有关 Python3 的 重载运算符 与 引用问题

有关 Python3 的 重载运算符 与 引用问题


给定三点:A、B、C;其中A与B坐标已知,C点坐标 = A点 + B点



class Point:

def __init__(self, coordinate:tuple):

self.x = coordinate[0]

self.y = coordinate[1]

def __repr__(self):

return "(%.2f, %.2f)" % (self.x, self.y)

def __add__(self, other:Point):

if isinstance(other, Point):

x = self.x + other.x

y = self.y + other.y

return Point(coordinate=(x,y))

然后定义A与B的坐标 以及C的关系:

A = Point((1,1))

B = Point((4,1))

C = A + B








class Point:

def __init__(self, coordinate:tuple,point = None,point2 = None):

self._point = point

self._point2 = point2

if self._point is None or self._point2 is None:

self._point,self._point2 = coordinate

def _simple(self):

return not isinstance(self._point, Point)

def _reset(self,x,y):

self._point = x

self._point2 = y

def x(self,vx = None):

if vx is not None: self._reset(vx,self.y())

return self._point if self._simple() else self._point.x() + self._point2.x()

def y(self,vy = None):

if vy is not None: self._reset(self.x(),vy)

return self._point2 if self._simple() else self._point.y() + self._point2.y()

def __add__(self, other):

return Point(None, self, other) if isinstance(other, Point) else self

def __repr__(self):

return "(%.2f, %.2f)" % (self.x(), self.y())

A = Point((1,1))

B = Point((4,1))

C = A + B

print(C) #(5,2)


print(C) #(9,2)


class Point:

def __init__(self, coordinate=None, parent_points=None):

if coordinate is None and parent_points is None:

raise ValueError("coordinate and parent_points cannot be both None")

self.parent_points = parent_points

self.coordinate = coordinate

def __getattr__(self, item):

if item not in ('x', 'y'):

raise AttributeError("Point only has x and y")

if self.parent_points:

return sum(i.x if item == 'x' else i.y for i in self.parent_points)


return self.coordinate[0 if item == 'x' else 1]


def x(self):

return self.__getattr__('x')


def x(self, n):

if self.coordinate is None:

raise Exception("this point is associated with other point, so it cannot be modified")

self.coordinate[0] = n


def y(self):

return self.__getattr__('y')


def y(self, n):

if self.coordinate is None:

raise Exception("this point is associated with other point, so it cannot be modified")

self.coordinate[1] = n

def __repr__(self):

return "(%.2f, %.2f)" % (self.x, self.y)

def __add__(self, other):

return Point(parent_points=[self, other])

if __name__ == '__main__':

a = Point([1, 1])

b = Point([4, 1])

c = a + b

d = a + b + c

print("Now c is {}".format(c))

print("Now d is {}".format(d))

a.x = 5

b.y = 2

print("Now c is {}".format(c))

print("Now d is {}".format(d))

以上是 有关 Python3 的 重载运算符 与 引用问题 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/a/160167.html
