Vue北京 | 构建Serverless应用


Vue Beijing | Build your serverless applications

活动介绍 | About This Event

hi, 你听说过serverless吗?什么是serverless? 为什么我要知道serverless?我怎么在项目中应用serverless?如果你跟我一样对serverless有这么多疑问,来参加我们周日的线上活动吧! 我们将一一解答。

Vue Beijing 这次带来线上的workshop, 给大家介绍serverless相关的知识并带领大家一起用serverless技术实现一个简单的应用。

Have you heard about serverless? what is serverless? why should I know about serverlss? How can I apply serverless for my projects? Here is the event for you !!

Vue Beijing Meetup presents an Intro to serverless online Workshop that will equip you with the knowledge you need to get you started with using serverless to build and deploy application by serverless.

时间地点| Time and Address

会议日期:2020年3月29日 | SUNDAY 29th March, 2020

会议时间:3:00PM - 4:30PM


Meeting ID: 532 488 240

Password: 814651

面向人群:初级到中级 ( Beginner - Intermediate )

嘉宾介绍 | Instructor

Authing 全栈工程师 Full-stack Engineer

高鹏洋是一名全栈工程师,目前就职于Authing, 曾就职于中科红旗,负责容器云研发。曾参与中国移动 HA 系统研发,Acmer,CNCF 贡献者,郑州 TFUG 组织者。

Pengyang Gao is a full-stack engineer at Authing. He used to work on container cloud development at Zhong Ke Hong Qi. As a community enthusiast , he was the organizer of TFUG(TensorFlow User Group) at Zhengzhou.

合作伙伴 | Sponsors and Partners

联系我们 | Contact us

Email: [email protected]

Phone: Jonathan - 15510170074 | Anne: 13366649007


关于主办方 | About us

Vue Beijing是一个诞生于北京的、由一群 Vue.js 开发者自发成立的组织。 其旨在将热情的Vue.js开发人员联系起来共同学习和成长。在北京这座城市中,围绕Vue.js开发进行的线下社区活动比较少见。正是这一点激发了 Vue Beijing 创始人们(组织者们)彼此联系在一起,并慢慢建立起所有这些他们以前一直认为这里所缺少的事物。 自从Vue Beijing于今年年初成立以来,他们就有一个坚定不移的目标:通过倡导Vue.js框架的学习和使用和赋能未来新一代的创造者们将各行各业的人们召集在一起。

Vue Beijing is a grassroots organization born in Beijing to connect passionate developers to learn and grow together. The lack of communities around development in the city has inspired their founders to reach out and slowly build what they always felt was missing. Since their founding earlier this year, their goal has been to bring people from all walks of life together by championing the Vue.js framework and empowering a new generation of future creators.

以上是 Vue北京 | 构建Serverless应用 的全部内容, 来源链接:
