


当然了,C语言库函数:localtime就可以获得一个时间戳对应的具体日期了,这里 主要说的是实现的一种算法。


int nTime = time(NULL);//得到当前系统时间

int nDays = nTime/DAYMS + 1;//time函数获取的是从1970年以来的毫秒数,因此需要先得到天数

int nYear4 = nDays/FOURYEARS;//得到从1970年以来的周期(4年)的次数

int nRemain = nDays%FOURYEARS;//得到不足一个周期的天数

int nDesYear = 1970 + nYear4*4;

int nDesMonth = 0, nDesDay = 0;

bool bLeapYear = false;

if ( nRemain<365 )//一个周期内,第一年



else if ( nRemain<(365+365) )//一个周期内,第二年


nDesYear += 1;

nRemain -= 365;


else if ( nRemain<(365+365+365) )//一个周期内,第三年


nDesYear += 2;

nRemain -= (365+365);




nDesYear += 3;

nRemain -= (365+365+365);

bLeapYear = true;


GetMonthAndDay(nRemain, nDesMonth, nDesDay, bLeapYear);


static const int MON1[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; //平年

static const int MON2[12] = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; //闰年

static const int FOURYEARS = (366 + 365 +365 +365); //每个四年的总天数

static const int DAYMS = 24*3600; //每天的毫秒数

void GetMonthAndDay(int nDays, int& nMonth, int& nDay, bool IsLeapYear)


int *pMonths = IsLeapYear?MON2:MON1;


for ( int i=0; i<12; ++i )


int nTemp = nDays - pMonths[i];

if ( nTemp<=0 )


nMonth = i+1;

if ( nTemp == 0 )//表示刚好是这个月的最后一天,那么天数就是这个月的总天数了

nDay = pMonths[i];


nDay = nDays;



nDays = nTemp;




<pre name="code" class="cpp">/***

*errno_t _gmtime32_s(ptm, timp) - convert *timp to a structure (UTC)



* Converts the calendar time value, in 32 bit internal format, to

* broken-down time (tm structure) with the corresponding UTC time.



* const time_t *timp - pointer to time_t value to convert



* errno_t = 0 success

* tm members filled-in

* errno_t = non zero

* tm members initialized to -1 if ptm != NULL





errno_t __cdecl _gmtime32_s (

struct tm *ptm,

const __time32_t *timp



__time32_t caltim;/* = *timp; *//* calendar time to convert */

int islpyr = 0; /* is-current-year-a-leap-year flag */

REG1 int tmptim;

REG3 int *mdays;/* pointer to days or lpdays */

struct tm *ptb = ptm;


memset( ptm, 0xff, sizeof( struct tm ) );


caltim = *timp;



* Determine years since 1970. First, identify the four-year interval

* since this makes handling leap-years easy (note that 2000 IS a

* leap year and 2100 is out-of-range).


tmptim = (int)(caltim / _FOUR_YEAR_SEC);

caltim -= ((__time32_t)tmptim * _FOUR_YEAR_SEC);


* Determine which year of the interval


tmptim = (tmptim * 4) + 70; /* 1970, 1974, 1978,...,etc. */

if ( caltim >= _YEAR_SEC ) {

tmptim++; /* 1971, 1975, 1979,...,etc. */

caltim -= _YEAR_SEC;

if ( caltim >= _YEAR_SEC ) {

tmptim++; /* 1972, 1976, 1980,...,etc. */

caltim -= _YEAR_SEC;


* Note, it takes 366 days-worth of seconds to get past a leap

* year.


if ( caltim >= (_YEAR_SEC + _DAY_SEC) ) {

tmptim++; /* 1973, 1977, 1981,...,etc. */

caltim -= (_YEAR_SEC + _DAY_SEC);


else {


* In a leap year after all, set the flag.







* tmptim now holds the value for tm_year. caltim now holds the

* number of elapsed seconds since the beginning of that year.


ptb->tm_year = tmptim;


* Determine days since January 1 (0 - 365). This is the tm_yday value.

* Leave caltim with number of elapsed seconds in that day.


ptb->tm_yday = (int)(caltim / _DAY_SEC);

caltim -= (__time32_t)(ptb->tm_yday) * _DAY_SEC;


* Determine months since January (0 - 11) and day of month (1 - 31)


if ( islpyr )

mdays = _lpdays;


mdays = _days;

for ( tmptim = 1 ; mdays[tmptim] < ptb->tm_yday ; tmptim++ ) ;

ptb->tm_mon = --tmptim;

ptb->tm_mday = ptb->tm_yday - mdays[tmptim];


* Determine days since Sunday (0 - 6)


ptb->tm_wday = ((int)(*timp / _DAY_SEC) + _BASE_DOW) % 7;


* Determine hours since midnight (0 - 23), minutes after the hour

* (0 - 59), and seconds after the minute (0 - 59).


ptb->tm_hour = (int)(caltim / 3600);

caltim -= (__time32_t)ptb->tm_hour * 3600L;

ptb->tm_min = (int)(caltim / 60);

ptb->tm_sec = (int)(caltim - (ptb->tm_min) * 60);

ptb->tm_isdst = 0;

return 0;



以上是 C语言实现时间戳转日期的算法(推荐) 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/z/325463.html
