数学作为高考必考科目之一,对于考生来说是一个必须认真备考的科目。本文将从历年河北高考数学真题入手,对考试难度进行分析,为考生备战高考提供必要的指导。1. 难度趋势分析从历年来看,河北高考数学难度整体呈现出逐年增加的趋势。特别是近几年,试题难度较往年都有所增加,而且难度系数波动较大。2. 试题类型分析河北高考数学试题类型较为丰富,涵盖了代数、几何、概率等多个方面。其中,代数题目数量较多,难...
2024-02-27投资模拟器高考答案大全 考试数独拼图题目答案汇总
Choose twoExamine this SQL statement:DELETE FROM employees eWHERE EXISTS(SELECT "dummy"FROM emp_historyWHERE employee_id = e.employee_id)Which two are true?A) The subquery is executed for every row in the EMPLOYEES table.B) The subquery is not a correlated...
Choose two.Which two statements are true about single row functions?A) CONCAT : can be used to combine any number of valuesB) MOD : returns the quotient of a division operationC) CEIL : can be used for positive and negative numbersD) FLOOR : returns the sm...
choose two.You need to calculate the number of days from 1st January 2019 until today.Dates are stored in the default format of DD-MON-RR.Which two queries give the required output?A) SELECT SYSDATE - TO_DATE (" 01-JANUARY-2019" ) FROM DUAL;B) SELECT TO_DA...
Choose threeWhich three statements are true about sequences in a single instance Orade database?A) A sequence"s unallocated cached values are lost if the instance shuts down.B) Two or more tables cannot have keys generated from the same sequence.C) A seque...
Choose two.Which two statements are true about the results of using the INTERSECT operator in compound queres?A) Reversing the order of the intersected tables can sometimes affect the output.B) Column names in each SELECT in the compound query can be dffer...
Choose two.Which two statements are true about the DUAL table?A) It can display multiple rows and columns.B) It can be accessed only by the SYS user.C) It can be accessed by any user who has the SELECT privilege in any schemaD) It can display multiple rows...
choose threeThe ORDERS table has a primary key constraint on the ORDER_ID column.The ORDER_ITEMS table has a foreign key constraint on the ORDER_ID column,referencing the primary key of the ORDERS table.The constraint is defined with on DELETE CASCADE.Ther...
Choose twoExanine the desatption of the BOOKS_TRANSACTIONS tableName Null? Type----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSACTION_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(6)TRANSACTION_TYPE VARCHAR...
Choose the best answerExamine the description of the PRODUCT_INFORMATION table:Name NULL? Type------------------------------------------------------------------------PROD_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2)PROD_NANE VARCRAR2 (10)LIST_PRICE ...