【Java】 int与String类型间的相互转化


public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {


* int类型转String类型


int n1 = 9;


String s1=String.valueOf(n1);


String s2= n1+"";


String s3= Integer.toString(n1);

System.out.println("Number "+n1+" to String is:"+s1);

System.out.println("Number "+n1+" to String is:"+s2);

System.out.println("Number "+n1+" to String is:"+s3);


* String类型转int类型


String s="123";

int i = Integer.parseInt( s );

System.out.println("String "+s+" to number is:"+i);




Number 9 to String is:9

Number 9 to String is:9

Number 9 to String is:9

String 123 to number is:123

以上是 【Java】 int与String类型间的相互转化 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/392286.html
