vue 中 使用 tradingview


加载页面时初始化方法: mounted

可以在 mounted 方法中调用 methods 的中的方法

使用 data 中的数据时,在每个方法的开始推荐先定义 var that = this

现在还不明白开始时为什么执行两次 resolveSymbol 方法

不要纠结页面的数据怎么获取到某个方法中的,它自己就获取了。例如 resolveSymbol 方法,根据商品名称解析商品信息。你在输入框中输入某个商品时,值自动被 resolveSymbol 方法获取。

 在 gerBar 方法中,执行回调函数的时候,eg: settimeout(callback, 1000)让其 1 秒后执行,因为 若去后台获取数据采用 是异步的。

 开始时 执行顺序:

  createChartData -> subscribeSymbol -> unsubscribeSymbol -> TradingView.onready -> onChartReady -> onReady(图表雏形) -> resolveSymbol -> getBar


  searchSymbols -> resolveSymbol -> getBar

  1 <!-- TradingView Widget BEGIN -->

2 <html>

3 <head>

4 <link rel="icon" href="">

5 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

6 <script src=""></script>

7 <script src="//"></script>

8 <script src="//"></script>

9 <script src=""></script>

10 <script src=""></script>

11 <script src=""></script>

12 <script src=""></script>

13 <script src=""></script>

14 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">

15 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/charting_library-master/charting_library/charting_library.min.js"></script>

16 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/charting_library-master/datafeeds/udf/dist/polyfills.js"></script>

17 <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/charting_library-master/datafeeds/udf/dist/bundle.js"></script>

18 </head>


20 <body>

21 <div id="app">

22 <el-button type="primary" @click="getVal('M1905')">M1905</el-button>

23 <el-button type="primary" @click="getVal('C1905')">C1905</el-button>

24 <el-button type="primary" @click="getVal('RB1905')">RB1905</el-button>

25 <el-button type="primary" @click="getVal('A1905')">A1905</el-button>

26 </div>

27 <div id="tv_chart_container"></div>


29 </body>

30 <!-- 先引入 Vue -->

31 <script src="/static/js/vue.min.js"></script>

32 <script src="/static/js/axios.min.js"></script>

33 <!-- 引入组件库 -->

34 <script src="/static/js/index.js"></script>

35 <script src=""></script>

36 <script type="text/javascript">


38 var host = window.location;


40 var vm = new Vue({

41 el: 'tv_chart_container',

42 mounted: function () {

43 var that = this;

44 that.chart_data = that.createChartData();

45 TradingView.onready(function () {

46 that.chart = window.tvWidget = new TradingView.widget({

47 symbol: 'M1905',

48 height: '900',

49 width: '1500',

50 interval: that.interval,

51 toolbar_bg: '#c5c5c8',

52 timezone: 'Asia/Shanghai',

53 time_frames: [

54 {text: "1h", resolution: "1"},

55 {text: "6h", resolution: "15"},

56 {text: "1d", resolution: "30"},

57 {text: "3d", resolution: "30"},

58 {text: "1w", resolution: "30"},

59 {text: "1m", resolution: "1D"},

60 {text: "3m", resolution: "1D"},

61 {text: "6m", resolution: "3D"},

62 {text: "1y", resolution: "1W"},

63 {text: "100y", resolution: "W", description: "All", title: "All"},

64 ],

65 container_id: 'tv_chart_container',

66 library_path: '/static/charting_library-master/charting_library/',

67 locale: 'zh',

68 //datafeed: new Datafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed(""),

69 datafeed: that.chart_data,

70 disabled_features: [

71 'volume_force_overlay',// 成交量与k线分离

72 //'header_symbol_search',// 允许搜索商品

73 ],

74 overrides: {

75 //'volumePaneSize': 'small', //成交量高度设置,可选值 large, medium, small, tiny

76 //'mainSeriesProperties.priceAxisProperties.autoScale':false,

77 //'mainSeriesProperties.priceLineColor': '#001bff',

78 //'mainSeriesProperties.priceLineWidth': 5,

79 }

80 });

81 that.chart.onChartReady(function () {

82 //that.chart.chart().createStudy('MA Cross', false, false); // K线图添加初始化曲线

83 });

84 });


86 },

87 data: function () {

88 return {

89 chart_data: null,

90 chart: null,

91 symbol:null,

92 symbolAndInterval: null,

93 dataBar: [],

94 interval: 'D',

95 inDayResolutions: ['1', '5', '15', '30'],

96 symInfo: [

97 {

98 "name": 'M1905',

99 "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",

100 "pricescale": 500,

101 "minmov": 1,

102 "ticker": 'M1905',

103 "description": "DIdontKnow",

104 "session": "0900-1630",

105 "type": "stock",

106 "has_intraday": true,

107 "intraday_multipliers": this.inDayResolutions,

108 "has_weekly_and_monthly": false,

109 },

110 {

111 "name": 'C1905',

112 "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",

113 "pricescale": 100,

114 "exchange": "NYSE",

115 "point": 2,

116 "minmov": 1,

117 "ticker": 'C1905',

118 "description": "BOEIGN CO",

119 "session": "24x7",

120 "type": "bitcoin",

121 "has_intraday": true,//是否具有日内分钟数据,为true 则所在周期在intraday_multipliers数组中提供

122 "intraday_multipliers": this.inDayResolutions,

123 "has_weekly_and_monthly": false,

124 "has_no_volume": false,

125 "regular_session": "24x7"

126 },

127 {

128 "name": 'A1905',

129 "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",

130 "pricescale": 100,

131 "exchange": "NYSE",

132 "point": 2,

133 "minmov": 1,

134 "ticker": 'A1905',

135 "description": "BOEIGN CO",

136 "session": "24x7",

137 "type": "bitcoin",

138 "has_intraday": true,//是否具有日内分钟数据,为true 则所在周期在intraday_multipliers数组中提供

139 "intraday_multipliers": this.inDayResolutions,

140 "has_weekly_and_monthly": false,

141 "has_no_volume": false,

142 "regular_session": "24x7"

143 },

144 {

145 "name": 'RB1905',

146 "timezone": "Asia/Shanghai",

147 "pricescale": 100,

148 "exchange": "NYSE",

149 "point": 2,

150 "minmov": 1,

151 "ticker": 'RB1905',

152 "description": "BOEIGN CO",

153 "session": "24x7",

154 "type": "bitcoin",

155 "has_intraday": true,//是否具有日内分钟数据,为true 则所在周期在intraday_multipliers数组中提供

156 "intraday_multipliers": this.inDayResolutions,

157 "has_weekly_and_monthly": false,

158 "has_no_volume": false,

159 "regular_session": "24x7"

160 },

161 ],

162 searchList: [

163 {

164 "symbol": "M1905",

165 "full_name": "NYSE:M1905",

166 "description": "BOEING CO",

167 "exchange": "Cboe BZX",

168 "ticker": "M1905",

169 "type": "stock"

170 },

171 {

172 "symbol": "C1905",

173 "full_name": "NYSE:C1905",

174 "description": "THE CHEMOURS COMPANY LLC",

175 "exchange": "Cboe BZX",

176 "ticker": "C1905",

177 "type": "stock"

178 },

179 {

180 "symbol": "RB1905",

181 "full_name": "NYSE:RB1905",

182 "description": "DOMINION ENERGY INC",

183 "exchange": "Cboe BZX",

184 "ticker": "RB1905",

185 "type": "stock"

186 },

187 {

188 "symbol": "A1905",

189 "full_name": "NYSE:A1905",

190 "description": "EL PASO ELECTRIC CO",

191 "exchange": "Cboe BZX",

192 "ticker": "A1905",

193 "type": "stock"

194 },

195 ],

196 supported_resolutions: ['1', '5', '15', '30', 'D', 'W', 'M'],

197 }

198 },

199 methods: {

200 createChartData: function () {

201 var that = this;

202 Datafeeds.Container = function () {

203 //this._configuration=configurationData

204 that._configuration = {

205 supports_search: false,

206 supports_group_request: false,

207 exchanges: [{value: 'DV', name: 'NYSE', desc: 'DeVry Education Group Inc.'}],

208 supported_resolutions: that.supported_resolutions,

209 supports_marks: false,

210 supports_time: false,

211 supports_timescale_marks: false,

212 symbols_types: [{name: 'Ny', value: 'dv'}],

213 }

214 }

215 Datafeeds.Container.prototype.onReady = function (callback) {

216 if (that._configuration) {

217 setTimeout(function () {

218 callback(that._configuration);

219 }, 1000);

220 }

221 }

222 Datafeeds.Container.prototype.resolveSymbol = function (symbolName, onSymbolResolvedCallback, onResolveErrorCallback) {

223 var symInfoTemp = null;

224 if (symbolName == 'M1905')

225 symInfoTemp = that.symInfo[0]

226 else if (symbolName == 'C1905')

227 symInfoTemp = that.symInfo[1];

228 else if (symbolName == 'A1905')

229 symInfoTemp = that.symInfo[2];

230 else symInfoTemp = that.symInfo[3];

231 setTimeout(function () {

232 onSymbolResolvedCallback(symInfoTemp);//商品信息

233 }, 0);

234 }

235 Datafeeds.Container.prototype.searchSymbols = function (userInput, exchange, symbolType, onResultReadyCallback) {

236 setTimeout(function () {

237 onResultReadyCallback(that.searchList);

238 }, 0)

239 }

240 Datafeeds.Container.prototype.getBars = function (symbolInfo, resolution, timeFrom, timeTo, onDataCallback) {

241 console.log("resolution: "+resolution);

242 console.log("timeFrom: "+timeFrom);

243 console.log("timeTo: "+timeTo);

244 that.interval = resolution;

245 that.symbol =;

246 that.changeSearch(that.symbol, that.interval, timeFrom, timeTo);

247 setTimeout(function () {

248 onDataCallback(that.dataBar);//商品数据

249 },1500);

250 }

251 Datafeeds.Container.prototype.subscribeBars = function (symbolInfo, resolution, onRealtimeCallback, subscriberUID, onResetCacheNeededCallback) {

252 }

253 Datafeeds.Container.prototype.unsubscribeBars = function (subscribeUID) {

254 }

255 return new Datafeeds.Container;

256 },

257 changeSearch: function (symbolName, resolution, timeFrom, timeTo) {

258 var that = this;

259'getChartData', {

260 symbolName: symbolName,

261 resolution: resolution,

262 timeFrom: timeFrom,

263 timeTo: timeTo,

264 }).then(res => {

265 if( == "success"){

266 var chartData =;

267 that.dataBar.splice(0, that.dataBar.length);

268 for (var i = 0; i < chartData.chartDataTime.length; i++) {

269 var time = chartData.chartDataTime[i];

270 var high = chartData.chartDataHigh[i];

271 var low = chartData.chartDataLow[i];

272 var close = chartData.chartDataClose[i];

273 var open = chartData.chartDataOpen[i];

274 var volume = chartData.chartDataVolume[i];

275 that.dataBar.push({

276 time: time,

277 close: close,

278 open: open,

279 high: high,

280 low: low,

281 volume: volume

282 })

283 }

284 }

285 });


287 },


289 },

290 watch: {

291 symbol: function(val){

292 var that = this;

293 that.chart.setSymbol(that.symbol, that.interval, function () {


295 });

296 }

297 }

298 });

299 var ap = {

300 data: function () {

301 return {


303 }

304 },

305 methods: {

306 getVal: function (symbol) {

307 vm.symbol = symbol;

308 }

309 }

310 };

311 var Ctor = Vue.extend(ap);

312 new Ctor().$mount('#app');


314 </script>

315 <style>

316 #app{

317 float: right;

318 margin-right: 10%;

319 }

320 </style>

321 </html>


 工作需要,点击按钮进行切换商品: 如图

以上是 vue 中 使用 tradingview 的全部内容, 来源链接:
