

一. 代码使用Python+Splinter开发,Splinter是一个使用Python开发的开源Web应用测试工具,它可以帮你实现自动浏览站点和与其进行交互。

二. 安装好Python 3或2都可以,然后安装Splinter `pip install Splinter

三. Splinter注意事项

    1. Splinter的Browser类默认优先使用firefox,所以用chrome的话,需要指定driver_name="chrome",只要养成一个习惯,不管用什么浏览器都指定,问题会出得少
    2. 当然,选择chrome的话,需要查看自己浏览器的版本,需要和chromedriver版本对应(不是版本号一致),参考和下载地址

四. Splinter.broser部分方法介绍

    1.  findbyid("控件id").first:根据id找到组件
    2.  visis(url):访问指定网址
    3.  fill("填充的内容"):用指定内容填充组件
    4.  click():点击事件
    5.  reload():重新加载当前文档

五. 主要思路:

    1. 自动填充用户名,密码,点击图片验证码(手动),自动点击购票查询,预订,自动选择指定乘客进入提交订单页面
    2. 除登录时的图片验证码,全程自动

六. error(下面是我已经尝试成功的):

    1. OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序。
    2. 解决方案:chromedriver版本和电脑浏览器版本映射没对应
    3. ImportError: cannot import name \'Browser\'。
    4. 解决方案:是否安装了Splinter `pip install Splinter`,将代码文件和chromedriver放到一个新文件夹下,防止其他文件的影响
    5. 请在运行文件前,将代码内的乘客,用户名,密码正确填写好,检查cookies是否正确

七. cookies 查看

    1. 进入chrome浏览器,按F12,选中NetWork选项,如下图    
    2. 起始地址:`_jc_save_fromStation` 购票时间:`_jc_save_fromDate` 目的地:`_jc_save_toStation`

八.  运行方法

    1. python 福建 厦门 2020-11-11
    2. OK

九.  具体代码如下

  1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

2 """

3 @author Jianxiong Rao

4 """

5 from splinter.browser import Browser

6 from time import sleep

7 import traceback

8 import time,sys

9 import os


11 class HuoChe(object):

12 """docstring for Train"""

13 driver_name=\'\'

14 executable_path=\'\'

15 #用户名 密码

16 username = u"12306帐户名"

17 passwd = u"12306密码"

18 #cookies值自己找

19 # 天津%u5929%u6D25%2CTJP 南昌%u5357%u660C%2CNCG 桂林%u6842%u6797%2CGLZ

20 starts = u"%u5929%u6D25%2CTJP"

21 ends = u"%u5357%u660C%2CNCG"

22 #时间格式2018-02-05

23 dtime = u"2018-02-05"

24 #车次,选择第几趟,0则从上之下依次点击

25 order = 0

26 ###乘客姓名

27 users=[u\'乘客名\']

28 ##席位

29 xb=u"二等座"

30 pz=u"成人票"

31 """网址"""

32 #12306查询URL

33 ticket_url = ""

34 #12306登录URL

35 login_url = ""

36 #我的12306URL

37 initmy_url = ""

38 #购票URL

39 buy=""

40 login_url=\'\'


42 def __init__(self):

43 self.driver_name = \'chrome\'

44 self.executable_path = os.getcwd()+\'/chromedriver\'

45 print("Welcome To Use The Tool")


47 def login(self):

48 self.driver.visit(self.login_url)

49 #填充密码

50 self.driver.fill("loginUserDTO.user_name",self.username)

51 #sleep(1)

52 self.driver.fill("userDTO.password",self.passwd)

53 print("等待验证码,自行输入....")

54 while True:

55 if self.driver.url != self.initmy_url:

56 sleep(1)

57 else :

58 break

59 def start(self):

60 self.driver = Browser(driver_name=self.driver_name,executable_path = self.executable_path)

61 self.driver.driver.set_window_size(1400,1000)

62 self.login()

63 #sleep(1)

64 self.driver.visit(self.ticket_url)

65 try:

66 print("购票页面开始....")

67 #sleep(1)

68 #加载查询信息

69 self.driver.cookies.add({"_jc_save_fromStation":self.starts})

70 self.driver.cookies.add({"_jc_save_toStation":self.ends})

71 self.driver.cookies.add({"_jc_save_fromDate":self.dtime})


73 self.driver.reload()


75 count = 0

76 if self.order != 0:

77 while self.driver.url == self.ticket_url:

78 self.driver.find_bytext(u"查询").click()

79 count += 1

80 print("循环点击查询.... 第 %s 次"%count)

81 #sleep(1)

82 try:

83 self.driver.find_by_text(u\'预订\')[self.order - 1].click()

84 except Exception as e:

85 print(e)

86 print("还没开始预订")

87 continue

88 else :

89 while self.driver.url == self.ticket_url:

90 self.driver.find_by_text(u"查询").click()

91 count += 1

92 print("循环点击查询.... 第 %s 次"%count)

93 #sleep(0.8)

94 try:

95 for i in self.driver.find_by_text(u"预订"):


97 sleep(1)

98 except Exception as e:

99 print(e)

100 print("还没开始预订 %s "%count)

101 continue

102 print("开始预订....")

103 #sleep(1)

104 #self.driver.reload()

105 sleep(1)

106 print("开始选择用户....")

107 for user in self.users:

108 self.driver.find_by_text(user)

109 print("提交订单....")

110 sleep(1)

111 # self.driver.find_by_text(self.pz).click()

112 # self.driver.find_by_id(\'\').select(self.pz)

113 # sleep(1)

114 # self.driver.find_by_text(self.xb).click()

115 # sleep(1)

116 self.driver.find_by_id(\'submitOrder_id\').click()

117 print("开始选座...")

118 # self.driver.find_by_id(\'1D\')

119 # self.driver.find_by_id(\'1F\')

120 sleep(1.5)

121 print("确认选座....")

122 self.driver.find_by_text(\'qr_submit_id\').click()


124 except Exception as e:

125 print(e)


127 cities={

128 \'福建\':\'%u5929%u6D25%2CTJP\',

129 \'厦门\':\'%u5357%u660C%2CNCG\',


131 }


133 if __name__=="__main__":

134 train = HuoChe()

135 train.starts = cities[sys.argv[1]]

136 train.ends = cities[sys.argv[2]]

137 train.dtime = sys.argv[3]

138 train.start()


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-


 @author Jianxiong Rao


 fromsplinter.browser importBrowser

 fromtime importsleep






  """docstring for Train"""



  #用户名 密码

  username =u"12306帐户名"

  passwd =u"12306密码"


  # 天津%u5929%u6D25%2CTJP 南昌%u5357%u660C%2CNCG 桂林%u6842%u6797%2CGLZ

  starts =u"%u5929%u6D25%2CTJP"

  ends =u"%u5357%u660C%2CNCG"


  dtime =u"2018-02-05"


  order =0








  ticket_url =""


  login_url =""


  initmy_url =""






   self.driver_name =\'chrome\'

   self.executable_path =os.getcwd()+\'/chromedriver\'

   print("Welcome To Use The Tool")










    ifself.driver.url !=self.initmy_url:





   self.driver =Browser(driver_name=self.driver_name,executable_path =self.executable_path)















    count =0

    ifself.order !=0:

     whileself.driver.url ==self.ticket_url:


      count +=1

      print("循环点击查询.... 第 %s 次"%count)



       self.driver.find_by_text(u\'预订\')[self.order -1].click()

      exceptException as e:





     whileself.driver.url ==self.ticket_url:


      count +=1

      print("循环点击查询.... 第 %s 次"%count)



       fori inself.driver.find_by_text(u"预订"):


      exceptException as e:


       print("还没开始预订 %s "%count)







    foruser inself.users:




    # self.driver.find_by_text(self.pz).click()

    # self.driver.find_by_id(\'\').select(self.pz)

    # sleep(1)

    # self.driver.find_by_text(self.xb).click()

    # sleep(1)



    # self.driver.find_by_id(\'1D\')

    # self.driver.find_by_id(\'1F\')





   exceptException as e:










  train =HuoChe()

  train.starts =cities[sys.argv[1]]

  train.ends =cities[sys.argv[2]]

  train.dtime =sys.argv[3]


以上是 python代码实现抢票助手 的全部内容, 来源链接:
