将“ Count(*)”占“ GROUP BY”中所有项目数的百分比

比方说,我需要有 的,以“所有项目的数量”,“从某些类别的商品数量”。请考虑这样的MySQL表:


mysql> select * from Item;


| ID | Department | Category |


| 1 | Popular | Rock |

| 2 | Classical | Opera |

| 3 | Popular | Jazz |

| 4 | Classical | Dance |

| 5 | Classical | General |

| 6 | Classical | Vocal |

| 7 | Popular | Blues |

| 8 | Popular | Jazz |

| 9 | Popular | Country |

| 10 | Popular | New Age |

| 11 | Popular | New Age |

| 12 | Classical | General |

| 13 | Classical | Dance |

| 14 | Classical | Opera |

| 15 | Popular | Blues |

| 16 | Popular | Blues |


16 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> SELECT Category, COUNT(*) AS Total

-> FROM Item

-> WHERE Department='Popular'

-> GROUP BY Category;


| Category | Total |


| Blues | 3 |

| Country | 1 |

| Jazz | 2 |

| New Age | 2 |

| Rock | 1 |


5 rows in set (0.02 sec)





| Category | Total | percentage to the all items | (Note that number of all available items is "9")


| Blues | 3 | 33 | (3/9)*100

| Country | 1 | 11 | (1/9)*100

| Jazz | 2 | 22 | (2/9)*100

| New Age | 2 | 22 | (2/9)*100

| Rock | 1 | 11 | (1/9)*100


5 rows in set (0.02 sec)


如何在 获得这样的结果集?



SELECT Category, COUNT(*) AS Total , (COUNT(*) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Item WHERE Department='Popular')) * 100 AS 'Percentage to all items', 


WHERE Department='Popular'

GROUP BY Category;


以上是 将“ Count(*)”占“ GROUP BY”中所有项目数的百分比 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/420975.html
