记录sqlserver的批量删除主外键的sql语句 [数据库教程]


select b.name TableName,a.name TypeName,a.* from sysobjects a inner join sysobjects b on a.parent_obj=b.id and b.xtype=U

--删除约束 F外键、PK主键、D 约束、UQ 唯一约束

declare @tableName varchar(max),@typeName varchar(max)

declare fk_cursor cursor forselect b.name TableName,a.name TypeName from sysobjects a inner join sysobjects b on a.parent_obj=b.id and b.xtype=Uwhere a.xtype=PK

open fk_cursor

fetch next from fk_cursor into @tableName,@typeName

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


exec (ALTER TABLE [dbo].[[email protected]+] DROP CONSTRAINT [[email protected]+])

fetch next from fk_cursor into @tableName,@typeName


close fk_cursor

deallocate fk_cursor

select b.name TableName,a.name IndexName from sys.sysindexes a right join sys.sysobjects b on a.id=b.id where b.xtype=U and a.name is not null

--删除IX 索引

declare @tableName varchar(max),@indexName varchar(max)

declare index_cursor cursor forselect b.name TableName,a.name IndexName from sys.sysindexes a right join sys.sysobjects b on a.id=b.id where b.xtype=U and a.name is not null

open index_cursor

fetch next from index_cursor into @tableName,@indexName

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


exec (DROP INDEX [[email protected]+] ON [dbo].[[email protected]+])

fetch next from index_cursor into @tableName,@indexName


close index_cursor

deallocate index_cursor

select b.name TableName,a.name ColumnName,a.* from syscolumns a

inner join sysobjects b on b.id=a.id and b.xtype=U

inner join systypes c on a.xtype=c.xtype and c.name=uniqueidentifier


declare @tableName varchar(max),@columnName varchar(max)

declare change_type_cursor cursor forselect b.name TableName,a.name ColumnName from syscolumns a

inner join sysobjects b on b.id=a.id and b.xtype=U

inner join systypes c on a.xtype=c.xtype and c.name=uniqueidentifier

open change_type_cursor

fetch next from change_type_cursor into @tableName,@columnName

while @@FETCH_STATUS =0


exec (ALTER TABLE [dbo].[[email protected]+] ALTER COLUMN [[email protected]+] nvarchar(max) NOT NULL)

fetch next from change_type_cursor into @tableName,@columnName


close change_type_cursor

deallocate change_type_cursor


记录sql server 的批量删除主外键的sql语句

以上是 记录sqlserver的批量删除主外键的sql语句 [数据库教程] 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/534610.html
