

Date  Time          Flow Value

2009/10/22 04:00:00.0 0

2009/10/22 04:00:16.2 23

2009/10/22 04:00:20.6 34

2009/10/22 04:00:39.7 95

2009/10/22 04:00:41.7 97

2009/10/22 04:01:15.1 110

2009/10/22 04:03:17.0 95

2009/10/22 04:06:53.8 82

2009/10/22 04:26:50.7 77

2009/10/22 04:36:50.8 76

2009/10/22 04:46:51.7 72

2009/10/22 04:56:52.2 74

2009/10/22 05:16:52.7 72

2009/10/22 05:26:53.2 70

2009/10/22 05:36:22.1 84

2009/10/22 05:46:16.3 81

2009/10/22 05:56:16.2 75

2009/10/22 06:16:17.3 73

2009/10/22 06:26:16.9 75

2009/10/22 06:36:17.7 71

2009/10/22 06:57:38.7 57

2009/10/22 06:57:48.9 44

2009/10/22 06:57:53.4 28

2009/10/22 06:57:55.3 12

2009/10/22 07:07:55.1 0




time  diff volume

00:00:04.4 101.20

00:00:19.1 649.40

00:00:02.0 190.00

00:00:33.5 3249.50

00:02:01.9 13409.00

00:03:36.8 20596.00

00:19:56.9 98145.80

00:10:00.1 46207.70

00:10:00.9 45668.40

00:10:00.5 43236.00

00:20:00.5 88837.00

00:10:00.5 13521.60

该小时(从凌晨4点到凌晨5点)的总灌溉量为:373811.6立方米的水除以3600 = 103.8365556



该答案假定您正在使用SQL Server。您的样本“第一个小时”实际上包含的内容比第一个小时还多;它应该在我认为的00:10:00.1行之后停止。



StartDate = prev.date

, EndDate = cur.date

, Milliseconds = datediff(ms,prev.date,cur.date)

, Volume = datediff(ms,prev.date,cur.date) / 1000.0 * prev.flow

from @flow cur

inner join @flow prev

on prev.date < cur.date

left join @flow inbetween

on prev.date < inbetween.date

and inbetween.date < cur.date

where inbetween.date is null


select date, flow

from @flow


-- Add end of hour

select DATEADD(Hour, DATEDIFF(Hour, 0, date)+1, 0), flow

from @flow

where date in (select max(date) from @flow group by datepart(hh,date))


;with FlowWithHourBounds as (

select date, flow

from @flow


-- Add end of hour

select DATEADD(Hour, DATEDIFF(Hour, 0, date)+1, 0), flow

from @flow

where date in (

select max(date) from @flow group by datepart(hh,date))


, FlowPerPeriod as (


StartDate = prev.date

, EndDate = cur.date

, Milliseconds = datediff(ms,prev.date,cur.date)

, Volume = datediff(ms,prev.date,cur.date) / 1000.0 * prev.flow

from FlowWithHourBounds cur

inner join FlowWithHourBounds prev

on prev.date < cur.date

left join FlowWithHourBounds inbetween

on prev.date < inbetween.date

and inbetween.date < cur.date

where inbetween.date is null


select datepart(hh,StartDate), sum(Volume)

from FlowPerPeriod

group by datepart(hh,StartDate)


hour volume

4 285340,5

5 273288,5

6 255408,3

7 5701,2


declare @flow table ([date] datetime, flow float)

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:00:00.0', 0 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:00:16.2', 23 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:00:20.6', 34 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:00:39.7', 95 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:00:41.7', 97 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:01:15.1', 110)

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:03:17.0', 95 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:06:53.8', 82 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:26:50.7', 77 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:36:50.8', 76 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:46:51.7', 72 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 04:56:52.2', 74 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 05:16:52.7', 72 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 05:26:53.2', 70 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 05:36:22.1', 84 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 05:46:16.3', 81 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 05:56:16.2', 75 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 06:16:17.3', 73 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 06:26:16.9', 75 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 06:36:17.7', 71 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 06:57:38.7', 57 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 06:57:48.9', 44 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 06:57:53.4', 28 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 06:57:55.3', 12 )

insert into @flow values ('2009/10/22 07:07:55.1', 0 )

以上是 SQL函数对特定时间段内的值求和/总计 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/425467.html
