null]

Resolving options:

--resolve-alias Redirect module requests [string]

--resolve-extensions Redirect module requests [array]

--resolve-loader-alias Setup a loader alias for resolving [string]

Optimizing options:

--optimize-max-chunks Try to keep the chunk count below a limit

--optimize-min-chunk-size Minimal size for the created chunk

--optimize-minimize Enable minimizing the output. Uses

optimization.minimizer. [boolean]

Stats options:

--color, --colors Force colors on the console

[boolean] [default: (supports-color)]

--no-color, --no-colors Force no colors on the console [boolean]

--sort-modules-by Sorts the modules list by property in module


--sort-chunks-by Sorts the chunks list by property in chunk


--sort-assets-by Sorts the assets list by property in asset


--hide-modules Hides info about modules [boolean]

--display-exclude Exclude modules in the output [string]

--display-modules Display even excluded modules in the output


--display-max-modules Sets the maximum number of visible modules in

output [number]

--display-chunks Display chunks in the output [boolean]

--display-entrypoints Display entry points in the output [boolean]

--display-origins Display origins of chunks in the output


--display-cached Display also cached modules in the output


--display-cached-assets Display also cached assets in the output


--display-reasons Display reasons about module inclusion in the

output [boolean]

--display-depth Display distance from entry point for each

module [boolean]

--display-used-exports Display information about used exports in

modules (Tree Shaking) [boolean]

--display-provided-exports Display information about exports provided

from modules [boolean]

--display-optimization-bailout Display information about why optimization

bailed out for modules [boolean]

--display-error-details Display details about errors [boolean]

--display Select display preset

[string] [choices: "", "verbose", "detailed", "normal", "minimal",

"errors-only", "none"]

--verbose Show more details [boolean]

--info-verbosity Controls the output of lifecycle messaging

e.g. Started watching files...

[string] [choices: "none", "info", "verbose"] [default: "info"]

--build-delimiter Display custom text after build output[string]


--help, -h Show help [boolean]

--version, -v Show version number [boolean]

--silent Prevent output from being displayed in stdout [boolean]

--json, -j Prints the result as JSON.


Usage: java [-options] class [args...]

(to execute a class)

or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]

(to execute a jar file)

where options include:

-d32 use a 32-bit data model if available

-d64 use a 64-bit data model if available

-server to select the "server" VM

-zero to select the "zero" VM

-dcevm to select the "dcevm" VM

The default VM is server,

because you are running on a server-class machine.

-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>

-classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>

A : separated list of directories, JAR archives,

and ZIP archives to search for class files.


set a system property


enable verbose output

-version print product version and exit


Warning: this feature is deprecated and will be removed

in a future release.

require the specified version to run

-showversion print product version and continue

-jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search

Warning: this feature is deprecated and will be removed

in a future release.

include/exclude user private JREs in the version search

-? -help print this help message

-X print help on non-standard options



enable assertions with specified granularity



disable assertions with specified granularity

-esa | -enablesystemassertions

enable system assertions

-dsa | -disablesystemassertions

disable system assertions


load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof

see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help


load native agent library by full pathname


load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument


show splash screen with specified image

See for more details.

以上是 package.json 中的scripts的脚本 中--这符号表示啥意思 的全部内容, 来源链接:
