

 public class cfiltering {


* @param args


//remember this is just a reference

//this is a 2d matrix i.e. user*movie

private static int user_movie_matrix[][];

//remember this is just a reference

//this is a 2d matrix i.e. user*user and contains

//the similarity score for every pair of users.

private float user_user_matrix[][];

public cfiltering()


//this is default constructor, which just creates the following:

//ofcourse you need to overload the constructor so that it takes in the dimensions

//this is 2d matrix of size 1*1

user_movie_matrix=new int[1][1];

//this is 2d matrix of size 1*1

user_user_matrix=new float[1][1];


public cfiltering(int height, int width)


user_movie_matrix=new int[height][width];

user_user_matrix=new float[height][height];


public static void main(String[] args) {

//1.0 this is where you open/read file

//2.0 read dimensions of number of users and number of movies

//3.0 create a 2d matrix i.e. user_movie_matrix with the above dimensions.

//4.0 you are welcome to overload constructors i.e. create new ones.

//5.0 create a function called calculate_similarity_score

//you are free to define the signature of the function

//The above function calculates similarity score for every pair of users

//6.0 create a new function that prints out the contents of user_user_matrix



//fileinputstream just reads in raw bytes.

FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("inputfile.txt");

//because fstream is just bytes, and what we really need is characters, we need

//to convert the bytes into characters. This is done by InputStreamReader.

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));

int numberOfUsers=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

int numberOfMovies=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

//Now you have numberOfUsers and numberOfMovies to create your first object.

//this object will initialize the user_movie_matrix and user_user_matrix.

new cfiltering(numberOfUsers, numberOfMovies);

//this is a blankline being read


String row;

int userNo = 0;

while ((row = br.readLine()) != null)


//now lets read the matrix from the file

String allRatings[]=row.split(" ");

int movieNo = 0;

for (String singleRating:allRatings)


int rating=Integer.parseInt(singleRating);

//now you can start populating your user_movie_matrix



++ movieNo;


++ userNo;



catch(Exception e)










以上是 Eclipse错误:“编辑器不包含主类型” 的全部内容, 来源链接:
