使用JSON将嵌套对象发布到Spring MVC控制器
@RequestMapping(value="/ajax/saveVendor.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @Valid UIVendor vendor,
BindingResult result,
Locale currentLocale )
var vendor = {
vendorId: 123,
vendorName: "ABC Company",
emails : [
{ emailAddress: "abc123@abc.com", flags: 2 },
{ emailAddress: "xyz@abc.com", flags: 3 }
UIVendor bean有一个名为ArrayList类型的“电子邮件”字段,带有适当的设置器和获取器(getEmails / setEmails)。NotificationEmail对象也具有适当的公共设置器/获取器。
$.post("ajax/saveVendor.do", $.param(vendor), saveEntityCallback, "json" );
Invalid property 'emails[0][emailAddress]' of bean class [beans.UIVendor]: Property referenced in indexed property path 'emails[0][emailAddress]' is neither an array nor a List nor a Map; returned value was [abc123@abc.com]
UPDATE 根据Bohzo的请求,这是UIVendor类的内容。此类包装由Web服务生成的Bean类,将VendorAttributes公开为单独的字段:
package com.mycompany.beans;import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang.*;
import com.mycompany.domain.Vendor;
import com.mycompany.domain.VendorAttributes;
import org.apache.commons.logging.*;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore;
public class UIVendor
private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog( this.getClass() );
private Vendor vendor;
private boolean ftpFlag;
private String ftpHost;
private String ftpPath;
private String ftpUser;
private String ftpPassword;
private List<UINotificationEmail> emails = null;
public UIVendor() { this( new Vendor() ); }
public UIVendor( Vendor vendor )
this.vendor = vendor;
private void loadVendorAttributes()
this.ftpFlag = false;
this.ftpHost = this.ftpPassword = this.ftpPath = this.ftpUser = "";
this.emails = null;
for ( VendorAttributes a : this.vendor.getVendorAttributes() )
String key = a.getVendorFakey();
String value = a.getVendorFaValue();
int flags = a.getFlags();
if ( StringUtils.isBlank(key) || StringUtils.isBlank(value) ) continue;
if ( key.equals( "ftpFlag" ) )
this.ftpFlag = BooleanUtils.toBoolean( value );
else if ( key.equals( "ftpHost" ) )
this.ftpHost = value;
else if ( key.equals("ftpPath") )
this.ftpPath = value;
else if ( key.equals("ftpUser") )
this.ftpUser = value;
else if ( key.equals("ftpPassword") )
this.ftpPassword = value;
else if ( key.equals("email") )
UINotificationEmail email = new UINotificationEmail(value, flags);
this.getEmails().add( email );
private void saveVendorAttributes()
int id = this.vendor.getVendorId();
List<VendorAttributes> attrs = this.vendor.getVendorAttributes();
if ( this.ftpFlag )
VendorAttributes flag = new VendorAttributes();
flag.setVendorId( id );
flag.setStatus( "A" );
flag.setVendorFakey( "ftpFlag" );
flag.setVendorFaValue( BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse( this.ftpFlag ) );
attrs.add( flag );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpHost ) )
VendorAttributes host = new VendorAttributes();
host.setVendorId( id );
host.setStatus( "A" );
host.setVendorFakey( "ftpHost" );
host.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpHost );
attrs.add( host );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpPath ) )
VendorAttributes path = new VendorAttributes();
path.setVendorId( id );
path.setStatus( "A" );
path.setVendorFakey( "ftpPath" );
path.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpPath );
attrs.add( path );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpUser ) )
VendorAttributes user = new VendorAttributes();
user.setVendorId( id );
user.setStatus( "A" );
user.setVendorFakey( "ftpUser" );
user.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpUser );
attrs.add( user );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( this.ftpPassword ) )
VendorAttributes password = new VendorAttributes();
password.setVendorId( id );
password.setStatus( "A" );
password.setVendorFakey( "ftpPassword" );
password.setVendorFaValue( this.ftpPassword );
attrs.add( password );
for ( UINotificationEmail e : this.getEmails() )
logger.debug("Adding email " + e );
VendorAttributes email = new VendorAttributes();
email.setStatus( "A" );
email.setVendorFakey( "email" );
email.setVendorFaValue( e.getEmailAddress() );
email.setFlags( e.getFlags() );
email.setVendorId( id );
attrs.add( email );
public Vendor getVendor()
return this.vendor;
public int getVendorId()
return this.vendor.getVendorId();
public void setVendorId( int vendorId )
this.vendor.setVendorId( vendorId );
public String getVendorType()
return this.vendor.getVendorType();
public void setVendorType( String vendorType )
this.vendor.setVendorType( vendorType );
public String getVendorName()
return this.vendor.getVendorName();
public void setVendorName( String vendorName )
this.vendor.setVendorName( vendorName );
public String getStatus()
return this.vendor.getStatus();
public void setStatus( String status )
this.vendor.setStatus( status );
public boolean isFtpFlag()
return this.ftpFlag;
public void setFtpFlag( boolean ftpFlag )
this.ftpFlag = ftpFlag;
public String getFtpHost()
return this.ftpHost;
public void setFtpHost( String ftpHost )
this.ftpHost = ftpHost;
public String getFtpPath()
return this.ftpPath;
public void setFtpPath( String ftpPath )
this.ftpPath = ftpPath;
public String getFtpUser()
return this.ftpUser;
public void setFtpUser( String ftpUser )
this.ftpUser = ftpUser;
public String getFtpPassword()
return this.ftpPassword;
public void setFtpPassword( String ftpPassword )
this.ftpPassword = ftpPassword;
public List<UINotificationEmail> getEmails()
if ( this.emails == null )
this.emails = new ArrayList<UINotificationEmail>();
return emails;
public void setEmails(List<UINotificationEmail> emails)
this.emails = emails;
UPDATE 2 Here’s the output from Jackson.:
{ "vendorName":"MAIL",
{ "vendorId":"45",
更新:从Spring 3.1开始,可以在@RequestBody控制器方法参数中使用@Valid。
@RequestMapping(value=”/ajax/saveVendor.do”, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @Valid @RequestBody UIVendor vendor,
BindingResult result,
Locale currentLocale )
@RequestMapping(value=”/ajax/saveVendor.do”, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @Valid UIVendor vendor,
BindingResult result,
Locale currentLocale )
客户端脚本必须以后数据(通常为“ application / x-www-form-urlencoded”)格式(即field = value&field2 = value2)传递对象中的字段。这是在jQuery中完成的,如下所示:
$.post( “mycontroller.do”, $.param(object), callback, “json” )
@RequestMapping(value=”/ajax/saveVendor.do”, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody AjaxResponse saveVendor( @RequestBody UIVendor vendor,
Locale currentLocale )
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify( objecdt ),
success: callback,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json"
} );
这需要使用JSON javascript库。它还将contentType强制为“ application / json”,这是Spring在使用@RequestBody批注时所期望的,并将对象序列化为Jackson可以反序列化为有效对象结构的格式。
BindingResult result = new BeanPropertyBindingResult( object, “MyObject” );
Validator validator = new MyObjectValidator();
validator.validate( object, result );
以上是 使用JSON将嵌套对象发布到Spring MVC控制器 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/402004.html