


1个定义System Testing is the testing which basically validates the functionality of product developed. Also this testing covers the behavioural as well as functional testing as per the document provided to the tester for testing.另一方面,验收测试是用于检查软件是否满足客户要求的测试类型。它基本上涵盖了客户在产品开发之前提供的验收标准。
2表演者In general System testing is done by developers as well as testers.对于验收测试,它是由测试人员,利益相关者以及客户来完成的。
3覆盖范围System Testing covers the module basis testing as well as integration testing with multiple modules.另一方面,验收测试涵盖alpha和beta测试,这意味着它在双方(即交付方和客户方)进行。
4执行顺序System testing is generally done after development and before delivery of the product.另一方面,验收测试是在系统测试和产品交付之后进行的。
5测试用例In System Testing since it is performed by group of testers, it would contain more negative test cases.另一方面,验收测试包含更多的积极测试案例。
6输入项All the possible dummy inputs are used in System Testing.另一方面,在验收测试中,使用所有可能的随机输入。

以上是 系统测试和验收测试之间的区别。 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/358866.html
