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public static void play(File[] files)


// local vars

byte[] b; // array for the actual audio Data during the playback

AudioTrack track; // track we are playing atm

AudioFormat af; // the track's format

SourceDataLine line; // the line we'll use the get our audio to the speaker's

Decoder dec; // decoder to get the audio bytes

Frame frame; //

SampleBuffer buf; //

int currentTrack; // index of current track from playlist

MP4Container cont; // container to open the current track with

Movie movie; // and get the content from the container



// for-next loop to play each titel from the playlist once

for (currentTrack = 0; currentTrack < files.length; currentTrack++)


cont = new MP4Container(new RandomAccessFile(files[currentTrack], "r")); // open titel with random access

movie = cont.getMovie(); // get content from container,

List<Track> content = movie.getTracks();

if (content.isEmpty()) // check if container HAS content

throw new Exception ("insert error message here"); // if so,

track = (AudioTrack) movie.getTracks().get(0); // grab first track and set the audioformat

af = new AudioFormat(track.getSampleRate(), track.getSampleSize(), track.getChannelCount(), true, true);

line = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine(af); // get a DataLine from the AudioSystem; // open and

line.start(); // start it

dec = new Decoder(track.getDecoderSpecificInfo());

buf = new SampleBuffer();

while(track.hasMoreFrames()) // while we have frames left


frame = track.readNextFrame(); // read next frame,

dec.decodeFrame(frame.getData(), buf); // decode it and put into the buffer

b = buf.getData(); // write the frame data from the buffer to our byte-array

line.write(b, 0, b.length); // and from there write the byte array into our open AudioSystem DataLine

while (paused) // check if we should pause


Thread.sleep(500); // if yes, stay half a second

if (Thread.interrupted()) // check if we should stop possibly


line.close(); // if yes, close line and

return; // exit thread



if (Thread.interrupted()) // if not in pause, still check on each frame if we should

{ // stop. If so

line.close(); // close line and

return; // exit thread



line.close(); // after titel is over, close line

if (loop) // if we should loop current titel, set currentTrack -1,

currentTrack--; // as on bottom of for-next it get's +1 and so the same titel get's played again

else if (repeat && (currentTrack == files.length -1)) // else check if we are at the end of the playlist

currentTrack = -1; // and should repeat the whole list. If so, set currentTrack -1, so it get's 0 on for-next bottom



catch (LineUnavailableException | IOException | InterruptedException e)





以上是 Java播放AAC编码的音频(JAAD解码器) 的全部内容, 来源链接:
